世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/27 00:11
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  • feel someone

feel(〜を感じる)を用いたとてもシンプルな英文です。 feel someoneで「人の気配を感じる」という意味になります。 I felt someone in my room.(部屋に誰かの気配がしました) I felt someone coming in my room.(誰かが部屋に入ってきたような気配を感じました) ご参考ください。
Daisuke Ebisu 英会話スクール運営。英語講師&英語書籍ライター
  • I could sense someone was in the room

  • I had a feeling there was someone there

If you say, I could sense or I had a feeling, it means you did not see or hear anyone but you think someone is there E.g. I could sense my friend was sad although he did not say anything I had a feeling there would be a few changes at work when the new boss arrived
I could sense または I had a feeling,といえば、それはあなた以外誰もいない、誰かがいる気がするときに使います。 例えば、E.g. I could sense my friend was sad although he did not say anything 何もいわないけど、その友達は寂しそうにしてた。 I had a feeling there would be a few changes at work when the new boss arrived ボスがきたときに職場の雰囲気がちょっとかわったりするだろうな。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • I feel like there is someone in my room.

部屋に誰かいる気がする。 someoneをsomethingに変えると、 部屋に何かがいる気がする。 ともっと怖くなります笑
  • I felt a presence in my room even though I couldn't see anyone.

  • I could tell that someone was in my room,even though I couldn't see anyone at that moment.

  • It felt like someone was in my room but I couldn't see them.

"I felt a presence in my room even though I couldn't see anyone." You could be referring to a spiritual/supernatural presence that you could not see. I could tell that someone was in my room,even though I couldn't see anyone at that moment. There were definite signs that someone was in the room even though you could not see them It felt like someone was in my room but I couldn't see them. Your gut told you someone was there even if you couldn't see them. gut = your insticnt
"I felt a presence in my room even though I couldn't see anyone." You could be referring to a spiritual/supernatural presence that you could not see. Presence=気配。「誰も見えなかったけど、部屋の中に人の気配がした。」 I could tell that someone was in my room,even though I couldn't see anyone at that moment. There were definite signs that someone was in the room even though you could not see them 「その時誰も見えなかったけど、部屋の中に誰かが居たのがわかった。」 It felt like someone was in my room but I couldn't see them. Your gut told you someone was there even if you couldn't see them. gut = your insticnt 「見えなかったけど、誰かが部屋の中にいたような気がした。」Gut=直感。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I sensed a presence in the room..But there was no one to be seen!

We all have intuition this is known as a 6th sense or GUT FEELING. We should always pay attention to our feelings ... and act accordingly. It may have been my imagination, but I sensed a presence in the room, this made me feel very uneasy...
いわゆる"a 6th sense"(第六感)や"Gut feeling"(虫の知らせ)は我々が持っている直感のことです。自分自身の気持ちにきちんと注意を払うこと、またそれに従って行動することはとても大切です。ただの妄想だったのかもしれないけれど、私も部屋の中に何かいる気配がしたことがあります。とても不安でした・・・。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I had a strange feeling that someone was in the room

  • All my instincts told me that someone was in the room

I had a strange feeling that... = we use this expression when talking about a very unusual situation where your instincts send you strong messages but you may have no visible signs of something. "I had a strange feeling that something bad was going to happen to me." All my instincts told me that ..... = you just trust your natural feelings. Sometime we call this a 'gut feeling.'
I had a strange feeling that... = なにか五感が強いメッセージを送っているけど、何も目に見えるサインはない非日常的なシチュエーションで使うことができます。 "I had a strange feeling that something bad was going to happen to me." なにか不吉な予感がするんだよね。 All my instincts told me that ..... = gut feelingとも言いますが、自分の感覚を信じるということです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It feels as if someone was in the room but i couldn't see them

  • I can feel someone in the room but cant see them

  • I had a feeling someone was in my room

If you feel as if someone is in your room it means you cant actually see them or hear them you just have a feeling that something/someone is there So for example " i had a feeling my friend was very upset last night. but she didn't tell me anything"
"It feels as if someone is in the room"は、実際に何も見えない・聞こえないが、部屋の中に人の気配がする、「そんな気がする」と言う意味です。 例:I had a feeling my friend was very upset last night, but she didn't tell me anything.(昨夜、親友がとても落ち込んでいたように感じたが、彼女は私に何も話さなかった。)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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