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自分の家に留学生を受入れる際、部屋を使ってもらう時に 自由に部屋の温度を調節してもいいことを説明したい。
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2017/06/28 23:30
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  • Feel free to turn on the AC, if it is hot.

  • If you feel hot, feel free to turn on the AC.

「暑かったらクーラーをつけてね」は、 Feel free to turn on the AC, if it is hot. If you feel hot, feel free to turn on the AC. などが言いやすいと思います。 ※feel free to ~ 自由に~する ※turn on ~ ~(電気製品)をつける ※AC = air conditionar エアコン ※if it's hot 暑かったら
Adam and Michiko 英語講師/ESAC英語学習アドバイザー
  • You can turn on the AC if it's hot.

こんにちは。 You can turn on the AC if it's hot. 暑かったらエアコンつけてもいいよ。 上記のように言うこともできます。 You can 〜 は「あなたは〜できる」が直訳ですがニュアンスは「〜していいよ」です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Feel free to turn on the A/C.

  • If it's hot, please turn on the A/C anytime you like.

  • Make yourself at home, turn on the A/C if it gets to hot.

Make yourself at home is also used when you want the guest to feel as if they were home and not be shy.
"Make yourself at home" は、来客に「自分の家だと思って、遠慮しないで」と言うときにも使います。
Entei DMM英会話講師
  • Please use the AC as you wish

  • If you need to adjust the temperature, please do!

As you wish = in the way that you want to. An alternative to this expression is 'as you please.' "Please help yourself to the drinks as you wish." "Why, thank you!" If you need to + Verb = we use this construction when being friendly to someone and trying to make them feel comfortable.This form is to stress that someone may do this. "If you need to use the kitchen or the bathroom, please do!
As you wish = あなたのご自由に、as you pleaseとも言います。 "Please help yourself to the drinks as you wish.": 飲みたいもの勝手に飲んでね。 "Why, thank you!" ありがとう! If you need to + Verb = この文法は相手に心地よく思って欲しいときに言う表現です。相手に許可を与える時の表現でもあります。 例:"If you need to use the kitchen or the bathroom, please do! キッチンでもお風呂でもお好きに使って。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • If you're uncomfortable, feel free to turn on the AC.

  • You can feel free to use the Air Conditioning if you find yourself hot.

  • If you get hot, you can turn on the AC.

All three of these are slight variations of the same thing. One part of the sentence lets them basically says "if you feel the need to..." the other part of the sentence lets them know that you are allowing them to use the air conditioning.
この3つはすべて同じことを少し異なる表現で表しています。文章の一部では基本的に"if you feel the need to..."(あなたが必要性を感じたら...)と言っており、別の部分でエアコンを使用してよいことを知らせています。
  • You can turn on the AC if you're getting hot.

  • If you're getting hot you can turn on the AC.

AC is: 1. Air conditioning 2. Air conditioner ___________________________________________ Example A: It's so hot B: You can turn on the AC A: You can turn on the AC if you're getting hot B: Thank you
AC is: 1. Air conditioning 2. Air conditioner AC=Air conditioning、Air conditioner。 クーラー(エアコン)。 ___________________________________________ Example A: It's so hot B: You can turn on the AC A: You can turn on the AC if you're getting hot B: Thank you ≪例文≫ A. すごい暑いね。 B. クーラー付けていいよ。 A. 暑くなってきたら、クーラー付けてもいいよ。 B. ありがとう。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • A) Make yourself at home and feel free to turn on the AC if your a bit heated.

  • B) Feel free to turn on the AC.

A) Make yourself at home and feel free to turn on the AC if your a bit heated. *Make yourself at home - feel comfortable in my house/ my house is your house. *A bit heated - warm B) Feel free to turn on the AC. *Feel free - you are more than welcome to I hope this helps :-)
A) Make yourself at home and feel free to turn on the AC if your a bit heated. (くつろいで、少し暑かったら自由にエアコンをつけてください) *Make yourself at home - 私の家ではくつろいでください/私の家はあなたの家です。 *A bit heated - 暖かい B) Feel free to turn on the AC. (自由にエアコンをつけてください) *Feel free - (~するのは大歓迎です) お役に立てば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • If you feel hot, feel free to turn on the AC

  • Please, use the AC as you wish

You can say any of these two sentences. Basically, they mean the same and will help you to express it.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Feel free to turn on the AC if you are hot.

  • Make yourself at home

Probably best to use them together.
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • You're welcome to turn on the air conditioning, if you are hot.

  • You can turn on the air, if you feel hot.

You can say "air" if you are talking about "air conditioning" so that it is shorter to say. Example: "You're welcome to turn on the air conditioning, if you are hot."
"air conditioning"(エアコン)を短縮して "air" と言うこともできます。 例: "You're welcome to turn on the air conditioning, if you are hot."(暑かったら遠慮なくエアコンを入れてくださいね)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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