世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


 会話中に、異音がして話が途切れたけど「どうぞ、話を続けて下さい。」 お互い初対面の会話、フォーマルシチュエーションです。
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2017/05/21 15:51
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  • Please go on.

continue を使っても問題はないと思いますが、わたしがネイティヴとの電話で何度も聞いたのがこの Go on. というフレーズです。 今回はフォーマルな状況ですので、当然あたまに Please を付けて言いましょう。
  • Sorry about that, Please continue.

  • Sorry, where were we?

"Sorry about that" apologies for you been distracted and "please continue" asks them politely to carry on. "Sorry, where we we?" Apologies for been distracted and shows your attention is now back on the conversation.
"Sorry about that 会話がとぎれたことを謝る表現です。 please continue 相手に会話を続けるように丁寧に頼んでいます。 Sorry, where were we 会話が途切れたことを誤り、あなたの注意が会話に戻っていることを 示しています。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Shall we continue?

  • Sorry for the interruption, please continue.

Polite and business way of carrying on the conversation.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • Please go on with your story.

  • By all means, do go on with your story.

  • Please continue your story.

These are formal ways of continuing a conversation.
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • Apologies for the interruption. You were saying?

  • Excuse the interruption, please carry on.

  • You may continue.

First apologise for the fact that the person was not allowed to continue speaking, then indicate that they may continue / carry on.
最初の文は、話し続けることを許さなかった(話を遮ってしまった)という事実に対する謝罪です。 そして、続けてくださいということを示します。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry about the interruption, can you go on please?

It is important that you apologise first even if it wasn't your fault
Sophia N DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse the interruption, please proceed.

  • Pardon the interruption, do continue.

These are only appropriate in formal situations.
Faith DMM英会話講師
  • Please go on

  • Where were we

These expressions are used when having a conversation and you are interrupted, meaning the conversation stopped by someone intervening/cutting in or a loud noise etc. and you would like to carry on the conversation. "Please go on with what you were saying" "Where were we" in relation to the conversation topic.
これらの表現は、人や物音によって遮られた会話を再開したいときに使うことができます。 "Please go on with what you were saying"(どうぞ、続けてください) "Where were we?"(どこまで話しましたっけ)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • 1. I wonder what that was? Please carry on!

  • 2. Strange sound! Please continue.

  • 3. What a weird sound! What were you saying?

1. You state that you can't identify the noise. You ask the speaker to continue what they were saying. 2. As above. 3. You comment that the noise is unusual. You ask the speaker to continue what they were speaking about.
1. 音がなんだったかわからない、ということを述べます。そして話している人に続けてもらうようにお願いしています。 2. 上記と同じ 3. おかしな音がしたとコメントします。そして話している人に続けてもらうようにお願いしています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please, continue what you were saying.

  • I'm sorry about that. Please go on.

Using either the phrase, "please, continue" or "please, go on"you are signaling to the speaker that the interruption has passed and that you can understand and hear them once again. Formal conversations should be peppered with polite statements such as, "I'm sorry" and "please." A more informal way in asking someone to continue speaking would be: "What were you saying just now? I couldn't hear you."
"please, continue" (どうぞ続けてください)または、 "please, go on"(どうぞ続けてください)を使うことで、中断したのが終わって、また聞くことができるという合図を相手に送ります。 フォーマルな会話は、 "I'm sorry"(すみません)や "please."(どうぞ)のような丁寧なフレーズを付け加えるべきです。 さらにフォーマルな、相手に続けるように伝える言い方は、以下の通りです。  "What were you saying just now? I couldn't hear you." たった今何と言いましたか?聞こえませんでした。
Lindsay Marie DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry about that. Please continue.

  • Excuse the noise. You may continue

If you are in a formal conversation, it is important to apologize to the person for any distractions that may occur during the conversation so that the feel that you are attentive to them. You do not want a person that you are conversating with to feel disruppted or uncomfortable. Once you have apologize about the sound or any other interruptions that may have occur during the conversation. You may indicate to the person to continue by saying "please continue or you may continue."
フォーマルな場面であれば、会話中何か邪魔が入ったときは、話を聞いていたことが相手に伝わるよう、謝った方がいいです。 相手に、不快な思いをさせたくはありませんよね。 騒音など邪魔が入ったことについて謝ったら、「続けてください」と伝えましょう: "Please continue" "You may continue" (続けてください)
Sabrina P DMM英会話講師
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