世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




レッスンの中で、自分が単語帳で覚えた、単語やフレーズを使う練習をしたいのですが、例えば、「今日のレッスンはdecide を使った単語や例文の練習をしたいです。」みたいなことは、英語でなんて言えばいいですか?
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2017/06/15 22:24
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  • Can I practice using the new word/phrase today?

Practice➔練習する Use➔使う New word➔新しい単語(新しく習った単語) New phrase➔新しいフレーズ Can I ~? 「○○してもいいですか?」 May I~?またはCould I~?は、Can I ~?よりフォーマルです。 例文①Can I/May I/Could I practice using the word, "decide" today? ➔「今日は、”decide”と言う言葉の使い方を練習してもいいですか?」 例文②Can I/May I/Could I practice making example sentences using the word, "decide" today? ➔「今日は、”decide”という言葉を使って例文を作る練習してもいいですか?」 I would like to~「~をしたいのですが」という言い方もありますが、ここでは、ちょっと堅苦しい響きがあるので、疑問文形式で「~したい」旨を伝えるのがいいかと思います。 少しでもお役に立てれば幸いです。
Michiru 英語・異文化コミュニケーションコンサルタント
  • How do I use "decide" in a sentence.

  • I would like more practice on how to use "decide" in a sentence.

*How do I use "decide" in a sentence. This mean that you would like to know how it is used in a sentence. For example: Student: How do I use "decide" in a sentence. Teacher: You can say " I am trying to decide what I want to eat for lunch." *I would like more practice on how to use "decide" in a sentence. This means you would like the teacher to help you practice this word in sentences.
*How do I use "decide" in a sentence? (文章中で"decide"をどのように使ったらいいですか?) これは、文章中でどのような使い方をするか知りたいという意味になります。 例: Student: How do I use "decide" in a sentence. 生徒:文章中で"decide"をどのように使ったらいいですか? Teacher: You can say " I am trying to decide what I want to eat for lunch." 先生:"I am trying to decide what I want to eat for lunch"と言う事が出来ます。 *I would like more practice on how to use "decide" in a sentence. (文章中で"decide"をどのように使ったらいいか練習したいです) これは、この言葉の使い方を練習したいので先生に手伝ってほしいという意味になります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Could we practise the word 'decide for a while, teacher?

  • Could we try making up some sentences using that phrase?

When you have come across a new phrase or some vocabulary that will be useful for you, it is quite helpful to the learning process if you can practise during the lesson forming some sentences which include the new words. You may ask the teacher: "Could we try making up some sentences using that phrase?" Or alternatively, "Could we practise the word 'decide for a while, teacher?"
自分に役立つ新しいフレーズやボキャブラリーに 出会ったら、レッスン中に新しい言葉が含まれた文を いくつか作って練習すれば、学習過程にはとても 有効です。先生にこう尋ねることができます。 例文 "Could we try making up some sentences using that phrase?" このフレーズを使っていくつか文を作ってみませんか?又は "Could we practise the word 'decide for a while, teacher?" 先生、'decide for a whileという語を練習しませんか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I practice using the word decide today please

  • Can we practice the word decide in the lesson today

  • I would like to practice using the word decide today please

If you want to ask to use a particular word/phrase (decide) more in your lesson then you could simply say 'Can i/we practice using the word decide today/in the lesson please' you could also ask 'I would like to practice using the word decide today please' this explains to the teacher exactly what you would like to do in the lesson today
特定の単語・フレーズ(decide)をレッスンでもっと使うようお願いしたいなら、 'Can I/we practice using the word decide today/in the lesson please?'(今日は'decide'の使い方を練習がしたいです) と言えます。 ほかに、 'I would like to practice using the word decide today please'(今日は'decide'の使い方を練習がしたいです) とお願いすることもできます。今日のレッスンでしたいことを具体的に伝えています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to practice using the word decide.

  • I'd like to put to use the word decide in a sentence.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your teacher that you want to practice a particular word. In the second sentence you will see the term put to use. This means to practice. This is a term that is common in our everyday conversation and it would make an awesome addition to your vocabulary.
どちらの例も、特定の単語を練習したいときに、先生に対して使うことができます。 二つ目の例には'put to use'という表現が使われています。これは「練習する」という意味です。日常会話でよく使われる表現ですから、ボキャブラリーに加えておくといいでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to practise using this word.

  • I want to practise using the word "decide"

Native speakers will say like this: “I'd like to practise using the word "decide" today, please”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Teacher, I would like to pracitse using the word "decide" today. Can we do that, please? B: Of course. Can you try using it in a couple of sentences?
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “I'd like to practise using the word "decide" today, please” (今日は "decide" の使い方を練習したいです) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 会話では以下のように使えます。 A: Teacher, I would like to pracitse using the word "decide" today. Can we do that, please? B: Of course. Can you try using it in a couple of sentences? ↓ A: 先生、今日は "decide" の使い方を練習したいです、いいですか? B: もちろんです。2、3個、文を作ってみてもらえますか。
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to practice using the word "decide".

  • In today's lesson, I would like to practice using the word "decide"

When you want to tell your teacher that you would like to practice using the word "decide"; then you may express this in the following ways: -I would like to practice using the word "decide". -In today's lesson, I would like to practice using the word "decide"
"decide"を使う練習がしたいと先生に伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 -I would like to practice using the word "decide".("decide"という単語を使う練習がしたいです) -In today's lesson, I would like to practice using the word "decide"(今日のレッスンでは、"decide"という単語を使う練習がしたいです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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