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友達が私のiPod Touchで音楽かけていいか聞いてきたので、好きな曲を好きなだけかけていいよと言いたい
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2016/06/16 19:39
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  • It's all yours! Play whatever song you like.

  • Feel free to play any songs you like.

  • You have free reign on my iPod Touch.

英訳1:It's all yours. は便利なフレーズ。直訳は「全部あなたのもの」ですが、「好きにしていいよ」「ご自由に」「存分にどうぞ」という時に使います。これを言った直後にその内容を続けると自然です。 英訳2:feel free to 〜 も「遠慮しないで〜して」という便利な言い回しです。 英訳3:have free reign 「全部好きにしていい」という表現もあります。on my iPod Touch「私のiPod Touchで」を添えれば、何をどれだけかけてもいいよというニュアンスになります。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • Yes, please feel free!

  • Please help yourself!

  • What's mine is yours!

If someone tells you to feel free to do something, they mean that you can do it if you want to: 'Feel free to use the coffee machine.' To help yourself = to take some of what you want,freely – used especially when offering food to someone 'Please help yourself to some cake' What's mine is yours! = an expression of generosity. This is a Shakespearian phrase.
feel free to do という表現は、したければしてくださいね、という表現です。 'Feel free to use the coffee machine.' コーヒーマシン勝手に使ってね。 To help yourself = 欲しいものを自由にとってください。食べ物をオファーするときに特に使われます。 'Please help yourself to some cake' ケーキ勝手に食べてね。 What's mine is yours! これは寛大な表現ですね。シェークスピアの言葉です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You can play any tune you like.

「好きな曲をかけていいよ」は You can play any tune you like. と言います。 曲は tune ですが、 music や、歌という意味ではsong でもいいでしょう。 ((曲)を掛ける は play です。) 口語では、このように通常省略しますが、 any tune と you like の間に、関係代名詞の目的格(that) が省略されている形です。 (you like が 前のany tune に掛かって修飾されています) 「好きな曲を好きなだけかけていいよ」は You can play any tune you like as many as you like. といいます。 (as many as you like したいだけたくさん)
  • You can play any song that you like.

  • Feel free to play whatever you like.

Example: A: Can I use your iPod? B: Feel free to play whatever you like. A: We need some music B: Can I use your iPod? A: Sure! You can play any song that you like.
Example: A: Can I use your iPod? B: Feel free to play whatever you like. ≪例文≫ A. あなたのiPod使ってもいい? B.何でも好きな曲かけていいよ。 A: We need some music B: Can I use your iPod? A: Sure! You can play any song that you like. ≪例文≫ A. なんか音楽がいるな。 B. 君のiPod使っていい? A. もちろん!好きな曲かけていいよ。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Feel free to play anything you want.

  • Go ahead, what's mine is yours friend.

  • Help yourself out.

*Feel free to play anything you want.-When someone asks for permission to do something and if you feel like they can do whatever pleases them, this would be the response. A: May I use your laptop charger, please? B: Feel free to use it, im not using it at the moment. *Go ahead, what's mine is yours friend.- A: Joe, may I use your wifi to update my apps. B: Sure, what's mine is also yours friend *Help yourself out.-This means to take or do something without any restrictions.
例文 *Feel free to play anything you want. 好きな音楽をかけていいよ 人が何かをする許可を求めて、その人がしたいと思っていることを何でもしても良いと思っているのであれば、このように返答します。 例文 A: May I use your laptop charger, please? ノートパソコンの充電器を使っても良いですか? B: Feel free to use it, im not using it at the moment. 使って良いよ、今使っていないから 例文 *Go ahead, what's mine is yours friend.- どうぞ、私の物は自由に使って A: Joe, may I use your wifi to update my apps. ジョー、アプリをアップデートするのに wifiを使って良い? B: Sure, what's mine is also yours friend もちろん、私の物は自由に使って *Help yourself out. 自由に使って 自由に何かを使ったり持っていくことです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Feel free to play what you like!

