世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/05/24 07:54
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  • Have you been listening to the song I gave/sent you?

  • Did you hear the song I sent you?

  • Do you like the video I made for you?

If you want to know if they are listening to it sometimes or a lot, you could ask, "Have you been listening...?" If you want to know if they have heard it at least once, you could ask, "Did you hear...?" If you sent a video of yourself singing, the third choice is good too. You could also say, "Do you like the video I sent you?"
もしときどき、またはよく聞いているかどうかを知りたいなら、 Have you been listening...?と聞くことができます。 もし、一度だけでも聞いたかどうかを聞きたいなら、Did you hear...? もし、あなたの歌っている動画を送ったのなら、3つ目の表現もいいです。Do you like the video I sent you? と聞くこともできます。
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Did you get the video I sent? Did you listen to it yet?

  • I sent you a video of me singing and was wondering if you liked it?

  • What did you think about the video?

If the significant other received the video, then they would know exactly what was on it, so, "What did you think about the video?" is the neatest and most compact question of the three examples. However if you are in doubt about whether they received it, one of the other queries would be more appropriate. A "I sent you a video of me singing and was wondering if you liked it?" B " I haven't received anything. When did you send it?" A "Oh dear! I sent it yesterday." B "Well perhaps it will come tomorrow."
もしあなたの大切な誰かがそのビデオを受け取ったら、きっと何についてのビデオなのか知っていることでしょうから、"What did you think about the video?"ときくのが上記3つの言い方の中では綺麗にまとまった言い方です。しかし、もし相手が受け取ってない可能性があるのであれば、その他二つのどちらかで聞くのがいいでしょう。 A:私が歌っているビデオ送ったじゃない?気に入ってくれかしら? B:まだ何も受け取ってないよ。いつ送ったの?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Have you listened to the song (that) I sent you.

A good tense to use here is the present perfect tense (question). For example, "Have you listened..." It does not mention a specific time and inquires whether the person has already done something, some time in the past or up until the present moment.
この問題で使うべき時制は現在完了形です。 例えば、Have you listened to ... など。 細かい時間を述べる必要がなく、その人物が何かしらの行為を過去から現時点までにおいて行ったかどうかを尋ねることができます。
Roscoe DMM英会話講師
  • Have you listened to the songs yet?

  • Have you listened to the songs I sent you?

  • What did you think of the songs I sent you?

These are all ways of asking if he/she has listened to the songs. It's a nice idea :) Hope this helps Jane :)
これらはどれも、相手が歌を聞いたかどうかをきくフレーズです。いいアイディアですね! 参考になれば幸いです。
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • Did you enjoy the song I send you?

  • Did you listen to the song?

You can be warm and welcoming when asking so that they feel loved and cared for.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Have you listened to the song I sent you?

  • What do you think of the song I sent you?

Have you listened to the song I sent you? or Did you listen to the song I sent you? these asks the person if they have listening to the song " What do you think of the song I sent you? " This asks their opinion on the song if they can not tell you what they thin they have not listened to it.
"Have you listened to the song I sent you? or Did you listen to the song I sent you? これらの表現は、その人にプレゼントした音楽を聞いているかどうかを尋ねる表現です。 What do you think of the song I sent you? この表現は、プレゼントした曲についての感想を言ってくれない場合に曲の感想を 尋ねる表現です。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Have you listened to the song I gave you?

  • Have you played the song I sent you yet?

  • What did you think of the song I sent you?

If you have sent someone a song and you want to check if they have listened to it, you can ask: Have you listened to the song I gave you/sent you? Have you played it yet? What did you think of the song I sent you? If they haven't yet listened to it you can say: I really appreciate your thoughts on it. This would encourage them to listen in a polite way. I hope that helps!
誰かに曲を送って、もしその誰かが自分の送った曲をちゃんと聞いたかどうか調べたい場合、 Have you listened to the song I gave you/sent you? Have you played it yet? What did you think of the song I sent you? と尋ねることができます。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I sent you a video to cheer you up, did you see it?

  • Did you get the video of me singing that I sent you?

