世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/28 14:09
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  • I found my wallet!

  • Someone handed in my wallet!

If you lose your wallet or another item, you can say: I found my wallet! To find something implies that it was lost before. If the person handed it into a place like a police station, you can say: Someone handed in my wallet! (To hand in - to submit, to return) The person can hand in an item to the police station, to the reception of a building like a work place or a 'lost and found.' Some government buildings like libraries have a 'lost and found' place where lost items are handed in. I hope that helps!
あなたがなくしてしまった財布やアイテムを見つけたのなら、 I found my wallet! ということができます find とは、失くしたものを見つけること。 もしだれかが警察などに届けてくれたのなら Someone handed in my wallet! と言ってもいいですね。 hand in - 提出する、届けるという意味です。 だれかが警察や、職場など建物の受付、または遺失物取扱所などに届けてくれるかもしれません。図書館など公的な建物だったら、失くしたものを届ける「遺失物取扱所」が設置されていることもあります。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I got the wallet that I lost back.

  • I got my lost wallet back.

英語では「戻ってきた」というより「取り戻した」と言ったほうがふさわしいと思います。 なので、「I got the wallet that I lost back」というのは、 「なくした財布を取り戻した」という意味です。 「I got my lost wallet back.」も同じ意味です。
Yuujin 英語講師、英会話講師、トライリンガル翻訳者
  • Some thoughtful person took my lost wallet to the police station and I got it back.

  • I lost my wallet and some lovely person handed it into the police station and it was returned to me.

  • Some kind person brought my lost wallet to the police station and I got it back.

Thoughtful=Showing consideration for the needs of other people. "My mother is so thoughtful. She came to the train station to meet me when I arrived." Handed= Give it to someone; pass something to someone. "When the eagle was handed to me, I felt its talons dig into my wrist." To get something back = to have something returned to someone, or for someone to go to retrieve something. "I knocked on my neighbour's door and asked if I could get my ball back from his garden."
Thoughtful=他の人のことをよく考える、思いやりがあること "My mother is so thoughtful. She came to the train station to meet me when I arrived." 私のままって本当に思いやりがあるの。着いたとき駅まで迎えにきてくれたのよ。 Handed= 誰かに渡す、あげること "When the eagle was handed to me, I felt its talons dig into my wrist." 鷹を渡されたとき、蹄が手首に食い込むかと思った。 To get something back =取り返す、戻ってくること "I knocked on my neighbour's door and asked if I could get my ball back from his garden." お隣さんをノックして、庭に入ったボールを返してくれないか頼んだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Someone returned the wallet I'd lost.

  • Someone found my wallet and brought it back to me.

"Someone returned the wallet I'd lost." To return something is to put it back/bring it back to its owner. the wallet I'd lost = You are talking about a specific wallet. "Someone found my wallet and brought it back to me." The person who found your wallet made the effort to find you and return it to you personally instead of taking it to the police station.
"Someone returned the wallet I'd lost." To return something is to put it back/bring it back to its owner. the wallet I'd lost = You are talking about a specific wallet. Return=戻す。 The wallet I'd lost=私が失くしたお財布。 「誰かが失くしたお財布を戻してくれた。」 "Someone found my wallet and brought it back to me." The person who found your wallet made the effort to find you and return it to you personally instead of taking it to the police station. 「私は誰かがお財布を見付けて、届けてくれた。」 あなたのお財布を見付けたくれた人は、警察に届けるのではなく、あなたを探して直接お財布を戻してくれた。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • A kind person turned in my wallet to the authorities and I got it back with everything in it.

  • I found my wallet after some time.

  • The wallet reappeared after I had been looking for it for a while.

"A kind person turned in my wallet to the authorities and I got it back with everything in it." This means that someone turned your wallet in and that YOU ARE VERY HAPPY AND GRATEFUL.. ''I found my wallet after some time.'' This lets you know that the person found the wallet after it had been lost for a while. "The wallet reappeared after I had been looking for it for a while." Finally this expression can be used to let someone know that said person thought their wallet was gone forever and then it showed up out of nowhere.
"A kind person turned in my wallet to the authorities and I got it back with everything in it." (親切な人が私の財布を拾って警察に届けてくれました。財布の中身は全てそのまま戻ってきました。) この文章は、「誰かが財布を警察に届けてくれたのでとても嬉しいく感謝の気持ちでいっぱいである」ことを表現しています。 ''I found my wallet after some time.'' (財布を失くして少しした後、見つけました。) 「財布を失くして少し時間が経ってから見つけた」、という意味です。 "The wallet reappeared after I had been looking for it for a while." (失くした財布をしばらく探していたら見つかった。) 「財布を失くしてもう見つからないと思っていたところに、その財布がどこからともなくでてきた」という意味です。
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • My lost wallet was returned to me by the police

  • Someone returned my wallet to the police.

If something is lost and now it is back in your possession then you can use phrases like "found", "returned" or "got back". Adding that it was given to you by the police is just pointing out who is responsible for giving you your wallet back.
何かを失くして、それが今自分の元に戻ってきたなら、found、returned、またはgot backのようなフレーズが使えます。警察から渡されたと加えることで、誰が財布を返したのか示せます。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • A good Samaritan returned my wallet!

When somebody does something altruistic and good for another person, we often call that person a 'good Samaritan'. This comes from Christianity, as in the Bible there are stories from a group of people called the Samaritans that did good things for others. However, this phrase is used by all people these days, regardless of whether or not they are Christian or believe in God.
利他的に何か良い事をする人の事を 'good Samaritan'(困っている人を助ける人)とよく言います。 これはキリスト教の信仰から来ています。 聖書の中で"the Samaritans"(サマリア人)と呼ばれる人々が、他人に対してよい事をしたというお話があります。 ですが、このフレーズは最近ではキリスト教であれ、神様を信じている、信じていないにかかわらず、全ての人々に使われています。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
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