To tell someone to 'feel free' is to say to them that they should relax and have no hesitation or shyness to do what they like in front of you.
feel free'とは、誰かに対して、自分の前で、くつろいで、したいことをためらわずにしてほしいということを表す表現です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Of course! You can play any song you want.

  • Yes! Feel free to play whatever you want.

  • No problem! Play whatever song you would like.

Ofcourse! You can play any song you want. Of course: (The phrase of course) to be certain of something or to state something that is obvious. Example: Of course she is very pretty, she looks like her mother. Can= (verb) to have the opportunity or the possibility to do something. Example: You can travel abroad if you earn enough money. any song= this means she can choose a song from the list. Want: something that you wish for. Example: I want to eat a cake for lunch today. Yes! Feel free to play whatever you want. Feel free: to not feel limited
Of course! You can play any song you want.(もちろん!聴きたい曲をなんでもプレイしていいよ。) Of course: 何かについて確かなこと、何かが明確であることを伝えるフレーズ。 例: Of course she is very pretty, she looks like her mother.(もちろん彼女はとても可愛いし、お母さんに似ています。) Can= 何かをする機械や能力があること 例: You can travel abroad if you earn enough money.(もし十分なお金を稼いだら、海外旅行へ行くことができます。) any song= 曲のリストからどんな曲も彼女が選べで良いと言う意味です。 Want:あなたが欲しいと願う物 例: I want to eat a cake for lunch today.(今日ランチにケーキが食べたい。) Yes! Feel free to play whatever you want.(もちろん!好きな曲を自由じプレイして。) Feel free: 縛られることなく(自由に)
Fay Fay DMM英会話講師
  • Play any song you like.

  • If you have a favorite song or artist we can listen to that.

  • I would love to hear your favorite song.

You can say to the friend that you want to know their favorite song. Or that they can play any song they may like. It is fun to share music, so ask if they have a favorite artist or song that you can enjoy with them.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • Go for it! I like hearing new songs.

  • By all means, feel free to play any tune you like.

  • I'd love to hear it. Put it on.

The first phrase is very conversational, and also shows enthusiasm to hear the song, which will encourage the other person to play it. The second phrase uses the term "by all means", which in English means the same as "of course", showing you have no objection to the person playing the song. The word "tune" is also used, which is a little less formal than song. The third phrase starts by confirming you would like to hear the song, and then encourages the person to do it straight away.
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • You can play any song of your choice.

  • You can play your favorite song.

  • You can play the song that you like best.

If your friend asks you if she can play a song on your ipad, and you want to tell her she can play anything that she wants, here are some ways that you can express that:- 1. You can play any song of your choice. This sentence means that the choice is up to your friend to choose whichever song she likes. Example sentence:- Friend "Can I play a song on your ipad?" You "Of course! you can play any song of your choice." 2. You can play your favorite song. The word "favorite" means something that is the most popular, cherished or treasured. This is the same as telling your friend that she can play the song that she cherishes or tresures the most. 3. You can play the song that you like best. Example sentence:- Friend "Can I play a song on your Ipad, which song would you like to hear? You " It's up to you, you can play the song that you like best."
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • feel free

  • go for it

saying "feel free" or "go for it" is a enthusiastic way to say to your friend that they are welcome to do whatever they like. in this case it means that they can play or do whatever they like with your ipod.
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • Be my guest!

  • Of course, go ahead

  • please do

These phrases can be used when you tell someone they can do something after they have asked your permission, used a lot in a casual and friendly sense to even give them encouragement to do so. example sentences: "Can I have a glass of water? Of course, go ahead!" "Can I use your toilet? Be my guest!".
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • You may play anything you want on Apple Music

  • You can stream any song you want on Apple Music

When your friend is asking to play a song on your iPod and you want to tell them they can play any song they want; you may express this in the following ways: -You may play anything you want on Apple Music -You can stream any song you want on Apple Music
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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