世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/03 22:15
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  • a song from back in my day

  • a song from my younger days

「my day」とは「私が若い時」という意味です。
Tim Young 主催
  • 1. That song brings it all back.

  • 2. That reminds me of when I was a child.

  • 3. The music evokes many memories

1. The song rekindles memories 2. To be reminded of something means to have a memory of something 3. The music brings feelings. emotions or memories to the conscious mind.
1. 昔の思い出をよみがえらせてくれる唄 2. to be reminded of : 何かを思い出させる 3. 音楽は感情や気持ち、記憶を今の心に思い出させてくれるものですね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This song takes me on a trip down memory lane

Memory lane- this is an expression which means that you go on a mental trip and start to recall a series of memories and start to remember something that happened in the past. I hope this helps :)
Melody laneとは思い出をたどる旅に出て記憶を蘇らせ過去の出来事を思い出すという意味の表現です。ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • This song brings back memories.

  • High School hit.

  • I used to listen to this song when I was younger

"This song brings back memories." explains its from your past. "High School Hit." Is an expression used to explain a song that was very popular when you were in high school or collage. "I used to listen to this song when I was younger." explains you listened to it in the past.
"This song brings back memories." 過去に聞いていたということを説明できるでしょう。 "High School Hit." あなたが高校や大学の時に非常に人気があった曲を表現するためのフレーズです。 "I used to listen to this song when I was younger." あなたが過去にそれを聞いたことを説明します。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • This song takes me back.

  • This song takes me on a trip down memory lane.

Takes me back signifies something (a song, etc.) that strongly reminds you of a specific time in the past Take on a trip down memory lane means to reminisce over memories of past events, especially happy ones Reminisce means to indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events
Takes me back signifies something (a song, etc.) that strongly reminds you of a specific time in the past Takes me back=懐かしい、昔を思い出す。曲など、過去を強く思い出させるもの。 Take on a trip down memory lane means to reminisce over memories of past events, especially happy ones Takes me on a trip down memory lane=懐かしいころを思い出し、浸る。特に、ハッピーな思い出。 Reminisce means to indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events Reminisce=回想する、と言う意味で、過去の楽しい思い出に浸ること。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • This song makes me feel so nostalgic.

  • This song brings back so many fond memories of when I was young.

  • I always reminisce about my youth when I hear this song.

"This song makes me feel so nostalgic." This means that it makes you want to go back in time to the time of your youth. "This song brings back so many fond memories of when I was young." A fond memory is a memory of a time /subject or object that makes you happy to think about. "I always reminisce about my youth when I hear this song." To reminisce is to think about things that happened in the past.
"This song makes me feel so nostalgic." ①「この歌を聴くと懐かしい気持ちになる。」 若い頃に戻りたくなる心境を意味します。 "This song brings back so many fond memories of when I was young." ②「この歌を聴くと、若い頃の懐かしい思い出がたくさん蘇る。」 A fond memoryは、思い出すとハッピーにな気分になれる懐かしい思い出のことです。 "I always reminisce about my youth when I hear this song." ③「この歌を聴くと、自分の青春時代を思い出す。」 To reminisceは、過去の出来事を思い出すという意味です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • That songs brings back lots of memories.

  • I used to listen to that song when I was younger and it brings back many memories.

  • nostalgia

"nostalgia" is a feeling of happiness or joy that comes from memories of good experiences. The phrase "brings back lots of memories" means that you remember some things from a time in the past.
"nostalgia"(懐古の情/ノスタルジア)とはいい経験などからくる楽しい思い出や、幸せな思い出の事です。 この "brings back lots of memories"というフレーズは過去の事を思い出す、という意味になります。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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