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2016/01/12 18:04
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  • Tell me the difference between Valentine's Day in America and Japan.

「の違いを教えてください」は、 「Tell me the difference between...」 ですね。 バレンタインデーに限らず、様々な話題と組み合わせて使えます。 ↓ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tell me the difference between Indian and Nepalese cuisine. インドとネパール料理の違いを教えてください。 Tell me the difference between wolves and coyotes. 狼とコヨーテの違いを教えてください。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ などなど。 「欧米と日本のバレンタインデーの違いを教えてください」 を翻訳する際、 「Valentine's Day in America and Japan」 を適切な場所に挿入するだけで、訳が完成します。 ↓ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tell me the difference between Valentine's Day in America and Japan. 欧米と日本のバレンタインデーの違いを教えてください。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ほら、簡単ですね! ちなみに、具体的な違いとしては、 日本では「女性のみ」の方から告白したり、チョコをあげたりするみたいですが、 アメリカでは男性・女性両方からになります(ホワイトデーが存在しないため)。 (また、義理チョコなどの概念は、海外においては基本的に存在しません。) 他の役に立つバレンタインデー関連の表現 ↓ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi, I've come for my chocolate. こんにちは。チョコをもらいに来ました。 I think you forgot to give me my chocolate. 僕のチョコをお忘れでは? I'll take my chocolate now, thanks! チョコの方は、今もらっとくよ。ありがとう! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • Please tell me the difference between Valentine's Day in the U.S. and in Japan.

  • Please tell me how Valentine's Day is celebrated differently in the U.S. and in Japan.

★ Please tell me the difference between Valentine's Day in the U.S. and in Japan. そのまま直訳したらこうなります。 ちなみに、「アメリカ」は色々な言い方があります:  ● America  ● the United States  ● the U.S.  ● the states → アメリカ出身の人は良くこれを使います(例:I'm from the states) ★ Please tell me how Valentine's Day is celebrated differently in the U.S. and in Japan. バレンタインの祝い方の違いを聞きたい場合、このように表現できます。
Reina Saeki マルチリンガル英会話講師/ハーバード卒バイリンガル
  • Is there a difference between American and Japanese valentine's day.

  • How is valentines day celebrated differently than in Japan?

>Is there a difference between American and Japanese valentine's day. >How is valentines day in America celebrated differently than in Japan? Both sentences are asking for a comparison between valentines day in America and Japan.
Is there a difference between American and Japanese valentine's day. How is valentines day in America celebrated differently than in Japan? どちらもアメリカと日本のバレンタインの比較を尋ねる時の表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • How does Valentine's Day in America compare with the same day in Japan?

  • How does Valentine's Day in America differ from the same day in Japan?

  • What do Japananese people do that's different from Americans on Valentine's Day.?

Any of these queries is appropriate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could you tell me how does America celebrate Valentines day compared to Japan?

  • Japan has a massive festival on Valentines day, what does America do on this day?

  • I will really appreciate if you explain the different way America celebrates Valentines day compared to japan?

Basically this question is defined as a comparison(compare two different things).
Carey M DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know if there are any differences of how Valentine's day is celebrated in America compared to Japan?

  • What differences do you know of when it comes to how Valentine's day is celebrated in America?

Do you know if there are any differences of how Valentine's day is celebrated in America compared to Japan?: You may ask this question to the person to find out about the differences. This question allows you to check if the person knows of any differences, because not everyone may know of the differences. What differences do you know of when it comes to how Valentine's day is celebrated in America?: This question would be specific in wanting to find out any differences the person may know.
Do you know if there are any differences of how Valentine's day is celebrated in America compared to Japan?: 違いがわかるかどうか尋ねる言い方です。あまり多くの人がそのことについて知っていないから、相手がそのことを知っているか確認する尋ね方です。 What differences do you know of when it comes to how Valentine's day is celebrated in America?: この質問は相手が違いを理解しているか自分が知りたいというニュアンスが強いです。
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • Please tell me the difference between Valentine's day in America and Japan?

The difference between two things is the way in which they are unlike each other. 'Please tell me the difference between Valentine's day in America and Japan? ' means what gets done differently in these two countries on Valentine's day
2つのものの違いが知りたいなら、どのように異なるのかを聞きます。 'Pleaase tell me the difference between Valentine's day in America and Japan?' これはどのように2つの国でバレンタインデーが異なって行われるのかを尋ねます。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Can you tell me how Japanese Valentine's Day celebrations contrast with how it is traditionally done in the US?

  • Is there a significant distinction between Valentine's Day traditions in Japan and the US?

To ask someone to contrast is requesting that he/she shares differences between two or more concepts, people or places. By including "traditionally done" expresses that one acknowledges there may be alternative ways to celebrate but would like to know the difference between the most commonly known traditions. If one is asking about a distinction, he/she is attempting to find out if there are differences in the traditions between the two. To ask about significant distinctions leaves out anything that may be minor or frivolous.
"contrast" には「〔考え・人・場所の〕違いを教える」という意味があります。 "traditionally done" は「いろいろな習慣があるだろうけど、最も一般的な習慣を教えてほしい」という意味合いです。 "distinction" は「違い/相違点」という意味です。"significant distinction"(大きな違い)と言うと、小さな、重要でない違いは除外されます。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • What are the differences between Valentine's Day in America and Valentine's Day in Japan?

  • What are the different traditions that come with Valentine's Day in America and Japan?

When it comes to traditions or the cultural customs between countries we can simply ask what the differences are. It is usually understood you are talking about the traditions of both countries. Or you could just simply refer to traditions in the question. There are different ways to pose this question.
国と国の文化や習慣の違いについて尋ねるなら、シンプルに "What are the differences"(違いは何ですか)と言えます。普通、両国の「習慣」の違いについて言っていると理解されます。 あるいは、直接「習慣(traditions)」について尋ねることもできます。 この質問はいろいろな聞き方ができます。
Cristian C DMM英語講師
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