世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




英会話で先生の言ったことがわからなかった時「Could you say that again?」この流れで「Because」の後に質問内容のことを言いたかったのですが、言葉にできませんでした。その時は「I want to know what you said to be able to understand it next time.」で一応通じましたが、質問内容通りの英文を作りたいです。
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2017/06/07 16:41
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  • I don't want to stay in the dark about it.

  • I don't want to let it go by and not learn it.

to be in the dark = 知らないままにいる let it go by = 放っておく, 逃す
Tim Young 主催
  • Could you say that again because I don't think I understood it properly

  • Could you say that again because I really want to understand this better

Both of these sentences will work well. They both will let the teacher know that you did not understand or hear something clearly and that you really want to understand it before moving on. I hope this helps :)
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't quite understand. Could you repeat that please?

  • I'm not getting it. Would you please say it again?

  • I'm missing the meaning of that. Would you explain it another way?

I didn't quite understand = I don't understand it In the UK, we often moderate or soften our phrases by using such words as, quite, a little, fairly, rather. This often seems more polite and makes a phrase less dramatic. I'm not getting it = I don't understand it missing the meaning = not understanding something
I didn't quite understand =理解できない。 英国では、quite,fairly, ratherなど、こういう言葉を使って、表現を中和したり柔らかくしたりします。 これはしばしばより礼儀正しく、フレーズをあまり劇的にしないように使われます。 I'm not getting it=それを理解できてない。 missing the meaning =何かを理解しない
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please sat it again. I want to make sure I fully understand before I go.

This is a polite to ask the teacher to repeat.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I am not clear about ......

  • I haven't quite grasped the content

  • I am not with you yet can you explain it in a different way

I am not with you yet can you explain it in a different way I haven't quite grasped the content, can you go over it again I am not clear about ...... You can use all of these expressions to help gain clarification. 1. directly tells the tutor what you are unsure about and leaves it open as to how the tutor should explain. 2 indicates that you are uncertain about the meaning and need clarification. 3 tells the teacher you are unsure about the information and asks the teacher to repeat the phrase/sentence and to explain it again in a different way. To communicate effectively first think about your problem. If the tutor has already repeated the sentence/phrase but you dont understand it then the best option is to use phrase 3.
I am not with you yet can you explain it in a different wayー私はあなたと一緒ではありませんが(わかっていない)、あなたはそれを別のやり方で説明できますか? I haven't quite grasped the content, can you go over it againー私はコンテンツをかなり把握していないのですが、もう一度それにいくことができますか? I am not clear about ......ー私は理解していない...... これらはすべて説明をしてもらいたい時に使うことができます。 1は、あなたがわかっていないことを教師に直接伝え、どのように説明して欲しいか伝えます。 2は、あなたが意味について確信しておらず、明確化が必要であることを伝えます。 3は、教師に情報が不明であることを伝え、フレーズ/センテンスを繰り返し、別の方法で説明するように頼みます。 効果的にコミュニケーションをするには、まず自分の問題について考えます。 先生が既にフレーズ、センテンスを繰り返しているが、それを理解していない場合は、3の文を使用することをお勧めします。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please say that again because I'm not sure I understood what you meant

  • Can you please explain that in another way?

When you want to give a reason for why you want your teacher to repeat what they said; then you can say it in the following ways: -Could you please say that again because I'm not sure I understood what you meant -Can you please explain that in another way?
先生が言ったことを繰り返してほしい理由を言いたい時、、以下のように言えます: Could you please say that again because I'm not sure I understood what you meant. (あなたの言ったことを理解したか確かでないので、もう一度言っていただけますか?) Can you please explain that in another way? (別の言い方で説明して頂けますか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please repeat that i did not quite understand

  • I did not quite understand could you please say it another way for me

  • Would you explain it to me again please

If you did not understand something properly then it is always a good idea to ask for someone to repeat it for me or to give another meaning or explanation as sometimes you don't always understand everything the first time. To explain something again is always a good idea or to explain in maybe a simpler way so it is easier to undertstand.
言われたことを一回で理解できないこともありますね。ですから、何かを正しく理解できなかった時は、繰り返してもらったり言い換えてもらうのがいいですね。 to explain something again言うのは、良いアイディアで、簡単に説明することなので理解しやすくなります。 もう一度説明してもらったり、もっと簡単に説明してもらうのがいいですね。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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