世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/11 20:32
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  • ① I'd like to know, what made you choose our company?

フォーマルシチュエーションなので、「① What made you choose our company?」の前に、「I'd like to know」や、「Could you tell me」を入れることが賢明だと思います。意味は:「何故我が社を選んだのか教えていただきたいです」。 原さんの仰るように、文頭に上記に加え「So,」を入れないと面接はともかく尋問に聞こえてしまう恐れがあるためです。 他にも色んな表現がありますが("Why do you want to work here", "Tell me, what brought you to our company")などありますが、私として推奨するのは「① I'd like to know, what made you choose our company?」。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • So why do you want to work with us?

  • So what is it that makes you interested in working with us here?

  • Why are you here today?

最初の例文では“so” (それで)という単語を頭に付けるか付けないかでは大幅にニュアンスが変わってきます。 これは“why”(なぜ)という単語を付けて質問する時のちょっとしたテクニック。 ただ単に“Why do you want to work with us?”と“so”無しで言うと、“why”に“want to”(○○したい)と聞いているので固いニュアンスになって尋問みたいになってしまいますね。 同時に、二個目の例では、“what is it”(何が)、に、“make you interested in”(○○に興味をもたれるのか)という最も間接的な聞き方の例を挙げてみました。 三個目の例文はあまりにも直接的できつそうに感じるかもしれませんが、どの言語でもただ言葉を増やして文を長くすれば優しい表現になるとは限りません。 “why are you here”= “なぜここに来たのか”、日本語に訳すときつく聞こえるかもしれませんが、この聞き方は実際のネイティブでもよく使う定番の質問なんです。 そう、こういった質問の場合、英語の場合は回りくどい表現より単刀直入に聞くことが好まれることも多く、ただ“スマイル”しながら質問することを忘れなければ全く問題ありません。現に私もかつて外資系の面接官として勤めていたころはまさにこの聞き方をよくしていましたね。
Hara Ken English teacher
  • What made you interested in our company?

  • What got your interest in wanting to work for us?

  • Why did you choose to work at our company?

There are many ways to ask this question but the basic and correct ways are stated above based on a interview situation as stipulated above.
Carey M DMM英会話講師
  • Why did you choose to apply for our company?

  • What made you interested in our company?

  • Why would you like to work for us?

During the interview, you could say: "So, why did you choose to apply for our company?" "Please tell me, what made you interested in our company?" "I'm interested to know why would you like to work for us." These are fairly settle, non-intimidating ways to lead into the question.
これらのように言うことができます。 "So, why did you choose to apply for our company?" なぜうちの会社に応募することを選んだのですか? "Please tell me, what made you interested in our company?" なぜうちの会社に興味を持ったのですか? "I'm interested to know why would you like to work for us." なぜ、私たちと一緒に働きたいと思ったのですか?
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Why do you want to work for us?

  • 2. What's your motivation in applying for this position?

1. This asks the question bluntly: "Why do you want to work for us?" "Because this is a highly respected company and I feel I can make a successful career working with you." 2. Motivation = the state or condition of being motivated or having a strong reason to act or accomplish something: "We know that these students have strong motivation to learn."
1. これは特に感情を込めずに言いましょう。 例 "Why do you want to work for us?" "Because this is a highly respected company and I feel I can make a successful career working with you." 2. Motivation = やるきがみなぎっている状態、何かを為そうとするに強い理由があること 例 "We know that these students have strong motivation to learn."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Why do you want to work for us?

  • Why do you want this job?

In the first question, you have asked straightforwardly: Why do you want to work for us? This is the same as: Why do you want to work for our company? The applicant will mention the company's good reputation and that it is an environment that would encourage him/her to give his/her utmost. Even though the question (Why do want this job?) posed in the second line does not sound like (Why do want to work for us?), they are begging for the same answer. Having researched the company after seeing the job advertisement, the applicant must have read about the company's attributes which he/she can outline in the answer.
最初の質問では、単刀直入に尋ねています。 例文 Why do you want to work for us? どうして当社で働きたいのですか? こう言っても同じです。 例文 Why do you want to work for our company? どうして当社で働きたいのですか? 応募者は、会社の評判が良いことや、自分の可能性を最大限に引き出してくれる環境だと言うでしょう。 2行目の(Why do want this job?)という質問は (Why do want to work for us?)という質問とはニュアンスが違いますが、同様の答えを求めています。 求人広告を見た後で会社のことを調べていますので、応募者は、答えることができる会社の特性については読んでいるに違いありません。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • What attracted you to this company.

  • What are your short term and long term goals.

There are so many questions you can ask if you want to find out why someone want to work at your company and why they are the right candidates for it. *What attracted you to this company. This means that you want to know what made them apply for this job. They may say it is because of the high salary, convenient location, good reputation, it has always been their dream etc *Why do you want to work with us. This is a direct way to ask and it is also a good way to check if they did enough research about the company before the interview.
なぜその人があなたの会社で働こうと思ったのか、その人が適切な志願者かを理解するためには、尋ねることができる質問はたくさんあります。 例文 *What attracted you to this company. 当社のどこを良いと思いましたか? その人がなぜこの仕事に応募してきたかを知りたいということです。給料が高いから、場所が便利だから、評判が良いから、ここで働くことが夢だった等と言うかもしれません。 例文 *Why do you want to work with us? なぜ私達と一緒に働きたいのですか? これは直接的な聞き方で、その人が面接の前に会社のことを十分調べているかをチェックする良い方法です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What makes you want to work for us?

  • Why did you choose to apply for this role?

  • What is it about our company that motivated you to apply for this role?

I'd like to know why you applied for this role at our company? What inspired you to apply for this position in our company ?
例文 I'd like to know why you applied for this role at our company? 当社のこの仕事に応募された理由を 知りたいです。 What inspired you to apply for this position in our company ? なぜ当社のこの仕事に応募しようと 思ったのですか?
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • What motivated you....?

  • Can you say exactly what motivated you, to apply for a position here?

Motivation is our "core nspiration" when it comes to life and the choices we make! In an interview it is quite usual to hear this kind of question;-D It is best to do some research in order to know ALL about a business and its history and so be able to express your true motivation! "Can you say exactly what motivated you, to apply for a position here?"
"Motivation"(動機)とは私たちが人生の中で何かを決めたりする時の"core ispiration"(中核となる刺激するもの)ですよね! 面接時にこのような質問はよく聞かれます;-D あなたの本当の動機を言い表すためには、事業内容や会社の歴史など全てについて事前にリサーチしておくことがベストですね! 【例】 "Can you say exactly what motivated you, to apply for a position here?" (我が社へ応募した動機を言っていただけますか?)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Why do you want to work for our company?

  • What motivates you to work for our company?

  • Why did you choose our company?

We can use the first phrase with the verb, "to want," to express their desire to work for the company. We can also talk about, "to motivate," or encourages you to do something. Lastly we can ask why someone wanted, "to choose," this particular company.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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