世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/05/20 10:08
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  • Landscape or portrait?

Landscape or horizontal and portrait is vertical.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like the vertical (view/angle) or the horizontal (view/angle)?

  • Should I take the vertical (view/angle) or the horizontal (view/angle)?

1番目は「(あなたは)~が欲しいですか?」という表現で 2番目は「(私は)~をすればいいですか?」と、主語によって動詞が異なります。 その後は同じで the vertical (view / angle) は直訳すると「垂直な(ビュー/角度」 the horizontal (view / angle) は「水平な(ビュー/角度」となり、 カメラの場合の縦横は vertical と horizontal で表現します。 お役に立てば幸いです☆
  • Landscape or portrait mode?

  • Would you like a wide picture or an upright picture.

Landscape mode = the bottom of the picture is longer than the sides of the picture. Portrait mode = The sides of the picture are longer than the bottom of the picture Wide picture = the bottom of the picture is longer than the sides of the picture Upright picture = The sides of the picture are longer than the bottom of the picture
Landscape mode =横が縦よりも長いもの Portrait mode =縦が横よりも長いもの Wide picture = 横が縦より長い写真 Upright picture = =縦が横よりも長い写真
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Should I take the picture landscape or portrait?

  • Should I take the picture horizontally or vertically?

Landscape is the same as horizontal, and portrait is the same as vertical.
landscape' は「horizontal(水平の)」と同じ意味で、'portrait' は「vertical(縦の, 垂直の)」と同じ意味です。
Sophia N DMM英会話講師
  • Which way would you like me to take the picture?

  • Would you like it Horizontal or vertical?

  • Would you like it Landscape or Portrait?

"Which way" asks them how you should hold the camera. You can use Horizontal or Landscape. You can say Vertical or Portrait they have the same meaning.
"Which wayでどの様にカメラを持つかを尋ねています。 You can use Horizontal or Landscape. You can say Vertical or Portrait 両方共同じ意味を表す表現です。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like me to take the picture in portrait or landscape?

  • Portrait or landscape?

  • Do you want it in a vertical or horizontal format?

Would you like me to take the picture in portrait or landscape?/Portrait or landscape? - We usually say portrait for vertical and landscape for horizontal. You can use a full sentence but most English speakers will understand you if you simply ask 'Portrait of landscape?'. Do you want it in a vertical or horizontal format? - Maybe you will have a situation in which you are speaking with a non native speaker of English who doesn't understand what portrait and landscape mean in the context of photography. In such a situation, this question is appropriate.
Would you like me to take the picture in portrait or landscape?/Portrait or landscape? portraitは垂直方向、landscapeは水平方向を意味する表現です。 Portrait of landscape?といえばほとんどの英語圏の人々は理解することができます。 Do you want it in a vertical or horizontal format? 写真撮影における「portrait」と「landscape」の意味を理解しない非英語圏の人々と話す時は、このような尋ね方が適切です。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like the picture taken portrait/landscape?

  • What way would you like me to take the picture?

Both would be fine to ask how to take the picture Portrait - vertical ( standing up ) Landscape - Horizontal ( across the way) If you asked "would you like me to take the picture portrait or landscape?" they would know what you mean
上記例文はどちらとも「どのように写真を撮るか」について聞くときに使えます。 ●Portrait➔縦向き ●Landscape➔横向き ”Would you like me to take the picture portrait or landscape?" (写真は縦向きにしますか?横向きにしますか?) と聞けば、十分に伝わります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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