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2017/06/19 21:32
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  • We look forward to hearing your feedback on the sample we sent.

  • We hope you were happy with the sample we sent.

In a formal situation, like a business email, it can be polite to ask for something in an indirect way.
For example by saying:
'We look forward to hearing your feedback on the sample we sent'.
'Look forward' Hoping for, in suspense, excited to receive
'Feedback' - Opinion or thoughts concerning something.

It is a business email so it is important to be as polite as possible.
By saying the following indirect comment, it implies that a response is needed about the sample:
We hope you were happy with the sample we sent.

I hope that helps!

We look forward to hearing your feedback on the sample we sent.
look forward は、望んでいる、お待ちしている、楽しみにしているという意味です。
feedback は、意見や感想のことです。

We hope you were happy with the sample we sent.


Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I hope you received the sample in good condition and I hope that you like our product. Kindly provide us feedback regarding the samples.

  • We have sent samples of our products for your comments and approval.

I hope you received the sample in good condition and I hope that you like our product. Kindly provide us feedback regarding the samples. - Asking if the samples was received in good condition and not damaged. Asking if they like it is helping you to find out if they will be interested. Asking for feedback is showing them that you are willing to make changes to the product if you have to.

We have sent samples of our products for your comments and approval. - Asking for comments will allow you to make changes to your product so that they will order it. Approval is to confirm they are happy with the sample and will order it.

I hope you received the sample in good condition and I hope that you like our product. Kindly provide us feedback regarding the samples.
- サンプルが良好な状態で受けられ、損傷を受けていないかどうかの質問。 彼らがそれを気に入ったかどうかを尋ねることは、興味を持っているかどうかを知る手助けになります。 フィードバックを求めることで、必要な場合に製品を変更する意思があるということを相手に伝えることができます。

We have sent samples of our products for your comments and approval.
- 相手のコメントがあれば、それに沿って製品を変えることができます。 Approvalとはサンプルに満足していること、それを注文することの確認になります。

Denton DMM英会話講師
  • 1. What did you think about the samples?

  • 2. Were the samples suitable?

  • 3. How did you find the samples?

1 and 3 are very similar questions. 'How did you find...' is a good way of asking what someone thought about something.
3. This is a closed question. The answer will be 'Yes' or 'No'. Salesmen usually prefer to ask more open questions to avoid ever being told 'No'.

1と3は非常によく似た質問です。 「 'How did you find...' 」は、誰かに何かについてどう考えたかを尋ねる良い方法です。

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I hope you were satisfied by the sample that we sent you.

  • We look forward to your feedback about the sample that we sent you.

  1. I hope you were satisfied by the sample that we sent you, feel free to let us know what you
    In Business email, the tone should be formal. This sentence is hoping that the person is "satisfied" with the sample. The word "satisfied" means well pleased, happy and contented.

    1. We look forward to your feedback about the sample that we sent you.
      This statement is also formal, and is asking for feedback or information about the product from the client's point of view.
  1. I hope you were satisfied by the sample that we sent you, feel free to let us know what you think.
    ビジネス用メールは、フォーマルに書かなければなりません。この例文では、相手がサンプルに「満足」していることを期待しています。 "satisfied" という単語は、喜んでいて、幸せで、満たされているという意味です。

    1. We look forward to your feedback about the sample that we sent you.
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • What's your feedback on the samples we sent you?

  • What do you think about the samples we sent you?

What's your feedback on (something)? - in sound, feedback is the echo or reverberation that you hear when your microphone is too close to the speakers. To give someone feedback is to take in what they say or do, and return a comment, similar to how the sound from the microphone is returned back through the speakers.

What's your feedback on (物)? - 音のフィードバックは、マイクがスピーカーに近づきすぎると聞こえるエコーまたはリバーブです。To give someone feedbackは、マイクからの音をスピーカーを通して戻すのと同じ様に、相手の発言や行動を取り入れてコメントを返すことです。

Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • How did you like the sample I sent to you?

"how do you like 〜?" は「〜をどう気に入っていますか?」という表現で、"I like it very much." や "It's OK." のように、「どのくらい好きか」その程度を答えます。

「サンプル」は "sample" と表します。

"sent" は "send"(送る、発送する) の過去形です。

"sample (that) I sent" の部分は、関係代名詞"that"が省略されていて、「私が送ったところのサンプル」となります。

  • We are awaiting your feedback on the sample we sent you.

*We are awaiting your feedback on the sample we sent you.
Awaiting means we are waiting for.
Feedback is information about reactions to a product which is used as a basis for improvement. Therefore you are asking the client to send you the feedback at their earliest convenience.

*We are awaiting your feedback on the sample we sent you.



ですから顧客に出来るだけ早く Feedbackを送って欲しいと頼んでいます。

Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Were the provided samples to your liking?

  • Is there anything to be said of the samples that I recently sent?

In order to assure that the individual who received the samples found value in them, it can be asked if they were to his/her liking. It encourages precise and straightforward feedback.

A more informal and direct way to encourage feedback is to ask if the tester has anything to say. This will indicate that feedback is important.

相手が受け取ったサンプルを気に入ったか確認するなら、"Were they to your liking?"(気に入ってもらえましたか)と言えます。相手に率直なフィードバックを求めます。


Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Can I get your opinion on the samples we sent, please?

  • Can I have your thoughts on what we sent to you, please?

  • Tell me what you thought about the samples we sent.

All of them are polite and will be understood by any potential or existing client.

Good luck.



Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • What was your experience with the sample products?

  • Based on your experience with the sample products, would you like place an order?

  • What are your thoughts on the sample products you recieved?

If you would like to ask a potential client how they felt about the product you can do so by using the sentences above.
If the client was impressed with the product then you have a sale and you have also gained clientele.
Keeping your client happy will be the next important thing once you have them on board.

"Good day sir, I am contacting you to find out if you were happy with the product samples you received?"
"Good day ma'am, based on your experience with the samples, would you like to place an order?"


"Good day sir, I am contacting you to find out if you were happy with the product samples you received?"

"Good day ma'am, based on your experience with the samples, would you like to place an order?"

Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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