世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/23 18:08
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  • Work has been decreasing recently.

  • My jobs have been decreasing lately.

「最近」→「Lately, recently」 「仕事」→「Job, jobs, work」 「減る」→「Decrease」 まとめて言いますと、 「Work has been decreasing recently.」 「My jobs have been decreasing lately.」 と表現します。 「decrease」の反対は「increase」で「増える」という意味になります。
Yuujin 英語講師、英会話講師、トライリンガル翻訳者
  • Workload

  • My workload is decreasing lately.

  • I'm not as busy as I used to be.

Workload - the amount of work you are doing. Lately, recently, nowadays - to mean 'not long ago' or present time. Used to be - referring to the past, something that is no longer true. A: How is everything with work? B: Actually, I'm not as busy as I used to be. A: Really? How come? B: My workload has decreased lately.
Workload➔仕事量 Lately, recently, nowadays➔最近、近頃、この頃 Used to be➔○○だった、○○していた A: How is everything with work? (仕事はどう?) B:Actually, I'm not as busy as I used to be. (そうだね、以前ほど忙しくないね。) A: Really? How come? (本当に?どうして?) B: My workload has decreased lately. (最近、仕事の量が減ったんだ。)
Rebekah Eve DMM英会話講師
  • I don't have as much work as before.

  • I don't have as much work as before, so my salary is also decreasing.

「前ほど仕事が少なくなった」という言い方もこの場合に使えます。それは I don't have as much work as before です。 「前ほど〜少ない」は not as much (work) as before で to have work は「仕事ある」「やることがある」「仕事でやること」「仕事する」といった全ての意味に当てはまるので、今の職場でやることが少なくなっているかまたは色な副業やバイトや正社員の仕事が少なくなっているか どのシチュエーションでも「仕事がなくなっている」という印象を伝えます。
  • I do not have as much work as I did before

  • My workload has been decreasing recently

  • Things are much calmer now at work. I do not get as much work anymore

When you are trying to explain that you do not get as much work anymore, then you can explain it in the following ways: -I do not have as much work as I did before -My workload has been decreasing recently -Things are much calmer now at work. I do not get as much work anymore
仕事が減っていると言いたいなら、以下の文が使えます: 【例文】 -I do not have as much work as I did before [訳]以前ほど仕事がありません -My workload has been decreasing recently [訳]最近仕事が減っています -Things are much calmer now at work. I do not get as much work anymore [訳]今仕事は落ち着いています。以前ほど忙しくありません
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • My work load has declined recently

  • I don't work as much as before

  • There isn't as much work as before

My work has been decreasing recently, therefore I have less money coming in. I used to have more work to do, but recently there has been less. It is frustrating when work or jobs decrease, but it happens in every country. Things or services that were once popular change and become less important or requested. Then, workloads decline for each individual staff member. Maybe before there were many requests and a lot of jobs were coming in, but now the demand has slowed and I am working a lot less now. Hopefully thing will pick up again soon.
My work has been decreasing recently, therefore I have less money coming in. (最近仕事が減っていて、収入も少なくなっています) I used to have more work to do, but recently there has been less. (前はもっと仕事があったんだけど、最近は減っています) 仕事が減るとフラストレーションがたまりますね。ただ、これはどの国でもあります。以前人気だったものやサービスが必要とされなくなると、働く人の仕事が減ります。以前は仕事の依頼がたくさんあったんだけど、需要が減少して、仕事が減っているのかもしれません。状況がよくなるといいですね。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • The volume of work I'm getting is drying up

You may use the analogy of a river that disappears during a drought. The verb is: to dry up.
干ばつで川が干上がる様子に例えてもいいです。 動詞は「dry up(干上がる、なくなる)」です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Because I have less work, I now have less money.

  • I have less income because I have been working less.

  • I have been working less, so I am making less money.

"Less money" or "lower income" are phrases that can be used to talk about a decrease in salary/pay.
”Less money"(より少ないお金)または”Lower income"(より低い収入)は、お給料が減ったことを表すフレーズです。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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