世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/05/27 18:26
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  • Thank you for giving us a tour.

案内してくれてありがとう。 Give somebody a tour; 案内(ツアー)をしてくれてありがとう
  • You''ve been amazing!

  • You've been such a great guide! Thanks!

  • I've learnt so much from you! Thanks for making our trip so memorable!

Any of these compliments should suffice.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you very much for guiding me around.

Guide is one of the words that can be used as both a verb and a noun. When you say I want to thank my guide, you are using 'guide' as a noun. But when you want to thank your guide, you may say: Thank you very much for 'guiding' me around. In this case, you have used 'guide' as a verb in its present participle tense. The verb to guide means, 'to assist (a person) to travel through, or reach a destination in, an unfamiliar area, as by accompanying or giving directions to the person'. However, if used as a noun, 'guide' means 'a person who shows the way to others, especially one employed to show tourists around places of interest'
動詞にも名詞にもなる単語のひとつであるGuideは、相手の案内を感謝するときthank my guide(案内人)と、名詞として使われ、 一方で、案内をしてくれたことをありがとうという場合は、thnak you so much for guiding me aroundと動詞で案内する、という意味で使われます。 動詞のGuideは不慣れな土地の人に対して、付き添ったり指示を出して道案内をして目的地にたどり着く手伝いをするという意味です。 しかし、名詞としてのguideには、案内人という意味があり、これは特にツアーガイドなど雇われた人を指すことが多いです。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Thank you so much for everything you have done for us.

  • Thank you so much for the tour, you were fantastic.

"Thank you so much for everything you have done for us." explains you are very grateful for everything the tour guide did. "Thank you so much for the tour, you were fantastic." thanks the guide for the tour and tells him/ her that they did a really really great job.
"Thank you so much for everything you have done for us. ツアーガイドがしてくれたことにとても感謝していることを説明しています。 Thank you so much for the tour, you were fantastic. ガイドに感謝の気持ちを表し、ガイドが本当に素晴らしかったことを伝えています。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  • I appreciate everything you have shown and told us.

  • Thank you for showing is such wonderful things.

All of these phrases are a way of saying Thank you to a tour guide for the service they have provided. It is a good to show your appreciation when someone has given you a good service Hope this helps Jane :)
上記は全て、ツアーガイドのサービスに感謝するフレーズです。 良いサービスをしてくれたら感謝の気持ちを忘れないのは良いことです。 参考になれば Jane:)
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for being such a great guide.

「素晴らしいガイドでいてくれてありがとう」の意味です。 このbeingは動名詞です。 thank you forの後は名詞でないといけないから動名詞の形にしています。 suchは名詞句を強調する時によく使われます。
  • I really appreciate your help. You were great.

  • Thank you for the tour.It was really informative.

Tour means an informative journey around place. In this case you are grateful that the tour guide showed around and provided really helpful information.
Tourとは、旅行に行くこと、ツアーです。 この場合、添乗員さんが案内してくれたり、役に立つ情報を提供してくれてとても感謝しています、と言う意味になります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for the great experience.

  • Thank you for being a great guide.

To thank your guide when traveling abroad, you can say: "Thank you for the great experience." "Thank you for being a great guide."
海外旅行でお世話になったガイドに感謝を伝えるなら、次のように言えます。 "Thank you for the great experience."(すごく楽しかったです、ありがとうございました) "Thank you for being a great guide."(すごく楽しかったです、ありがとうございました)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • We enjoyed our tour, thank you for the tour.

  • Thank you for being our tour guide, we learned so much.

These two ways can display how grateful you were with the tour guide or demonstrate that you enjoyed the tour. Below are ways that it could be used in a sentence. This has been one of the best vacations, we enjoyed the tour you gave us, you were great. You have been one of the best tour guides, we enjoyed all of the activities. We really appreciate you, you were a fantastic tour guide.
どちらの例でもガイドに対して感謝の気持ちを、あるいはツアーが楽しめたことを伝えることができます。 This has been one of the best vacations, we enjoyed the tour you gave us, you were great. (最高の休暇になりました。ツアー楽しかったです、最高でした) You have been one of the best tour guides, we enjoyed all of the activities. (あなたは最高のツアーガイドです、全部楽しかったです) We really appreciate you, you were a fantastic tour guide. (本当にありがとうございました。あなたは最高のツアーガイドです)
Berta DMM英会話講師
  • Cheers for the tour.

  • Ta.

Cheers and ta are informal ways of saying thank you to a tour guide or to someone who has done something for you. Cheers can be used in any part of the English speaking world. An example of what may be said is shown below. "Cheers for the tour"
"Cheers" と "Ta" は「ありがとう」と伝えるカジュアルな表現です。 "Cheers" は英語圏ならどこでも通じます。 例えば次のように言えます。 "Cheers for the tour"(ガイドをありがとうございました)
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • You are a great guide, thank you!

  • Thank you for your time! You taught us a lot!

  • What a great time we had, thank you!

To express thanks to a guide for showing you around a place you can use the sentences above. We can also call a guide by the name 'tour guide' they show you a tour of a certain location and also guide you along the way by providing information about the place.
ガイドに「案内してくれてありがとう」と伝えたいなら、上記の表現が使えます。 'guide'(ガイド/案内人)は 'tour guide' とも言えます。観光客に場所を案内・説明する人です。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you very much for showing me around.

  • Thank you for being my guide.

Both will convey your thanks perfectly well.
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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