If there is something that cannot be found anywhere, you can say:
It's a one of a kind. - This means there is only one version or type of that item.
You can also say it is
Exclusive - Only for certain people
Unique - The only one
Special - It stands out.
As well as those options you can say:
You won't find it anywhere
This is a phrase often found on advertisements to make something sound spectacular or unique for the audience.
These are good phrases to use to advertise a new product.
I hope that helps!
It's a one of a kind.
exclusive (限られた人々のためだけのもの)
You won't find it anywhere.
You could say " you can't get this anywhere else " or " this is not available anywhere else" they would let the person know it is only available from that particular place
If something is exclusive it is only for certain people and is a great word often used in advertising to make people think they are special and want to buy/get something
"You can't get this anywhere else."
"This is not available anywhere else."
1. Unique = being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.
"The situation was unique in British politics."
2. One -off = something done, made, or happening only once.
"The meeting between the two ex presidents was a one-off."
3. 'Isolated case' means this is something which has not happened before or almost never happens.
"There was a theft from the supermarket 3 years ago, but that was an isolated case."
1. Unique = 独特な、特有の
"The situation was unique in British politics."
2. One -off = 一度きり、一度しかおこらない、
"The meeting between the two ex presidents was a one-off."
3. 'Isolated case' 一度も起こったことがく、今後もまず起こることがないだろうこと。
"There was a theft from the supermarket 3 years ago, but that was an isolated case."
Exclusivity means that only a select group of people have access to something. This is a common word used in advertising and means that you are the only one offering something.
"It is unique to (place name)"
"Unique" means one of a kind.
"It is a one-off by (place name)"
"one-off" Is an English expression to explain something that is done or produced once.
"You can only find it at (place name)."
"you can only find it at" means it can only be bought at that one place.
"It is unique to (place name)"
"Unique" はある種のものを指します。
"It is a one-off by (place name)"
"You can only find it at (place name)."
"you can only find it at" は、これはある場所でしか買えないという意味です。
This unique product is only available from "Samsung"
>Only "Samsung" sells the product. -> "only Samsung" is telling you that no one else sell the product but Samsung.
>This is an exclusive offer by "Samsung" only.-> Exclusive = restricted...
>This unique product is only available from "Samsung"-> Unique=one of a kind.
All the above phrases can be used and are clearly indicating that it can only be found at one place.
>Only "Samsung" sells the product. -> "only Samsung" はSamsung以外の誰も販売していないことを示しています。
>This is an exclusive offer by "Samsung" only.-> Exclusive =限定的な
>This unique product is only available from "Samsung"-> Unique=ある種の。