世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/13 21:22
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  • When you get off the train, please put your money in the fare box.

運賃 = fare (〜る)時 = when 〜
Tim Young 主催
  • You will need to pay the fare by putting your money in the fare box as you get off the train.

This is a polite but direct way to explain to them how and where to pay the fare on the train. I hope that this helps :)
You will need to pay the fare by putting your money in the fare box as you get off the train. (電車を降りるときに運賃を運賃箱に入れてください) これは、電車の運賃をどこで、どのように払うのかを丁寧かつ単刀直入に説明しています。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Please pay your fare by putting money in the ticket box as you get off the train.

  • Please pay via the fare box at the front of the train as you get off.

この払い方はワンマンカーでしょうか?運賃箱だけじゃなくて1番前のカーにあるですね。 Please pay your fare - fareは電車の料金。fareは電車、タクシー、飛行機でも使います。 Fare box - 運賃箱, 実は海外で運賃箱あんまりないです。皆たぶんわかんあいからfare boxストレスしたほうがいいです。 Pay Via the fare box - 運賃箱で払う. Via - で go to Tokyo via Shinkansen 東京に新幹線で行きます。 あなたの質問は“運賃箱に払う”だけどviaのため“で”で説明しました。 AS you get off the train - 電車降りる時 Front of the train - 1番前のカー。ワンマンカーの乗る時ドライバーのところで払えないとからfront of the trainは必要です。
  • As you get off, please put the money in the fare box.

  • When you get off, please put the money in the fare box.

  • Just put the money in the fare box as you get off.

As you get off or when you get off, both refer to the time when something is happening. When, at the current time, or as, when it is in the process of happening. Please put the money in the fare box, is a polite way of asking that the money be placed in the box for the money you pay to go from one place to another. "Just put the money in the fare box as you get off," is the most relaxed way of instructing someone to put the money in box as they get off. Starting with "just", shows that no further action is needed beyond what you have just stated.
"as you get off" と "when you get off"(降りる時)どちらも、物事が起きている時を指します。 "Please put the money in the fare box"(運賃箱にお金を入れてください)は、お金を箱に入れるようお願いする丁寧な言い方です。 "Just put the money in the fare box as you get off"(降りる時に運賃箱にお金を入れてください)は、最もカジュアルな言い方です。文頭に"just"を使って、それ以外には何もする必要がないことを表しています。
Staci DMM英会話講師
  • Put the money in the fare box as you get off.

  • While you're getting off put the money in the fare box.

Native speakers will say like this: “Put the money in the fare box as you get off”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Who should I give the money for the fare? B: Just put the money in the fare box as you get off.
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “Put the money in the fare box as you get off”(降りるときに運賃箱にお金を入れます) 他にもいろいろな言い方がありますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 以下は会話での使用例です。 A: Who should I give the money for the fare?  誰に運賃を払ったらいいの?   B: Just put the money in the fare box as you get off.  降りるときに運賃箱に入れるだけだよ。
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • You put your money in the fare box before you get off the train.

  • Pay when you are getting off the train.

  • Put your fare in the box as you get off the train.

fare box - a box where passengers insert their fare for public transportation as - while "Take notes as you're listening." "I like to listen to music as I'm cleaning."
fare box - 公共交通機関で乗客が運賃を入れる箱 as - ~しながら "Take notes as you're listening."(聞きながらメモを取りなさい) "I like to listen to music as I'm cleaning."(掃除をしながら音楽を聞くのが好きです)
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • Before you get off the train please put your fare in the fare box

obviously you will have to pay a fare for the use of the train travelling to your preferred destination, the fare box would be located nearer the exit of the train. native speaker like to use the Phrase " Get off" this can refer to getting off transport or even getting off using your mobile phone.
当然、目的地まで電車に乗れば運賃を支払わなければなりません。運賃箱は電車の出口近くに置かれています。ネイティブスピーカーは"Get off"というフレーズをよく使います。"Get off"は乗り物を降りることや、電話を切ることも表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Pay for the train journey by putting the fare in the fare box as you get off.

  • You pay for the train at the end of your journey, there is a fare box to put your money in.

A very simple but thorough way to say this is "Pay for the train journey by putting the fare in the fare box as you get off.". This includes the detail of what you are paying for (your journey) and where you are to put the money. Another great detail to add is the time in which you pay for the train, as for some people it would be normal to pay for the journey before; "You pay for the train at the end of your journey, there is a fare box to put your money in.".
とてもシンプルかつ完全な言い方として、 "Pay for the train journey by putting the fare in the fare box as you get off."(運賃は降りるときに運賃箱に入れます) と表すことができます。この文には、何についてのお金(=運賃)をどこで支払うのかが含まれています。 もう一つ加えるといいのが、運賃をいつ支払うかです。前もって運賃を支払うのが一般的という所もあるでしょうから。 "You pay for the train at the end of your journey, there is a fare box to put your money in." (運賃は電車から降りるときに支払います。お金を入れる運賃箱があります)
Claire L DMM英会話講師
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