世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/09 04:33
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  • Do you still sell this product?

  • I used to buy this product here, but I can't find it. Do you not sell it anymore?

  • Do you still have this product in stock?

Hi, Mika! 1. "Do you still sell this product?" I think it would be best to use this phrase if you prefer to be direct and straightforward. It's not rude, but it's not polite either. If you want to make it polite, you can say "Excuse me, do you still sell this product?" 2. "I used to buy this product here, but I can't find it. Do you not sell it anymore?" This phrase is more polite than the first phrase. It offers more explanation. If you want to make this phrase more casual, you can say "You don't sell it anymore?" For example: "I used to buy this product here, but I can't find it. You don't sell it anymore?" 3. "Do you still have this product in stock?" When an item is "in stock", it means that the store sells the product, but other shoppers have already purchased all the items on the shelves. Phrase 1 and Phrase 2 are different because they ask if the store permanently removes a product from the shelf. I hope this helps! Good luck! ✰✰
Hi, Mika! 1. "Do you still sell this product?" もしストレートに尋ねるなら、多分これが一番いいフレーズです。 失礼にはあたりませんが、丁寧というわけでもありません。 もし丁寧にしたければ、Excuse me.と最初につけると良いでしょう。 2. "I used to buy this product here, but I can't find it. Do you not sell it anymore?" このフレーズは一番目より丁寧ですね。 説明が多いですから。 もっとカジュアルにしたければ、You don't sell it anymore?と尋ねることもできます。 例: "I used to buy this product here, but I can't find it. You don't sell it anymore?" 3. "Do you still have this product in stock?" in stockとは、在庫の有無を尋ねています。 棚にはないけど、裏にあるのかどうかを尋ねています。 1,2はもう取り扱いしていないかどうかを尋ねる聞き方ですのでちょっと違います。 お役に立てれば幸いです。 頑張ってください。✰✰
Juno DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Is the product that used to be here before no longer available?

  • 2. I'm sorry, I was looking for the product that used to be here.

  • 3. Can't I find that product here anymore?

1. 以前ここにあった商品はもう取り扱いがなくなったんですか? 2.すみません、以前ここにあった商品を探していますが。。。 3.もうその商品はここにありませんか?
1. 以前ここにあった商品はもう取り扱いがなくなりましたか? 2. すみません、以前ここにあった商品を探しているのですが... 3 もうその商品はここにありませんか?
  • Do you still stock ( the red laced ladies shoes)

You can ask virtually any store this question. e,g. Do you stock Mel Gibson movies. Do you stock the bible in this bookshop. Do you stock lampshades in this store.
実際にはこの質問はどんな店でも使えます。 例 Do you stock Mel Gibson movies. Mel Gibsonの映画は在庫がありますか。 Do you stock the bible in this bookshop. この本屋には聖書がありますか。 Do you stock lampshades in this store. この店にはランプの傘がありますか。
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • Don't you sell TVs anymore?

  • Did you stop selling TVs?

  • Do you still stock TVs?

This question may be asked in the positive form: 'Do you still stock TVs?' or the negative form: 'Don't you sell TVs anymore?' Questions in English are usually asked in the positive form - unless you have reason to believe the negative. The negative statement of:'Don't you sell TVs anymore?' is 'You don't sell TVs anymore,' and to make a question from that statement, you can either add a question tag:''You don't sell TVs anymore, do you?' Or, 'Don't you sell TVs anymore?'
この質問は、肯定的に「あなたはまだテレビをストックしていますか?」または否定的に「もうテレビを売っていないの?」と質問されます。 ないかもしれないと思っているのなら。否定的な言葉: 'You don't sell TVs anymore,'から、「:'Don't you sell TVs anymore?'」 と質問文を作る、または、付加疑問文を追加することもできます。例''You don't sell TVs anymore, do you?' 。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you still have (Item name)?

  • Do you still stock (item name)?

"Still have" and "still stock" are two expressions uses to ask them if they still sell these items.
"Still have" と "still stock" はどちらも、それらの商品がまだ売られているかを尋ねる表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Hi, where can I find the "peanuts" that used to be on this shelf?

  • Do you have stock of the "peanuts" ?

Both phrases are good to use. 1. Hi, where can I find the "peanuts" that used to be on this shelf? This is asking where you can find the product. Asking them indirectly if they have moved it to a different shelf. 2. Do you have stock of the "peanuts" ? This is asking if the product is sold out or if they still have more of the product in the store room.
両方使いやすいです。 1. Hi, where can I find the "peanuts" that used to be on this shelf? これはどこであなたがその商品を見つけられるか尋ねています。彼らがそれを違う棚に移したかどうかを間接的に聞いています 2. Do you have stock of the "peanuts" ? これはその商品が売れてしまったか、またはその店の中にその商品をまだ置いているのかを尋ねています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Do you still sell this product?

  • Is this product still available?

  • Do you still have this item in stock?

When you are looking for an item/product in a shop then it might not be available anymore as if it's not popular they might not sell/stock it so you could ask 'is this product still available? To find out if something is still sold then you can use the terms 'still sell', 'still available' 'in stock'
お店で商品を探すとき、もしかするとそれはもう売られていないかもしれません。人気のない商品はお店には置かれなくなります。 ですから、次のように聞けます。 'is this product still available? (この商品はまだ売っていますか) あるものがまだ売られているか確認するときには、 'still sell'(まだ売っている) 'still available'(まだ売っている) 'in stock'(在庫の) などの表現が使えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Do you still stock this product?

  • Is this product still available?

"Do you still stock this product?" "Stock" Is a term used in this context to describe if the shop still sells this particular product. "Is this product still available?" "available" in this context,if this product is still able to buy. depending on the context available can be used in ex. "Are you available this weekend?"
"Do you still stock this product?"(この商品はまだ置いていますか) = ここでは "Stock" を使って、まだその商品が売られているかどうかを尋ねています。 "Is this product still available?"(この商品はまだ売っていますか) = "Available" はここでは「買うことができる」の意味です。"Available" は、次のように使うこともできます。 "Are you available this weekend?"(今週末は空いていますか)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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