There's a mass exodus out the door since the management crisis broke.
Once word was out about the management crisis, there was a stampede to the exit.
英訳① There's a mass exodus out the door since the management crisis broke.
英訳② Once word was out about the management crisis, there was a stampede to the exit.
Many rushed in with their resignation letters when they heard the company was doing really badly
When one person quits when hearing that the company is doing badly it creates a domino effect (and many people end up leaving)
Many rushed in with their resignation letters when they heard the company was doing really badly=経営困難と聞き、多くの人が急いで辞表を出した
ここで言う「Many」は「Many people」をはしょって言っています。
Resignation letter=辞表
これと似たような「Two weeks notice」と言う言葉があります。辞める予定の二週間前に会社にそのみなを伝える事です。例:
I gave in my two weeks notice this morning=今朝辞める事を会社に伝えた。
「経営困難」を簡単に言うと「The company is doing badly」です。少しオブラートに包んだ言い方なのでどれくらいの度合いで経営困難なのかは特に特定されていません。もう少しちゃんとした言い方ですと「Financial difficulty」や「Financial crisis」と言うフレーズもありますので覚えておきましょう。
When one person quits when the company is doing badly, it creates a domino effect (and many people end up leaving) =経営困難の時に一人がやめるとドミノ倒しのように皆辞めていく
domino effect=ドミノ倒し