You could also say:
Please empty your bag
Please remove everything in your bag (and put it on the table)
Could you empty the contents of your bag?
Would you mind emptying the entire contents of your bag?
May I ask you to please empty all the articles from the bag?
'May I ask you to please empty all the articles from the bag?' This is the most polite of the three expressions listed. You are asking for permission to ask the question about emptying the bag! This indirect form appears most polite.
'Could you please empty your bag?' This is also quite polite. 'Could' is used here as it shows a little more doubt that 'Can'. There may be a reason why the bag could not be opened!
'Please take all the contents out of the bag.' This an Imperative or instructional form with 'Please' added. This is quite a firm command.
'May I ask you to please empty all the articles from the bag? これは、リストされた3つの式の中で最も丁寧です。あなたはそのバッグを空にしてもらえないか許可を求めています!この質問が最も礼儀正しいものでしょう。
'Could you please empty your bag?' これもまた非常に丁寧です。 'Can'はもう少し疑問の体を擁するため、ここでは 'Could'を使用しています。バッグをあけられない理由があるかもしれません!
'Please take all the contents out of the bag.'これは、 'Please'が追加された命令的または指示的なフォームです。これはかなり強固な言い方です。
"Please take everything out of the bag." Asks them politely to take all things out of the bag.
"Empty" means to take everything out.
"Put the contents of the bag" means everything in it.
"Please take everything out of the bag."
"Put the contents of the bag"
"Please empty your bag of all its contents."
When you use the word "empty " as a verb you are asking someone to take everything out of their bag.
The word " contents" is a general way to describe things that might be contained in a bag.
e.g “The contents of the suitcases would prove remarkable,” King writes.
"Please take out all the stuff in your bag."
-This is an informal way of politely asking someone to take out everything they have in their bags.
"Stuff " is another way of saying " things" and is an adequate word to use when you are issuing this instruction.
"Please empty your bag of all its contents."
"empty " という動詞はバッグを空にする という意味。" contents" バッグの中身。
例 “The contents of the suitcases would prove remarkable,”
King は、スーツケースの中身は 驚くべきものだろうと書いています。
"Please take out all the stuff in your bag."
"Stuff " は物。" things"ともいえます。
EMPTY your bag please... Turn out your bag, I need to see the contents!
Please empty your bag completely !
When an officer is searching a suspect..,directions should be clear and specific!
No doubt one must maintain civility;-)
So please and thank you are always appreciated by members of the public.
警察官も please や thank you を使うと、一般市民から感謝をされるでしょう。
Please empty the contents of your bag on to the table
Would you mind emptying your bag for me, please?
"Please empty the contents of your bag on to the table"
This is a polite way of asking the person in front of you to take out everything from your bag. The "contents" of your bag are the items that are inside. It is a slightly formal way of saying "things".
Would you mind emptying your bag for me, please?
Again this is a polite sentence. "Would you mind" can make the person you are asking feel like they don't have to empty their bag, but if you did, it would be greatly appreciated.
"Please empty the contents of your bag on to the table"(テーブルの上にかばんの中にあるものを出してください)
"contents" はこの場合、かばんの「中身」を指します。"things" よりも少しフォーマルです。
"Would you mind emptying your bag for me, please?"(かばんの中身を出してもらえますか)
これも丁寧な言い方です。"Would you mind" と言うと、相手は「強制ではないがしてくれるとありがたい」という意味に取るかもしれません。
This question lets the person know they need to make sure there is nothing in their bag. Phrased as a question it is more polite but you can also say it as an instruction: ‘empty your bag’.
質問にした方が丁寧ですが、‘Empty your bag’(かばんを空にしなさい)と相手に指示することもできます。
Can you please take out everything inside your bags.
if you need to ask someone to take out their belongings in a bag, you can say something like "Can you please empty your bags." or "Can you please take out everything inside your bags." this is a very easy to understand yet polite way to say this to someone.
"Can you please empty your bags?"(バッグを空にしてもらえますか)
"Can you please take out everything inside your bags."(バッグの中身を全て出してもらえますか)
Empty your bag for me please.
Empty your bag.
Please, take everything out of your bag for me.
Depending on how direct you want to be will determine which one to use. The second is the most direct, and the first and last are more calm and polite, in my eyes, of course it depends how your tone when you say them.
I hope this helps.
Have a great day.
Empty your bag for me please.(かばんを空にしてください)
Empty your bag.(かばんを空にしなさい)
Please, take everything out of your bag for me.(かばんの中の物を全て出してください)
All three of these phrases can be used interchangeably to have the same meaning when spoken to someone. The main difference in the choice in verb, where in some instances you can say in a command sense, "to empty," something. Another way is to use the verb, "to take out," which means to remove something that is inside of something else.
主な違いとしては動詞ですね。一つ目と三つ目の例では "to empty" を命令形で使っています。二つ目の例では、「取り出す」という意味の "to take out" を使っています。
Please empty the contents of your bag (on the table)
To take out everything from a bag is to 'empty it.'
You can empty the contents which means to remove every item.
Normally in situations like these, the bag would be emptied on a table so that each item can be seen.
I hope that helps!
バッグの中身を全部出してほしいという場合、empty it
empty the contents といえば、中身をすべて取り出すという意味になります。
Could you please take all of your belongings out of your bag.
Please remove all of the items from your bag.' means that the policeman or person in authority is politely asking the civilian to take out/remove everything that they have in the bag.
Please remove all of the items from your bag.'(かばんの中の物を全て出してください)
2.Please unpack your bag for me.
To unpack a bag means to open it up and
to remove its contents.
Another example sentence:She unpacked her
suitcases as soon as she arrived home.
2.Please remove all the contents from your bag.
To remove something means to move it from its
original position.In this instance, the policeman
wants the person to take everything out of their
bag and to place it somewhere outside the bag -
possibly a table.
2. Please unpack your bag for me.(かばんの中身を出してください)
"To unpack a bag" は「かばんの中身を出す」という意味です。
She unpacked her suitcases as soon as she arrived home.(彼女は家に着いてすぐスーツケースから荷物を出した)
2. Please remove all the contents from your bag.(かばんの中の物をすべて出してください)
"To remove something" は「取り除く」という意味です。ここでは、警察官がかばんの中の物をすべて(テーブルの上などに)出すよう伝えています。