1. I sent you a video to cheer you up, did you see it? You can ask "did you see it?" to find out if your significant other saw the video. 2. Did you get the video of me singing that I sent you? This is another way of asking your significant other if he/she saw the video.
1. I sent you a video to cheer you up, did you see it? (あなたを元気づけるために動画を送ったのよ、見た?) この "did you see it?"を使ってあなたの大事な人が動画を見たかどうか確認することが出来ます。 2. Did you get the video of me singing that I sent you? (あなたに送った、私が歌ってる動画見た?) これもあなたの大事な人が動画を見たかどうか確認するもう一つの言い方です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Have you had a chance to watch the video I sent you, love?

  • Baby, have you seen the video I recorded for you yet?

  • How did you feel after watching the video I made for you my love?

Use the sentences above to ask if your significant other has had the chance to watch the video you created for them to help them feel better. It is a very sweet gesture Gesture: an act, a form of non-verbal communication "I made a video just for you, I hope it makes you smile, have you watched it yet love." "I know you are feeling down so I thought to create something that will make you smile, let me know when you have seen the video I made especially for you."
恋人に自分の作った動画を見てくれたか確認したいなら、上記の文が使えます。 すごく優しいですね。 Gesture: 行動。言葉を使わずに気持ちを伝えること。 "I made a video just for you, I hope it makes you smile, have you watched it yet love." (あなたのために動画を作りました。気に入ってくれるとうれしいです。もう見てくれましたか) "I know you are feeling down so I thought to create something that will make you smile, let me know when you have seen the video I made especially for you." (あなたが元気がなかったから、何か笑顔にさせられるものを作りたいなと思って。動画を作ったから見たら教えてね)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Did you listen to the song I sent/gave you?

  • Did you like the video I sent you?

  • Have you listened to the song I sent you?

All three of these questions ask or imply to ask about this video or song that you have sent in slightly different ways. - Did you listen to the song I sent/gave you? This is a simple past tense question using the verb, "to listen to," since the video was of you singing a song. - Did you like the video I sent? This question uses implication to check if she liked the song. If she did like the song, that means she had listened to it! - Have you listened to the song I sent you? This question uses the verb, "to listen to," again, but within the present perfect tense to talk about unspecific moments within the past. It is to ask if I any moment since you sent it, had she listened to it.
どの質問も、自分の送った動画あるいは歌について尋ねますが、言い方は少しずつ違います。 - Did you listen to the song I sent/gave you?(私の送った/プレゼントした曲は聴いてくれましたか) これは過去形の文です。歌の動画だったわけなので、「聞く」という意味の動詞 "to listen to" を使っています。 - Did you like the video I sent?(私の送った動画は気に入ってくれましたか) これは、曲を気に入ってくれたか尋ねています。「気に入った」なら、曲を聴いてくれたということになります。 - Have you listened to the song I sent you?(私の送った曲は聴いてくれましたか) この文も動詞の "to listen to" を使っていますが、これは現在完了形(過去の出来事について時期を特定しないで尋ねる言い方)です。この場合は、曲を送ってから現在までの間にその曲を聴いたかどうかを尋ねています。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Did you hear the song I sent you?

  • Have you listened to the song I sent you? What do you thing of it?

Two options to ask this question. The first one is a bit simple, whereas, the second one is asking for more information. The first sentence although is asked in past time. The second one in the past perfect.
二通りの言い方をご紹介しました。一つ目はシンプルな言い方です、二つ目ではより具体的に尋ねています。 一つ目は過去形、二つ目は現在完了形です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • "Have you got round to listening to the video of me singing that I sent you?

  • "What did you think of the video I sent you today?"

  • "Did you enjoy the video I sent you?"

If you sent your significant other a video of yourself singing so that he/she would feel less down, and you wanted to know whether they have listened to it or not, you could ask any of the following: "Have you got round to listening to the video of me singing that I sent you?, "What did you think of the video I sent you today?" or "Did you enjoy the video I sent you?".
恋人を励まそうと動画を送ったのですね。歌の動画を。で、その曲を聴いたかどうか(あるいは聴いているかどうか)確認したいと。 でしたら、次のように言えます。 "Have you got round to listening to the video of me singing that I sent you?"(歌の動画聴いてくれた?) "What did you think of the video I sent you today?"(今日送った動画どうだった?) "Did you enjoy the video I sent you?"(私の送った動画気に入ってくれた?)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • And, did you give my song(s) a listen? ^^

  • Have you listened to the song(s) I sent you yet? ^^

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 - Have you listened to the song(s) I sent you yet? - And, did you give my song(s) a listen? --- give a song a listen = 歌を聴く(少しカジュアルな言い方です) お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
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