世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/05/23 11:03
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  • What price range will you be thinking about?

Most people think about a minimum and maximum that they are willing to spend.
[費やす](ことができる最低値と最大値の[予算](について考えます。 A: I'm looking to buy a present for my girlfriend. B: That sounds wonderful. What price range will you be thinking about? A: I'm not really sure... Maybe between 50 and 100 dollars? A:彼女へのプレゼントを買おうと考えています。 B:それは素晴らしいですね。検討されている価格帯は何ですか? A:まだよくわからないんです…。でも、たぶん50ドルから100ドルの間でしょうか。
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • What is your price range?

  • How much are you willing to spend?

  • What's the most you can spend?

These are all natural ways of asking for someone's budget.
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • What is your budget?

  • What are you looking to spend?

  • What is the most you would like to spend?

What is your budget- Asks what amount of money they plan on spending. What are you looking to spend?- is the same as asking what is your budget they are asking for an amount What is the most you would like to spend?- Asks for the biggest amount of money you are willing to spend
"What is your budget 使い予定の金額を聞きます。 What are you looking to spend? 使う予定の予算の金額を訪ねています。What is your budgetと同じです。 What is the most you would like to spend?- 使う予定の上限の金額を聞きます。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • How much are you willing to spend on the present?

  • What is the maximum amount of money you want to spend on the present?

Asking them how much they are willing to spend shows that there is an amount they will not be willing to spend on the gift. That also applies to "the maximum amount of money", which shows that they will not buy that specific present for that person if it is beyond a certain amount.
"How much are you willing to spend on the present?" と言うと、相手がプレゼントにいくらまで使う気があるのかがわかります。 "the maximum amount of money" も同じです。 これも「一定額以上の物はプレゼントに買わない」ことを表します。
Sophia N DMM英会話講師
  • What is your budget?

  • How much would you like to spend?

  • In what price range are you looking to spend?

As always there are many ways to ask this question, but I think the easiest and most direct us simply, "what is your budget?"
この質問を尋ねるたくさんの方法がありますが、簡単でもっとも直接的な単純に「 what is your budget?」と言います。
Jeffrey L DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Do you have an idea how much you would like to spend?

  • 2. What do you think about the price of this product?

  • 3. This is a real bargain, isn't it?

With all three of these possible questions, the idea is to elicit the customer's feelings about the price of the item. The second and third questions could even be asked with a small smile in a conversational way. These sort of questions typify the more subtle salesman of quality products who does not want to risk receiving a 'No' response.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How much do you want to spend on the present?

  • How much is your budget.

The above sentences can be used to ask how much they would like to use on the present so that you can easily help them choose the appropriate present.
The above sentences can be used to ask how much they would like to use on the present so that you can easily help them choose the appropriate present. 上記例文は、予算に見合ったプレゼントを選ぶお手伝いをするのに、相手がいくら出したいのかを聞く時に役立ちます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What's your budget?

  • Do you have a budget?

When trying to determine how much someone is willing to spend, you can ask questions such as: What's your budget? Do you have a budget? How much do you want to spend?
相手がどのくらいの金額を使う気があるのか確認したいときは、次のように質問できます: What's your budget?(予算はいくらですか) Do you have a budget?(予算はありますか) How much do you want to spend?(予算はいくらですか)
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • Did you decide on a spending budget for the presents?

  • What amount of money are you willing to spend on the presents?

  • What is the maximum amount of money that you will spend?

>Did you decide on a spending budget for the presents? -> This is asking if he decided on a budget or if he will just pay whatever. >What amount of money are you willing to spend on the presents?-> Amount of money-willing = what is an comfortable amount for him that he would spend. >What is the maximum amount of money that you will spend? -> Maximum amount = the very most amount of money he would spend.
>Did you decide on a spending budget for the presents? -> これは彼が予算を決めたのか、もしくはいくらでも支払うのかを尋ねています。 >What amount of money are you willing to spend on the presents?-> Amount of money-willing = いくら遣いたいかを確認しています。 >What is the maximum amount of money that you will spend? -> Maximum amount = 彼が遣える予算の最高額を確認しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Does your budget accommodate the price of the present?

  • In what price range is the present? Will your monthly budget allow it?

  • Have you included the cost of the present on your monthly budget?

In the first question, you want to know if your friend's monthly budget has a cash surplus from which he can buy the present. If his budget does not have a cash surplus, it can not accommodate the price of the present. He will then have to reduce or do without some of his usual expenses if he really wants to buy this present. In the second question, you are asking about the price range of the present. Also, his budget will only allow it if there is a cash surplus after taking into account all his monthly requirements. In the third question, you are assuming that your friend has already prepared his monthly budget and you want to know if the cost of the present has already been included.
最初の質問では、友達の月の予算がプレゼントを買うに黒字であるかを知りたいです。 彼の予算が黒字でなければ、プレゼンの費用を賄うことができません。 本当にこのプレゼントを買いたいのであれば、通常の支出を抑えたり、減らしたりする必要があります。 2つ目の質問は、プレゼンの費用の範囲を聞いています。 また、月々必要なことをすべて考慮した後、現金黒字であれば、予算に合います。 3つ目の質問では、友達が月々の予算を準備していると予測しており、プレゼントの費用が含まれているか知りたいということです。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • How much is your budget?

  • How much are you planning to spend?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 How much is your budget? 予算はいくらですか? How much are you planning to spend? 予算はどれくらいですか?(いくらくらい使う予定ですか) 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 budget は「予算」というニュアンスの英語表現です。 お役に立ちましたでしょうか? 英語学習頑張ってくださいね!
  • What is your budget?

What is your budget? 予算はいくら? 上記のようにシンプルに英語で表現することができます。 budget で「予算」という意味の名詞になります。 ほかに How much ... と聞いても良いでしょう。 お役に立てればうれしいです。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
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