世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/27 16:47
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  • I'm trying to read English books.

「~しています」は現在進行形で表現できますよ。 もし現在完了進行形を使うのであれば、I've been trying to read...となり、「読もうと努力はしてるんだけど・・・」という表現になります。 また現在完了形で表現すると I've tried to read...となり、「読もうとした(事はある)んだけど」となり、また異なるニュアンスになります。 今回の場合はシンプルに現在進行形で表現してみてくださいね(^-^)/ お役に立てば幸いです☆
  • I'm trying to read English books.

I'm (contraction) - I am 'I' and 'am' are combined to form 'I'm'. Therefore, you can say 'I am trying to read English books'. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 'trying' implies that you are not fluent in English. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Example A: What have you been doing? B: I'm trying to read English books. A: Why?
I'm - I amの省略形 'I' と 'am'をくっつけて'I'm'の形になります。 ですので、'I am trying to read English books'と言う事が出来ます。 (英語の本にトライしています) ______________________________________________________________________________________ 'trying' は、英語が流暢でないことを示唆します。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 例 A: What have you been doing?  (最近何してるんですか?) B: I'm trying to read English books. (英語の本にトライしています) A: Why?  (なぜですか?)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I am trying to read books written in English.

英語で書かれている本を読むことに挑戦している。 am trying to ... : ....しようとしている 現在進行形で使います。 こういう風にもいえます。 I've been trying to read books written in English but I found it very difficult to understand. 最近英語で書かれた本を読んでいるんだけど内容把握が難しい。
DMM Eikaiwa H DMM英会話
  • A) I've been challenging myself by reading English books.

  • B) I am trying to read English books.

A) I've been challenging myself by reading English books. *I've - I have Example - I've been waiting for you *Challenging -testing one's abilities; demanding. Example -"challenging and rewarding employment" B) I am trying to read English books. *Trying -difficult or annoying; hard to endure. Example -"it had been a very trying day" I hope this helps :-)
A) I've been challenging myself by reading English books. *I've - I haveの省略形 例 - I've been waiting for you (あなたをずっと待っています) *Challenging -困難だけどやりがいがある、厳しい 例 -"challenging and rewarding employment"(やりがいがあり、報酬のいい仕事) B) I am trying to read English books. *Trying -試みる;しようと努力する 例 -"it had been a very trying day"(それはとても困難な日でした) お役に立てれば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I am reading books in English to try and challenge myself.

"I am reading books in English to try and challenge myself." This is a fantastic way to explain what you are attempting to do and to justify why you are doing it.In addition to this you could describe how challenging reading in English is in the following manner: "Reading in English is an uphill battle I am determined to master".
"I am reading books in English to try and challenge myself." 「英語で本を読むことは、自分自身を試し挑戦するためです。」 This is a fantastic way to explain what you are attempting to do and to justify why you are doing it.In addition to this you could describe how challenging reading in English is in the following manner: "Reading in English is an uphill battle I am determined to master". あなたがトライしていること、何故それをしているのかを説明しています。英語で本を読むことが、どれほど困難なことか、次のように言い表すこともできます。 「英語で本を読むことは苦しい戦いですが、その道を極めることにしました。」
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I am providing myself a challenge by attempting to read books written in English.

  • Reading English books is a challenge for me but I am doing it for that reason.

These are two different ways of saying that you are a) reading english books b) finding them a challenge and c) are doing it for that reason.
a) 英語の本を読んでいること、 b) それが難しいと思っていること、 c) そのために読んでいることを伝える2つの言い方があります。.
  • I'm trying to read English books to challenge myself.

  • Reading English books challenges me, so I am trying to read them.

Any of the above statements can be used. Here is an example:- A. Why are you reading so many English books? B. Reading English books challenges me, so I am trying to read them. A. Why do you read books in English? B. I am trying to read English books to challenge myself.
上記のどちらの表現でも使って言い表すことが出来ます。 いくつかの例になります:- A. Why are you reading so many English books? (なんでたくさんの英語の本を読んでいるんですか?) B. Reading English books challenges me, so I am trying to read them. (英語の本を読むことは挑戦なんです、だからトライしてるんですよ) A. Why do you read books in English? (なんで英語で本を読んでいるんですか?) B. I am trying to read English books to challenge myself. (英語の本を読んで自分にチャレンジしてるんです。)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I am trying read English books so that I can improve my English.

  • I have put myself for a challenge. I have started reading English books.

To put yourself for a challenge is an expression that means you have decided to do something you have not done before and you expecting good results from it.
To put yourself for a challengeとは、今までやった事のないような困難な事に挑戦し好結果を期待している、と言う表現です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I'm attempting to master reading books in English

  • It's a personal challenge for me to read English books

To master something = a person with the ability or power to use, control, or dispose of something: a master of six languages. "To be master of one's own fate. " A personal challenge = this is doing something which may be quite difficult or outside your comfort zone, but which you want to achieve so as to derive satisfaction from that achievement. "What have you been doing recently, Phil?" "Oh, I've been attempting to master reading books in English."
To master something = 何かを使ったり、支配したり、処分する能力、力がある人のこと a master of six languages. 6ヶ国語を取得すること "To be master of one's own fate. " 自分自身の運命を支配すること A personal challenge = とても難しい又は自分の安全地帯の外にあるが、やり遂げることで満足感を得るために達成したいこと 例文 "What have you been doing recently, Phil?" フィル、最近は何をしているの? "Oh, I've been attempting to master reading books in English." まあ、英語で本を読むことに挑戦しているんだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm trying to improve my English skills by reading English books.

To explain that you are challenging yourself by reading books in English, you can say: "I'm trying to improve my English skills by reading English books."
「英語の本を読むことに挑戦している」は、次のように言えます。 "I'm trying to improve my English skills by reading English books." (英語の本を読んで、英語力アップに取り組んでいる)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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