世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/04 19:59
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  • Please take your trash home with you (when you leave the festival).

  • Please take your rubbish home with you (when you leave the festival).

Language TIP: ゴミはアメリカン英語だとTrash、イギリス英語だとRubbishになります.
David Cambridge University Press英語教材担当
  • Please take your rubbish/trash home with you.

  • Do not leave your rubbish/trash behind.

"Please take your rubbish/trash home with you. " This politely asks them to take it home when they leave. "Rubbish and Trash" mean the same as garbage. "Do not leave your rubbish behind." This instructs them that they should not/ must not leave the rubbish there.
"Please take your rubbish/trash home with you." ごみはお持ち帰りください。帰宅するときにごみを持って帰ってほしいという丁寧な言い方です。 "Rubbish and Trash" は garbageと同じ意味でごみです。 "Do not leave your rubbish behind." ごみを置いていかないでください。 そこにごみをおいていくべきではないという意味。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • "Please take your trash home with you (when you leave the festival)."

  • "After the festival, please take your trash with you."

  • "Don't leave your trash behind when you leave the festival."

In Canada and America, we often say "trash" or "garbage" In the UK, Australia and New Zealand, "rubbish" is used most. "Please take your trash home with you (when you leave the festival)" - clear and polite "After the festival, please take your trash with you." - also clear and polite "Don't leave your trash behind when you leave the festival." - strong, but not rude.
カナダとアメリカでは、「ごみ」は「trash」「garbage」と言うことが多いです。 イギリス、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドでは「rubbish」が一番使われます。 "Please take your trash home with you (when you leave the festival)" 〔訳〕ごみはお持ち帰りください。 ↑明確で、丁寧です。 "After the festival, please take your trash with you." 〔訳〕お祭りの後は、ごみをお持ち帰りください ↑明確で、丁寧です。 "Don't leave your trash behind when you leave the festival." 〔訳〕ごみはお持ち帰りください。 ↑強いですが、失礼にはなりません。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • Please remember to not litter and carry any litter with you.

  • Please do not litter but rather dispose of any litter and make use of the recycling bins.

Please remember to not litter and carry any litter with you: This would be a polite way to express your idea. May be better to say 'litter' instead of trash, which can be misunderstood to being a bit rude. Please do not litter but rather dispose of any litter and make use of the recycling bins.: This would be a suggestion that you can use when your intention is to let people know that they can use the bin to throw away the trash.
Please remember to not litter and carry any litter with you:これは丁寧な言い方です。 trashと言うよりlitterを使ったほうが失礼になる可能性が低いです。 Please do not litter but rather dispose of any litter and make use of the recycling bins.: このフレーズを使う事によってゴミ箱にゴミを捨てる事をお願いできます。
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • Please do not litter.Rather take your trash with you when the festival has ended.

  • Please take your rubbish with you when the festival has ended.

  • Please do not leave your rubbish behind when the festival ends,

Please do not litter.Rather take your trash with you when the festival has ended. -You are making a request and giving people and alternative for what they can do to avoid littering. (littering means to carelessly throw garbage away or dump it for someone else to clean) "Please take your rubbish with you when the festival has ended? and " Please do not leave your rubbish behind when the festival ends," This is a clear instruction to what they should do when the festival has ended.
Please do not litter.Rather take your trash with you when the festival has ended. -You are making a request and giving people and alternative for what they can do to avoid littering. (littering means to carelessly throw garbage away or dump it for someone else to clean) Litter=ごみを散らかす。 「ごみを散らかさないでください。お祭りが終わったら、ゴミを持ち帰ってください。」人々にゴミを持ち帰るように呼び掛けることで、ゴミを散らかさないようするにはどうすれば良いのかという選択肢を与えています。 "Please take your rubbish with you when the festival has ended? and " Please do not leave your rubbish behind when the festival ends," This is a clear instruction to what they should do when the festival has ended. Rubbish=ゴミ。 「お祭りが終わったら、ゴミを持ち帰ってくださいね。」と「お祭りが終わったら、ゴミを置き去りにしないで下さい。」は、両方とも、お祭りが終わったら何をすべきか、明確な指示を出しています。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Please take your rubbish home

  • Please be sure to take away all your personal rubbish

  • Please assist us by removing any rubbish from the site when you go!

In this scenario it seems to be necessary to appeal to the public conscience so that they may feel guilty or personally shamed if they leave their litter! Probably a short and precise comment such as: "Please assist us by removing any rubbish from the site when you go!" would be the most effective voption. It may be possible to be a little stricter by stressing that people are morally expected to clear up after themselves: "Your litter is depressing for others! Take it away with you!" But such comment runs the risk of alienating the spectators!
この場合、世間の良心に関することなのでごみを捨てると、罪悪感や恥を感じるでしょう。  "Please assist us by removing any rubbish from the site when you go!" 帰るときは、ごみを捨ててください。(持ち帰ってください) 自分たちの使った場所そうじするのは当たり前ということを強調するためにもう少し厳しく言うこともできます。  "Your litter is depressing for others! Take it away with you!" But such comment runs the risk of alienating the spectators! あなたのごみがみんなを憂鬱にさせているよ!持ち帰ってください! このような言い方は、周りの人とのトラブルにもなりかねないので注意が必要です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please remove your trash from the festival area and take it home with you when you leave.

  • Please pack your trash into containers and carry it with you when you leave the festival area.

People expect respect from anyone they interact with whether they are in the wrong or not. In this case, littering within the festival area can cause an eye-sore and is not acceptable. So, telling them politely to 'remove their trash' from the festival area by using the adverb 'please' will suffice. Also, encouraging them to 'pack the trash into containers' will lead them to do it correctly. So, you may say: Please remove your trash from the festival area and take it home with you when you leave. or Please pack your trash into containers and carry it with you when you leave the festival area.
人は、たとえ自分が間違っている時でも、敬意を持って接して欲しいと望むものです。 お祭りの会場にごみを捨てるのは、見苦しいですし、これは認められません。「please(=副詞)」を使って丁寧に、ごみを片づけるように言えばオッケーです。 また、ごみを入れ物に入れるように指導してもいいですね。 以下のように言えます: Please remove your trash from the festival area and take it home with you when you leave. (ごみはお持ち帰りください) Please pack your trash into containers and carry it with you when you leave the festival area. (ごみは入れ物に入れて、お持ち帰りください)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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