世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/05 11:37
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  • unprecedented

precedentが「前例」の意味の名詞ですが、 否定のunがついて逆の意味になり、edが最後について形容詞化しています。 unprecedentedで「前例のない」という意味の形容詞です。 例) unprecedented boom「空前の好景気」 unprecedented dangers「これまでに例のない危険」
  • beyond example

  • previously unheard of

「前例のない」の他の言い方としては beyond exampleとpreviously unheard of があります。 beyond exampleは 「例を超えている」⇒「前例のない」 previously unheard ofは 「以前に聞いたことがない」⇒「前例のない」 になります。 どちらも良く使われる慣用表現なので 是非この機会に覚えてください。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです。
  • This is the first time that has ever happened

  • Never experienced/seen/visited/etc before

  • This is virgin territory

You have been doing the same job for 20 years and suddenly you make a mistake. You never make mistakes! 'My god, This is the first time this has ever happened!" The spaceship travels far beyond our galaxy into a part of space never seen before by man. 'The washing machine company has just developed a digital camera which may be attached to a drone for aerial photography. They are not sure how well this product will sell as this is virgin territory for them.'
20年間も同じ仕事をやっていて、突然仕事でミスをしてしまった。今までミスなんてしたこともなかったのに。 'My god, This is the first time this has ever happened!"  なんてこった。こんなことがあったの初めてだよ。 The spaceship travels far beyond our galaxy into a part of space never seen before by man.  今回の宇宙船は我らが銀河を超えて未踏の宇宙へと旅立つ。 'The washing machine company has just developed a digital camera which may be attached to a drone for aerial photography. They are not sure how well this product will sell as this is virgin territory for them.' この洗濯機会社はドローンにつけて空撮する用にデジタルカメラを開発したけど、前例がないので売上の予想がついていない。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It is a very uncommon situation!

  • This is very unusual!

When we have never been in a certain situation, it is impossible for us to explain exactly what we are seeing and it becomes difficult to form words to describe it.
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • for the first time in the history

少し仰々しい表現にはなりますが、 for the first time in the history 「歴史上はじめて」 というフレーズです。 映画『アルマゲドン』の中で、大統領のスピーチに次のセリフがあります。 for the first time in the history of the planet, a species has the technology to prevent its own extinction 「地球の歴史上はじめて、人類は自身の滅亡から逃れる技術を手にしました」 こんな大ごとの内容を喋ることはないかもしれませんが。。。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • This is the first time that has happened!

  • This is unheard of!

You can say :- 1. This is the first time that has happened! If something has never happened before, and it has now happened, you can express this by saying , "This is the first time that has happened!" 2. This is unheard of! if something is unheard of, that means it has never happened in the past.
このように言うことができます。 1. This is the first time that has happened! それが今までに一度も起こったことがなくて、今起こっているのなら、"This is the first time that has happened!" と言うことができます。 2. This is unheard of! unheard of というのは、過去に起きたことがないという意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • This is a first!

  • I've never seen that before.

  • That's the first time that has happened!

When something has never happened before you can say: This is a first! This means that this is the first time something has happened You can also say: That's a first This - refers to something that is happening right in front of you, within reaching distance or close in relation to time span. That - refers to something that has happened not in your presence or in the past. I've never seen that before! That means that you have never seen that event happen in your life before. That's the first time that has happened! That is the long form of the sentence 'This is a first.' This means that this is a new and unique experience, it has never occurred before. In the same way you can say: This is the first time that this has happened! I hope that helps!
今までに起きたことがないことが起きたら、こんな風に言うことができます。 This is a first! これは初めてそれが起きたことを言います。 That's a first. と言うこともできます。 This - 触れる位置だったり最近のことなど、今目の前で起きていることを言います。 That - 今ではなくて過去に起きたことを指します。 I've never see that before! これは人生今までにその出来事を見たことがない、という意味です。 That's the first time that has happened! 上でご紹介した'This is a first.'の長いバージョンです。 これは新しかったり珍しい経験であること、それは今までに起きなかったことを意味します。 同じように、 This is the first time that this has happened! と言うこともできます。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Unprecedented!

  • The rulling of the high court was an unprecedented outcome!

Unprecedented! is the correct word to apply in this case:-D Never done or known before...without precedence;-D "The ruling of the high court was an unprecedented outcome!"
「unprecedented」がこの場合ピッタリです。「例がない、前代未聞」という意味です。 "The ruling of the high court was an unprecedented outcome!" 〔訳〕高等法院の判決は、前例のないものだった!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • This has never happened before!

  • This is the first time it has happened!

Here we can say that something has, "never happened before," to say that in the past this was not an occurrence. We can also say that, "this is the first time," to also show that this is a new thing that has happened to us or in general.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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