世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/18 22:16
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  • I wanna talk about today's happenings.

I wanna talk about today's happenings. 今日の私の出来事について話したいです。 今日の出来事は勉強だけで終わった。 My day today was all about study. 一番の出来事 biggest event 今日一日の出来事 the biggest event of the day today 人生の今までの一番の出来事はあなたに会えたことでした。 The biggest even of my life was about meeting you. ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • Let me tell you about my day today.

Let me tell you about my day today. 今日の出来事について話させて下さい。 about my day today ちょっとくどいようですが、「今日の私の出来事」です。
  • Can I mention what happened with my day today?

  • Let me tell you about my day!

You could use either of the two phrases above. One is a question asking for permission to start talking about your day. The other is an introduction to actually telling the teacher about your day.
上記の2つのフレーズのどちらでも使用できます。 1つは今日の出来事について話し始める許可を求める質問です。もう1つは実際に今日の出来事について教師に尋ねる表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am so excited to tell you what happened today.

  • Hi Teacher, you will not believe what happened to me today. Let me tell you..

Example 1 Teacher: Hello Jackie Jackie: Hello teacher, I am so excited to tell you what happened today. Example 2 Teacher: Hello Jackie Jackie: Hi Teacher, you will not believe what happened to me today. Let me tell you..
"Example 1 Teacher: Hello Jackie Jackie: Hello teacher, I am so excited to tell you what happened today. 例1 先生:こんにちはジャッキー ジャッキー:こんにちは先生、今日何があったかあなたに言えて嬉しいです。 Example 2 Teacher: Hello Jackie Jackie: Hi Teacher, you will not believe what happened to me today. Let me tell you.." 例2 先生:こんにちはジャッキー ジャッキー:こんにちは先生、あなたは今日私に何があったか信じられないわ。 言っておくけど..
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Hello Teacher, guess what my day was like today?

  • Hello Teacher, let me update you on my day today.

Sometimes to ask someone to "Guess what?" is rhetorical and it doesn't mean for the person to actually guess. It is a good way to start off an announcement or to share something interesting that has happened. to update is to help someone know something that has happened in the past day or week.
「Guess what?」は文字通りの意味(=当ててみて)にならないことがあります。 「Guess what?(=聞いて)」は、何かを発表したり、面白い話をシェアする時の一言として使えます。 「update(動詞)」は、その日、その週に起きたことを相手に伝えることを言います。
Kwasi DMM英会話講師
  • May I fill you in on what happened today?

  • May I tell you about the latest scoop today?

"Can I fill you in on what happened today?" - In this sentence you are asking your teacher if you may tell him or her about your day and the events that happened therein. The phrase "fill you in" is a common expression used in the English language. The definition of this phrase is to inform someone about the details of something. In this sentence, those details would then be the details of what happened on the day. Example: "Lenae filled me in on the essential details" "May I tell you about the latest scoop today?" - In this sentence you are asking your teacher if you may share a story with her on the events of your day. With "latest" meaning "up to date" and "scoop" can refer to an exclusive story (a story that you won't see anywhere else). Example: Mary: Did you hear the latest scoop on Jess, today? Anne: Yes I did, it is unbelievable.
"Can I fill you in on what happened today?" - その日(今日)のあったことについて話していいか尋ねています。"fill you in" は英語でよく使われる表現で、「あることの詳細を伝える」という意味です。この文では「その日の出来事」の詳細です。 例: Lenae filled me in on the essential details(大切なポイントについてはLenaeが教えてくれた) "May I tell you about the latest scoop today?" - その日(今日)のあったことについて話していいか尋ねています。"latest" は「up to date(最新の)」という意味です。"scoop" には「exclusive story(他で聞けない話)」という意味があります。 例: Mary: Did you hear the latest scoop on Jess, today?(Jessの話聞いた?) Anne: Yes I did, it is unbelievable.(うん、信じられない)
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • May I tell you about what happened today, teacher?

  • Can I please tell you about what happened today, teacher?

Since this is a request to your teacher, it is appropriate to ask politely. Using the auxiliary verb 'may' connotes a very polite manner even without the use of the adverb 'please'. However, you are still being polite if you use the auxiliary verb 'can', although in this case, it is important to include the adverb 'please'. So you may ask: May I tell you about what happened today, teacher? or Can I please tell you about what happened today, teacher?
これは先生へのリクエストなので、丁寧にお願いした方がいいでしょう。 助動詞「may」を使うことで、副詞「please」を使わずにとても丁寧な振る舞いを示すことができます。 しかし、助動詞「can」を使っても丁寧にたずねることができますが、この場合、副詞「please」を含むことが大切です。 したがって、以下のように聞けます。 May I tell you about what happened today, teacher? Can I please tell you about what happened today, teacher? (先生、今日の出来事を話してもいいですか?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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