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Google 翻訳では"That experience was embarrassing"と表示されます。 けれど that experience が恥ずかしがっているわけではないので、こういう場合なんと表現するのでしょうか。 教えて頂けると幸いです。私なら..."I was embarrassed about that experience"でしょうか。 よろしくおねがいします!
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2017/06/01 09:49
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  • That experience was embarrassing.

  • That was so embarrassing.

  • I was so embarrassed.

Hi, Uichiro! In my opinion, I think "I was embarrassed by that experience" is a more formal expression, but it can still be suitable! This means that in your case, Google Translate was correct! "That experience was embarrassing" is a casual phrase that you can use to talk about an embarrassing experience. I think it's more casual to not use the word "experience": "That was so embarrassing." "I was so embarrassed." More examples: Friend: Do you remember that time when you slept during class? Me: Oh, yeah. That was so embarrassing. (OR: Oh, yeah. I was so embarrassed.) I hope this helps! Good luck! ✰✰
こんにちは、ゆういちろうさん 私の意見では、「I was embarrassed by that experience」はより丁寧で、適していると思います。 あなたの場合、グーグル翻訳が正しかったということを意味します。 「That experience was embarrassing」とは、恥ずかしい経験について話すために使う軽いフレーズです。 以下のように、「experience」という単語を使わない方がより軽いです。 "That was so embarrassing." "I was so embarrassed." 他の例は以下の通りです。 Friend: Do you remember that time when you slept during class? 授業中居眠りをしていた時のことを覚えていますか? Me: Oh, yeah. That was so embarrassing. はい。恥ずかしかったです。 (OR: Oh, yeah. I was so embarrassed.)
Juno DMM英会話講師
  • That experience was quite embarrassing.

  • It was quite an embarrassing experience for me.

  • It was an embarrassing experience

I think 'That experience was embarrassing' was an appropriate translation' but when you add 'quite' it helps to lessen the feeling of embarrassment when explaining it to friends. You can also say It was quite an embarrassing experience for me. I hope that helps!
私は That experience was embarrassing. が適切な翻訳だと思ったのですが、quite を加えることで、友人に説明する恥ずかしさの感覚を軽減することができます。 また、こう言うことができます。 It was quite an embarrassing experience for me. 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Thinking about it makes me blush.

Blushing is showing shyness, embarrassment, or shame by becoming red in the face.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • 1. I was embarrassed by that experience.

  • 2. That experience was embarrassing for me.

  • 3. I felt embarrassed by that experience.

1. You state you were embarrassed by an experience. 2. You state that the experience was embarrassing for you. 3. You state that you had a feeling of embarrassment because of an experience. A "What happened when your trousers fell down on the bus?" B "Everyone laughed and I was totally embarrassed." A "Ha ha!"
1 ある経験で恥をかいた、と述べる表現です。 2 その経験で恥ずかしい思いをした、と述べる表現です。 3. ある経験のせいで恥ずかしい気持ちになった、と述べる表現です。 A "What happened when your trousers fell down on the bus?" バスでズボンがずり落ちたとき、どうなったの? B "Everyone laughed and I was totally embarrassed." 誰もが笑って、完全に恥をかいた。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I was mortified

  • I was ashamed

Both of these expressions can be used instead of embarrassed. Mortified is normally a stronger term than embarrassed.
どちらも「embarrassed」の代わりに使うことができます。 「Mortified」は「embarrassed」より強い用語です。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • It was an embarrassing experience.

  • It was rather an embarrassing experience for me.

  • I was embarrassed by the experience.

"It was an embarrassing experience." says the experience was embarrassing. "It was rather an embarrassing experience for me." explains that it was personally embarrassing for you. "I was embarrassed by the experience" it is better to use "By" than "about"
「It was an embarrassing experience.」は経験が恥ずかしいということを言います。 「It was rather an embarrassing experience for me.」とは、個人的に恥しめられるということを意味します。 「I was embarrassed by the experience」では「about」より「by」を使ったほうがよいです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • That experience was quite embarrassing.

  • I was embarrassed by an experience in the past.

  • That experience really embarrassed me.

"That experience really embarrassed me." talks about you being embarrassed by something that happened in the past.
"That experience really embarrassed me."(その経験は本当に恥ずかしかった) ↑過去にあったことで恥ずかしい思いをしたと伝えています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Oh that thing! I cringe when I think about it

To 'cringe' is to have a physical or psychological reaction of embarrassment when thinking about something that happened either in the past or recently. For example: "She dumped me, it made me cringe" "I cringe when I think about the clothes I used to wear" "I was so awful, it was so cringe-worthy!"
「cringe」は、恥ずかしいことを思い出したときの、体や心の反応を表します。 例: "She dumped me, it made me cringe" 〔訳〕彼女に振られて、ものすごく恥ずかしかった。 "I cringe when I think about the clothes I used to wear" 〔訳〕昔着ていた服のことを考えると、恥ずかしくなる "I was so awful, it was so cringe-worthy!" 〔訳〕本当に私ひどかった、本当に恥ずかしかった。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
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