世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/30 02:59
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  • Why don't you come over? I want to stay with you tonight.

■Why don't you come over? I want to stay with you tonight. (ホワイ ドンチュウ カム オウヴァ? アイ ウォントゥ ステイ ウィズ ユー トゥナイト) 「家に来ませんか?今夜は一緒にいたいです」 ------------------------------------------------------------ 【語彙】 ●Why don't you ~? 「~したらどうですか?」 相手を誘う言いかたです。 ●come over 「家に来る」 ●stay with you 「あなたと一緒にいる」
Takuya Nigami 英語4技能をトレーニング「にがみ塾」塾長
  • Would you like to come over and stay for the night?

  • Would you like to crash at my place?

  • Do you wanna go to my place?

"Crash" is used if the person maybe doesn't have anywhere to go for the night and needs a place to sleep, so you offer him your home.
"crash" を使うのは、その日泊まるところがない人に「うちに泊まる?」と尋ねる場合です。
Entei DMM英会話講師
  • I want you to (come over and) stay with me tonight.

「私のところに来て、今夜は泊まって欲しい」という意味の文にしました。 come over は、「やって来る」という意味ですので、I want you to come over で、「私の家に来て欲しい」という意味になります。次のように使えます。 Can you come over this weekend? (今週末、私のところに来れる?) もし、家に来ることは決まっている、あるいは、もう恋人が家にいる場合に、「泊まって欲しい」と言たい場合は、前半を抜かして、I want you to stay with me tonight.(今夜は泊まって欲しい)と言えば良いと思います。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Mutsumi 英語講師
  • Let's hang out tonight and you can feel free to stay over if you want.

There would be a significant difference in how you would say this to someone if they were your friend as opposed to someone you are romantically interested in. My answer assumes they are your friend and that it wouldn't be weird to invite them over for the night.
  • A) Want to stay the night?

  • B) Would you like to spend the night at my place?

You can use any of the above mentioned :-) I hope this helps you!
上記のどれでも使えます :-) お役に立てば幸いです!
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Come and sleep over tonight,

  • Please come to my place for the night

  • Don't you wanna come to my place for the night?

"Come and sleep over tonight." This is a way of suggesting someone should spend the night at your apartment/house. "Please come to my place for the night". This is a polite request for someone to sleep at your place for one night. "Don't you wanna come to my place for the night?" This is a way of asking if someone is keen on spending the night at your place or not. "Wanna"is a casual way of saying "want to". You could also say : "Let's have a sleepover at my place tonight!" Sleepover : Where you spend the night at a friends house. examples : 1.I'm going to a sleepover at Ashley's house 2.For my birthday I am having a sleepover party
"Come and sleep over tonight." うちに泊まりに来ない? あなたの家で泊まって一晩過ごそうという意味です。 "Please come to my place for the night". 今晩、うちに来ませんか? 丁寧な一晩泊まっていきませんか?という表現です。 "Don't you wanna come to my place for the night?" 今晩、うちに来たいですか? 自分の家に来る気があるかどうか尋ねる表現です。 "Wanna"じは"want to".のカジュアルな表現です。 "Let's have a sleepover at my place tonight!" 今日はスリープオーバーしよう! Sleepover : 友達の家などで泊まることです。 例 1.I'm going to a sleepover at Ashley's house. アシュリーの家でスリープオーバーするんだ。 2.For my birthday I am having a sleepover party. 誕生日にはお泊りパーティーをするの。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Why don't you stay over?

  • Stay at mine!

  • Fancy a sleepover?

What is critical here is: to whom are you offering a bed? If it is a normal friend, you could just say something like: "Why don't you stay over?" Children often refer to staying overnight at a friend's house as 'a sleepover' so you could certainly say 'Fancy a sleepover?' in that situation. However, if for example, it's a work colleague who cannot find a hotel, you may say: "I could put you up for one night if you like," meaning you can allow this person to sleep at your place.
どんな関係性の人に言うかによって少しニュアンスが変わって来ます。 もし普通の友人に言うのであれば "Why don't you stay over? " *Stay Over = 泊まる 「お泊まり会」という意味の ”Sleepover" という単語を使う事も出来ます。 例 “Fancy a sleepover?" もし終電を逃した同僚などに言うのであれば "I could put you up for one night if you like." 「もし良ければ家に泊まって行ってもいいですよ」 が使えます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to invite you over for the evening.

  • Would you like to stay in for the night and hang out over here?

Inviting one over is a way to ask him/her to come to your place. An expression that implies being there for the night is "for the evening." Staying in for the night means not going to any establishment for shopping or entertainment and staying at home.
"inviting one over" は「(人を)家に招く」という意味です。「今日の夜に」は "for the evening" と表すことができます。 "staying in for the night" は「(外出しないで)家にいる」という意味です。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
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