Fireworks are really beautiful no matter how many times I see it.
No matter how many times I see it, fireworks are really pretty.
「(私は)何度見ても」→「No matter how many times I see it」
「綺麗」→「Beautiful, pretty, lovely」
「Fireworks are really beautiful no matter how many times I see it.」
「No matter how many times I see it, fireworks are really pretty.」
Fireworks are a spectacular sight! I never tire of it!
When we never get tired of seeing something, we use the following words: beautiful, magnificent, splendid, spectacular and breathtaking.
"WOW! Fireworks are magnificent, every time!"
"Fireworks are a spectacular sight! I never tire of it!"
"Tire" meaning you never get tired of something.
beautiful, magnificent, splendid, spectacular and breathtaking.
"WOW! Fireworks are magnificent, every time!"
"Fireworks are a spectacular sight! I never tire of it!"
"Tire" とは、決して飽きないことを言います。
「何度見ても」を直訳すれば、ユウジンさんが出されているような表現になりますが、インスタなどで簡単に使える表現とのことですので、always beautiful(常に美しい=いつ見ても美しい)を使った文にしてみました。
You are always beautiful.
Seeing fireworks never gets old, no matter what time of year it is!
It is always majestic to see fireworks.
Seeing fireworks never gets old, no matter what time of year it is! (common expression) This is probably the most powerful statement. (never get old is the common expression whether you do things often or not, but you always enjoy it). (No matter what time of year, states that you like to see them not just when they are popular but all year round).
It is always majestic to see fireworks. - You can change "majestic" to the adjective of your liking.
"Seeing fireworks never gets old, no matter what time of year it is!
(never get old-これはよく使われる表現で、あなたが頻繁にそれをするまたは、しないとしても、それをいつも楽しんでいることを表します)。
It is always majestic to see fireworks.
- あなたは"majestic"を好みの形容詞に変更することができます。"
I really love fireworks. I can watch them all day.
Fireworks are really beautiful. I wouldn't mind watching them all day.
The expression "I can watch them all day" does not mean you will literally sit the whole day watching them but it just shows how much you like them.
"I wouldn't mind" means you won't be bothered if.....
"""I can watch them all day""こちらの表現は、文字通り一日座ってずっと見ているという意味ではありませんが、花火がただ単に大好きという意味になります。
""I wouldn't mind""とは、気にしないという意味です。"
I love watching fireworks go off, it never gets old!
Watching the fireworks in the sky will always be beautiful, no matter how many times I watch them.
Fireworks are the best, I could watch them over and over again and never be bored!
All of these sentences can be used to tell someone how much you enjoy fireworks and they will always be beautiful to you no matter how many times you watch them.
I never get tired of admiring the sheer beauty of fireworks!
You spent a wonderful evening with your boyfriend, sipping mulled wine, window shopping, walking through the snow-covered shopping centre and taking in the winter atmosphere as everyone shopped hastily for Christmas presents.
Suddenly you notice in the nearby park, there is a firework festival just starting
- and you are in the perfect position to enjoy the show! You take a photo on Instagram and post it with a comment:
"Kabooom! Fireworks! Great!"