世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/05 15:13
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  • Where in the station do we meet?

"where in the station" は「駅の中のどこで(に)」ということを表します。 「待ち合わせる」は "meet" で表すことができます。他に "get together"(集合する、会う) と言うこともできます。
  • Where exactly should I meet you?

  • Where exactly in the station should I meet you?

When you want the person to be specific in terms of a location you can ask: Where exactly should I meet you? When you say 'exactly' this means you want the person to be specific with the details of the meeting place. If it is in a specific location you can say: Where exactly in the station should I meet you? I hope that helps!
場所について細かく話したいとき、 Where exactly should I meet you? ということができます。 exactlyを加えることで、待ち合わせ場所の詳細を細かく決めたいという意味になります。 建物などの中でももっと正確な場所を決めたいときは、 Where exactly in the station should I meet you? (駅のどこであなたに会えばいいかな?) と言えますよ。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • 1.Where exactly shall I meet you?

  • 2.Tell me specifically where you want to meet up.

  • 3.Are we meeting at the front, back, middle, where?

1.You are asking your friend where you want to meet exactly. 2.You are asking specifically where to meet. Specifically = exactly where "Today we are looking specifically at the economies of central African countries..." 3.You are giving options where to meet.
1.正確にどこで会いたいかを相手に尋ねる表現です。 2.会う詳細の場所を尋ねる言い方です。 Specifically = 詳細な(場所) "Today we are looking specifically at the economies of central African countries..." 中央アフリカの国々の経済を今日は詳細に見て行こう。 3.どこで会うか選択肢を相手に与える言い方です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could you send me your exact location?

  • Which area at the station did you have in mind for our meeting?

"Could you send me your exact location?" This is a way to ask for the specific details of the place you intend to meet you friend at the station.They also have an option of using their mobile device to send their exact location in answer to this question. "Which area at the station did you have in mind for our meeting?" You are leaving it up to them to choose a place to meet at the station.They will negotiate with you until you are both clear on where to meet.
"Could you send me your exact location?" This is a way to ask for the specific details of the place you intend to meet you friend at the station.They also have an option of using their mobile device to send their exact location in answer to this question. Exact location=正確な位置。「あなたの正確な位置を送ってくれますか?」携帯から正確な位置を送ることもできる。 "Which area at the station did you have in mind for our meeting?" You are leaving it up to them to choose a place to meet at the station.They will negotiate with you until you are both clear on where to meet. 「駅のどの辺で待ち合わせを考えていますか?」相手に待ち合わせ場所を決めてもらうときの表現。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Where in the station would you like me to meet you?

  • Which exit in the station do you want to meet at?

If you want to ask someone where to meet you can ask; Where in the station would you like me to meet you? If you plan to meet at one of the exits you can ask; Which exit in the station do you want to meet at? or just simply What exit do you want to meet at?
相手にどこで会うか尋ねたいなら: Where in the station would you like me to meet you? (駅のどこで会いましょう?) もし、出口(exit)で会うつもりなら: Which exit in the station do you want to meet at? (駅のどの出口で会おうか?) または、シンプルに: What exit do you want to meet at? (どの出口で会おうか?)
Hendrik DMM英会話講師
  • Where specifically shall we meet at the station?

  • Please tell me the specific place where we will meet at the station.

Two things really matter in this question. The first one is the usage of the adjective 'specific or the adverb 'specifically', and the second one is the usage of the preposition 'at'. 'Specifically' means 'exactly' or 'precisely'. You would like to know the exact place at the station where you will meet. The usage of the preposition 'at' means anywhere within the vicinity of the station. It can be on the platforms, at the ticket office or any other specific place at the station. The usage of the preposition 'in' would be grammatically inappropriate in this regard unless it is inside a building. So, you may say: Where specifically shall we meet at the station? or Please tell me the specific place where we will meet at the station.
この質問では2つのことが重要になります。形容詞 'specific または副詞 'specifically' と、前置詞 'at' の使い方です。'specifically' は、'exactly'(正確に)、'precisely'(厳密に)という意味です。駅で待ち合せをする正確な(exact)場所を知りたいということです。ここで前置詞の 'in' を使うのは、「建物の中」ということでない限り、文法的に不適切になります。 以下のように言えます: Where specifically shall we meet at the station? (駅のどこで待ち合せしようか?) Please tell me the specific place where we will meet at the station. (駅で待ち合わせする具体的な場所を教えてください。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • A) Where should i get you ?

  • B) Where exactly would you like to meet up ?

  • C) Where's the meeting point?

A) Where should i get you ? --> You are asking you friend where they will be / where you should get him/her B) Where exactly would you like to meet up ? ---> Exactly-used to emphasize the accuracy of a figure or description. "they met in 1989 and got married exactly two years later" synonyms:precisely Meet up- an informal meeting or gathering. C) Where's the meeting point? -->You are asking your friend where the meeting point is / You are asking where you should meet him/her. I hope this helps !!
A) Where should i get you ?  どこで落ち合おうか? これは、相手がどこにいるか、どこで会えるか尋ねるフレーズです。  B) Where exactly would you like to meet up ?  どこで待ち合せたい?  Exactlyとは、細かな情報の正確さを強調するためのものです。 "they met in 1989 and got married exactly two years later" 彼らは1989年に出会い、ちょうど2年後に結婚した。 類義語:precisely(正確に) Meet up- カジュアルな集まり   C) Where's the meeting point?  待ち合せはどこですか? 友達に待ち合わせがどこか、どこで会うべきか聞く方法です。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Where at the station do you want to meet?

  • Exactly where at the station are we meeting?

Where at the station do you want to meet? 駅のどこで待ち合わせしますか? Exactly where at the station are we meeting? 具体的に駅のどこで待ち合わせしますか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 exactly は「正確に」のようなニュアンスです。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
  • Where in the station do you want to meet?

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・Where in the station do you want to meet? 駅のどこで待ち合わせますか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 「待ち合わせる」は英語で meet を使って表現することができます。 例: Let's meet at Starbucks tomorrow. 明日はスタバで待ち合わせしましょう。 meet up のように言うことも多いです。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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