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 I would want to drink beer together,If I had eaten gyoza! で良いでしょうか? ケーキを食べると、紅茶が飲みたくなる。 夏になると海に行きたくなる or 山に行きたくなる etc 派生の表現も豊富だと思います。
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2017/06/05 12:18
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  • Whenever I eat gyoza, I feel like drinking beer.

"Whenever 〜" は「〜するときはいつでも、いつ〜しようとも」という表現です。 "feel like 〜" は「〜したい(ような)気がする、〜したい気分である」ということを表し、ここでは「ビールを飲みたい気分になる」となります。 "When I eat gyoza, I always feel like drinking beer." と言うこともできます。
  • Dumplings enhance my desire to drink beer!

  • Dumplings make me thirsty for beer!

  • Dumplings give me a thirst for beer!

To be thirsty for something - we say this when we want to specifically mention the way we would like to quench our thirst: "After a game of tennis I am tremendously thirsty for lemonade." thirsty for something - Needing to drink something. "I'm thirsty for a glass of cold water." Also, a craving or desiring something. "The students were thirsty for knowledge." "That evil tyrant is thirsty for power."
thirsty for ~ - 喉を癒したいときに特化して使う表現です。 "After a game of tennis I am tremendously thirsty for lemonade." (テニスの試合の後は、レモネードが無性に飲みたい。) thirsty for ~ - 何かを飲む必要があるということです。 "I'm thirsty for a glass of cold water." (冷たい水を1杯飲みたい。) また、しきりに欲しがるという意味もあります。 "The students were thirsty for knowledge." (その生徒は、知識をしきりに欲しがっている。) "That evil tyrant is thirsty for power." (その暴君は、権力をしきりに欲しがっている。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Whenever I eat gyoza, it makes me want to drink beer.

  • It makes me want to drink beer whenever I eat gyoza.

Notice that within these two sentences that we can have movement that is focused around the word, "whenever." Moving these clauses around does not change the sentences meaning.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Dumplings makes me crave beer!

  • Dumplings gives me a beer craving!

Both of these are good sayings to let someone know that when you eat dumplings, you must have beer with it. "Dumplings make me crave beer!" "Dumplings give me a beer craving!" "Crave" or "Craving" means a powerful feeling to have something.
餃子を食べるときはビールを飲まないといけない、ということを伝えるのに、これらのどちらでも使っていただけます。 "Dumplings make me crave beer!" "Dumplings give me a beer craving!" "crave"や"craving"は、なにかを欲しいと思う強い気持ちです。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Goes well with...

  • Beer "goes every well with" Gyoza dumplings..

When something is said to go well with something else... "They compliment each other" or GO well together" Like love and marriage... they go together like a horse and carriage...It is our taste preference in this case: Beer "goes every well with" Gyoza dumplings..
ある物が他の物との相性が良い時、"They compliment each other" or GO well together" (それらはお互いに良く合う)と言います。それらは愛と結婚、馬と馬車のような関係です。この場合は、味覚の好みが合っているということです。 例文 Beer "goes every well with" Gyoza dumplings.. ビールは餃子にとても良く合う
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • When I eat dumplings, I feel like drinking beer.

This is a simple way to describe that when you eat a certain food it makes you want to drink beer. This could be cause that particular food and that particular drink go well together, "dumplings and beer compliment each other so well".
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I just love drinking beer when I eat Gyoza.

  • The best drink for me to have with Gyoza is a nice beer.

  • I can't have Gyoza without beer.

>I just love drinking beer when I eat Gyoza. *This is an expression on how you enjoy having a beer with Gyoza. !!!!!!!!!! >The best drink for me to have with Gyoza is a nice beer. *This is saying that the best drink with your gyoza is a beer. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >I can't have Gyoza without beer. *This means that you can't eat gyoza without beer. All the above sentence express how you enjoy having beer with gyoza and how nice it is.
I just love drinking beer when I eat Gyoza. これは、餃子とビールをどれくらい楽しんでいるかを表現でします。 The best drink for me to have with Gyoza is a nice beer. 餃子と一緒にビールを飲むのは最高です。 I can't have Gyoza without beer. ビールなしで餃子を食べることができないという意味です。 上記すべての表現は餃子とビールを楽しむのがどれだけ良いかということを表現しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • When I have dumplings, I crave beer.

  • Whenever I eat dumplings, I want beer.

*-Dumplings are small lumps of dough that are cooked and eaten, either with meat and vegetables or as part of a sweet pudding. *-If you crave something, you want to have it very much. --"When I have dumplings, I crave beer." --"Whenever I eat dumplings, I want beer." They then shared sweet dumplings and tea. There may be certain times of day when smokers crave their cigarette.
「Dumpling」とは、肉や野菜を甘いプディングの一部で料理して食べられる小さな塊です。 何か欲しがる時それがとても欲しいです。 "When I have dumplings, I crave beer." 餃子を食べる時、ビールが欲しくなります。 "Whenever I eat dumplings, I want beer 餃子を食べる時、ビールが欲しいです。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I always feel like having beer whenever I eat gyoza.

  • Gyoza and beer go well together.

  • I will be satisfied if I eat gyoza with my beer.

You can use the following sentences to express yourself: "I always feel like having beer whenever I eat gyoza." "Gyoza and beer go well together." "I will be satisfied if I eat gyoza with my beer."
"下記の表現を使って言い表すことができます。 ""I always feel like having beer whenever I eat gyoza."" 餃子を食べるといつもビールが飲みたくなる ""Gyoza and beer go well together."" 餃子とビールは相性がいい ""I will be satisfied if I eat gyoza with my beer."" 餃子を食べる時ビールがあると満足する"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I crave beer when I eat dumplings.

The word "crave" is used when we really want something. It usually refers to something we want to eat/ drink. You can use this word in other sentences as well-" I am craving some chocolate right now". This is just an expressive word and it sounds a lot more pleasing to someone when you say "crave" instead of "want".
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • Whenever I eat dumplings, I always end up wanting to drink beer.

  • I always end up craving beer whenever I eat dumplings for some reason.

If you want to explain to someone that you always crave beer when you eat dumplings, you can say something like "I always end up craving beer whenever I eat dumplings for some reason.". The word "crave" means to have a sudden desire for a certain thing whether it be food, drinks of otherwise.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I like to enjoy a beer while i'm eating dumplings.

  • Whenever I eat dumplings I want to drink beer.

You could use any of the above two sentences to say that you enjoy something or you crave something when eating a certain food. - Crave; a deep desire for something. In this case a deep desire to drink something.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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