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put off your shoes かput your shoes off かどちらが正しいですか。他にもよくpick it up といいますが、pick up it はまちがいとか、pick it up と言えるけれど、pick the pen up よりpick up the pen をよく聞いたりして、使いかたに混乱しています。教えていただけると助かります。
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2017/06/22 12:15
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  • Take off your shoes.

脱ぐはtake off 着るはput on です。 it/them/thisなどの代名詞、1語のものはtake offやput onの間に入ります。 take it off, take them off, take this off. . . 固有名詞や2語以上となる名詞は後に入る場合が多いです。 Take off your shirt, take off your hat. . . ただし、この場合は間に入れても間違いではありません。 Take your shirt off, take your hat off. 代名詞の時だけご注意ください。
  • Take off your shoes.

  • Put your shoes away.

If you want them to remove their shoes you say "Take off your shoes" instead of saying "Put off your shoes". If you want them to go and put the shoes where they stay e.g shoe rack, you can say "Put your shoes away."
靴を脱いで欲しいときは "Put off your shoes"ではなく、 "Take off your shoes"と言いましょう! 靴箱において欲しいときなど、脱いだ靴を片付けて欲しいときは "Put your shoes away."と言えます。 靴を片付けてください。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Take your shoes off.

  • Pick up the pen.

>Take your shoes off. >Pick up the pen. ********************** Other sentences a.Remove your shoes. b.I picked the pen up. c.Take off your shoes. .................***...............***.............
>Take your shoes off. 靴を脱いでください。 >Pick up the pen. ペンを取ってください。 ********************** その他の文章。 a.Remove your shoes. 靴を脱いで b.I picked the pen up. ペンを取り上げる。 c.Take off your shoes. 靴を脱いで .................***...............***.............
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Please take of your shoes when you come in

  • Please leave your shoes by the entrance

  • No shoes indoors!

Usually there is a reason for taking off shoes and parents would explain that reason so the child understands the logic of the request. "Please take off your shoes when you come in as I want to keep the carpet nice." "Please leave your shoes by the entrance to keep the house clean." However, if you always explain but the child forgets, you may use a stronger expression: "No shoes indoors!"
基本的に靴を脱ぐ時って理由がありますよね。ご両親がその理由を説明することで、子供のその要求のロジックを理解することができます。 "Please take off your shoes when you come in as I want to keep the carpet nice." 入るときは靴を脱いでね。カーペットは綺麗に保ちたいから。 "Please leave your shoes by the entrance to keep the house clean." 家を綺麗に保ちたいから、入り口で靴を脱いでね。 しかし、もし毎日説明してても簡単に子供が忘れてしまうようなら、強い表現を使っても良いかもしれません。 "No shoes indoors!" 室内土禁!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • take off your shoes

  • remove your shoes

"take off" and "remove" can be used in the same way when talking about shoes or clothes. You can add "please" at the beginning or at the end to make it more polite.
take offと、removeが、靴、または洋服ついて言いたいときに、同じ使い方で使えます。もっと丁寧にするために、pleaseを文頭か文末に加えることができます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Please take off your shoes before you enter the house.

  • Please leave your shoes at the front door.

  • If you would kindly take off your shoes and leave them on the shoe rack before you enter the house, that would be much appreciated.

All of these sentences can be used to let someone know that you do not want them to were shoes inside your home, and you would like them to take them off before walking around your house.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please take off your shoes?

  • Please put your shoes away.

  • We don't wear shoes here. Can you please take them off?

"Put off your shoes" or "Put your shoes off" is an incorrect way of saying it although many would understand the meaning.. Instead use any of the three phases like "Can you please take off your shoes?" When you take initiative by taking off your shoes it will enforce the idea in their brains and they will follow you to do so. When you say "Put your shoes away" it means that they will put them on a shoe rack or in a cupboard. Hope this helps!
"Put off your shoes"または"Put your shoes off"は誤った言い方ですが、多くの人は何を言おうとしているか理解できると思います。上記例文のように、"Can you please take off your shoes?"(靴を脱いでもらえますか?)と言えば伝わります。 貴方が率先して靴を脱ぎ、お手本を見せれば、他の人の脳に「靴を脱ぐ概念」を植え付け、靴を脱ぐようになるでしょう。 "Put your shoes away"は、靴を下駄箱や靴置き場に置くことを意味します。お役に立てれば幸いです。
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
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