The soup Tonkotsu ramen uses is rather thick with rich aroma of broth made from a huge amount of pork bones boiled in hot temperatures for quite a amount of time.
broth はだしです。pork豚のbone骨からbrothだしを取ったラーメンなので質問のとおりPork bone broth ramenと答えてもOKです。
This is a Japanese soup made from boiling pork bones over a long period of time (up to 18 hours). Tonkotsu ramen may be found all over Japan. However outside of Japan tonkotsu ramen is normally only found in Japanese restaurants. It has a white creamy consistency. This is created from the fat on the bone. May be served with noodles and extra vegetables and pork belly meat cuts. Extremely tasty.
Tonkotsu Ramen is the formal name for it, it is made with pig trotters and pig leg bones.
Also in the UK, when we are referring to pig in a food sense, we call it pork. So instead of pig-ramen, it would appear as pork-ramen on a menu, or more likely, Tonkotsu ramen.
The soup consists of noodles and a fragrant, rich, and salty broth made from pork bone. This is a popular dish in Japan and is enjoyed by many around the world. One may choose to add toppings such as vegetables, boiled egg, or selected pork cuts. The dish may vary depending on where in the world it is prepared.
豚骨 = pork bone
ラーメン = ramen
When talking about food we don't always translate the name from Japanese to English. You can hear "tonkotsu ramen" in shops in Toronto, but often under the name you will see an explanation, too. "Pork bone ramen" is a good way to explain the flavour.
豚骨 = pork bone
ラーメン = ramen
トロントのお店で "tonkotsu ramen"(豚骨ラーメン)と言う言葉を聞くことがありますよ。
"Pork bone ramen" (豚骨ラーメン)
①豚骨ラーメン=Tonkotsu Ramen でいいでしょう!
ちなみに,What kind of noodole do you like? と聞かれて「豚骨ラーメンが好きです」と答えるときは、I like Tonkotsu Ramen. ”a"はいりません。 食べ物の名前をあらわすときは通常、その食べ物の名前だけで表しましょう。
②「豚の骨の汁の麺」というような意味になりますが、豚骨ラーメンを知らない方にお話しする時は分かりやすいかもしれませんね。 例えば。。I like Tonkotus Ramen which is pork bone broth noodle ! のように。
③"I like Tonkotsu Ramen which is the noodles in rich and creamy broth!" 「私は豚骨ラーメンが好きです。濃くてこってりした汁の麺です。」 rich = 様々な味がある深い味 creamy=とろりとしたもの broth =汁 thick=濃い white=白い
You want to explain what Japanese 'tonkotsu ramen' is. The above suggestion is a UK equivalent meaning, although such dish is quite uncommon here.
'John regularly enjoys noodles in a pork bone soup.'
'John regularly enjoys noodles in a pork bone soup.'(ジョンはよくとんこつラーメンを食べます)