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(無意識で)〜しっちゃった って英語でなんて言うの?

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2017/06/23 23:38
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  • 1. Sorry I did that subconsciously.

  • 2. Sorry, I didn't mean to do that.

  • 3. Sorry, that was unintentional.

1. Subconsciously = in a way that is influenced by the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware. 2. I didn't mean to... = You did not want to do something; it was a mistake. 3. Unintentional = you did this without thinking; you were distracted and did something involuntarily.
1.Subconsciously =完全に意識したわけではなく、半分無意識的に、 2. I didn't mean to... =意図したことではなかった。つまり間違いであったという表現。 3.Unintentional =考えずに行ったことで、気が散っていて自発的にしたわけではない、と言いたい時の形容詞。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry. I took your unconsciously!

  • Oh, sorry, I guess I ate yours without noticing it!

  • Oh, sorry, I guess I was too excited to notice that was yours!

「無意識」は英語ではunconsciousと言いますが、知らないあいだにという意味でwithout noticeという表現も使われます。 1番目は、ホント知らずに食べちゃった(無意識のうちにあなたのを取っちゃった)です。 2番目は、知らない間にあなたをの食べちゃったんだろうなぁ~って感じです。 3番目は、楽しすぎて(会話とかに夢中になりすぎて)あなたの分だとわかってなかったわー。 とチョット言い訳が入ってたりします(笑) いずれにせよ、会話の中には雰囲気や状況がありますので、それに合わせた適切な表現を使うようにしてみてくださいね。 お役に立てば幸いです☆
  • ① Sorry! I ate yours without thinking. 

  • ② Sorry! Somehow I ate yours.

★【変換ポイント】"ごめん!無意識であなたの勝手に食べちゃってた!" と言いたい→①よく考えないで、あなたのを食べてた!→Sorry! I ate yours without thinking.  ②なぜか分かんないけど、どういうわけかあなたのを食べていた →Sorry! Somehow I ate yours. 参考にしていただけますと幸いです☺
  • I didn't even think about it...

  • I don't know what I was thinking...

  • I was on auto-pilot...

If you do something unconsciously, you are doing it without thinking. Another way to say this is "I don't know what I was thinking." You can say: - I'm so sorry, I didn't even think about it and ate your food. - I don't know what I was thinking! I totally just ate your food without asking. A really casual way to say that you weren't really thinking about what you were doing is to say that you were "on auto-pilot." - I was totally on auto-pilot and grabbed your food. Sorry about that! - I was on auto-pilot after work and went straight home. I meant to go to the store.
何かをunconsciouslyにやっている時は何も考えずにやっているという意味です。 違う言い方は "I don't know what I was thinking."です。 このように使えます: - I'm so sorry, I didn't even think about it and ate your food. - I don't know what I was thinking! I totally just ate your food without asking. もっとカジュアルな言い方は "on auto-pilot."です。 - I was totally on auto-pilot and grabbed your food. Sorry about that! - I was on auto-pilot after work and went straight home. I meant to go to the store.
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Oops, I didn't mean it.

よく使われるフレーズで、I didn't mean it!っていうのがあります。 「故意じゃないんだ」「わざとじゃないんだよ」「悪く思わないで!」 「無意識で...しちゃったー」、というよりも、「わざとじゃないのよ」 という意味なので、ちょっとニュアンスが違いますが、相手の反応次第で十分使えますよ。
  • I found out by accident

  • it was accidental

  • it was by accident, a mistake

examples "it was by accident, a mistake ". or "it was accidental". or "I found out by accident, I was not aware until I found out".
例: "it was by accident, a mistake ". わざとじゃない、ミスだよ。 "it was accidental". わざとじゃないよ。 "I found out by accident, I was not aware until I found out". 偶然気付いた。それまでわかんなかったよ。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't even realise

To realise something is to be aware of it. So to say that you did not realise something is to say that you did it subconsciously, and without being aware that you were doing it.
realiseとは、~に気付くという意味です。I did not realise something(それに気付かなかった)と言うのは、無意識のうちにあなたがしたということです。また、気付かないで、あなたがしていたということです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
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