世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/07 19:09
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  • I'd like to move into one of the rooms that someone checked out of.

  • I'd like to move into one of the rooms that opened up.

  • Can I switch to a room that was recently checked out of?

「移る」は「move (into)」と訳されることが多いですが、「代わる」という意味で「switch」とも言えます。あとは、断られないように、「There's currently a bothersome person in my room and I'd like to move away from them」みたいに状況を説明した方がいいと思います。
  • Is there an available room that someone has checked out of?

  • May I please move to a new room that someone has checked out of?

"Is there an available room that someone has checked out of?" "May I please move to a new room that someone has checked out of?" Both these questions are requesting to move to another room, that another guest has "checked out of." To "check out" of a hotel is a common expression which means to settle the bill before leaving the hotel. Hope this helps :)
"""Is there an available room that someone has checked out of?""誰かがチェックアウトした空いている部屋はありませんか? ""May I please move to a new room that someone has checked out of?""誰かがチェックアウトした新しい部屋に移動していいですか? ""checked out of.""誰かがチェックアウトした、ほかの部屋に移りたいというリクエストの表現です ""check out"" は、一般的な表現で、ホテルを去る前に支払いなどをすることです 参考になると幸いです
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Are there any available rooms I can change to, please?

  • Could you let me know if anyone has checked out or will be checking out today? I would like to change rooms, please.

Are there any available rooms I can change to, please? – available/free. Change to – you would like to only change, not check out or pay more. Could you let me know if anyone has checked out or will be checking out today? I would like to change rooms, please. – If customers have checked out the room may be available or re-booked, so it is best to ask and see if they are available for you to move to. Some people have late check out times so to ask about rooms both now and later are advisable.
Are there any available rooms I can change to, please? – available/利用可能な  Change to – チェックアウトや追加料金を支払わず、変更だけがしたいという意味。 Could you let me know if anyone has checked out or will be checking out today? I would like to change rooms, please. -他の客がチェックアウトした場合、客室が利用可能である場合もあるが、すでに予約されている可能性もありますので、利用可能であるかどうかを確認する必要があります。 一部の人は遅いチェックアウト時間ですので、今現在ともっと後での両方の部屋について尋ねるのがお勧めです。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Would it be possible to change rooms when someone else checks out please?

  • I can't stay in my room anymore! It's too noisy. Can you find me another one for tonight please?

When staying at a backpacker hostel, there was someone very loud and in your dorm and it was stressful. you wanted to ask if you could move to a room when someone checked out later the day. In that case, you can try one of the above-suggested example sentences which may be appropriate for any given situation. There are always a variety of ways to respond to someone or make a comment - depending on the context and other factors such as nationality, appropriacy and body language.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to change rooms. Has anyone checked out yet today?

  • Have any rooms opened up today? If so, can I change rooms, please?

  • I need to move to a different room, if any other guests have checked out.

3つの表現を考えてみました。 それぞれの直訳と使用単語は以下となります。 英訳① 「部屋を変えたいです。今日誰かチェックアウトしましたか?」 *change room「部屋を変える」 *check out「チェックアウトする」 英訳② 「今日どこか部屋はあきましたか?もしそうなら、部屋を変えてもいいですか? 」 *open up「あく」 英訳③ 「もしほかの宿泊客がチェックアウトしたなら、私は別の部屋に移動する必要があります」 *need to 「~する必要がある」 *move 「移動する」 また、次のように部屋を変えたい理由もあわせて フロントのスタッフに伝えるとより効果的です。 One of the people in my room is very loud and rude and I'd like to be in a different room if possible. 「部屋にいる中のひとりがすごくうるさくて迷惑なので、 できれば別の部屋にいたいです」 参考になれば幸いです。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • I would like to change rooms as I was disturbed last night.

  • Can I please switch rooms as I was disturbed last night.

"I would like to changed room." This explains you want to move to a different room. "As I was disturbed last night." This explains that you want to move because you could not sleep because of the other people. "Can I please switch rooms." Asks then to put you in a different room. "As I was disturbed last night." Explain you couldn't sleep because of other people so you want to be in a different room.
"I would like to changed room."部屋を変えてほしいです。 違う部屋にしてほしいと伝えるフレーズ。 "As I was disturbed last night."昨晩よく眠れませんでした。 他の人が原因でよく眠れなかったと理由を述べる。 "Can I please switch rooms."部屋を変えていいですか?他の部屋に自分を入れてほしいと頼む場合 "As I was disturbed last night." 昨晩邪魔をされてよく眠れなかったからです。と理由を説明
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to move to a new room where it is quieter.

  • Do you have any rooms available that I can switch to?

The first sentence explains why you would like to move. Sometimes if there is no reason they may not want to accommodate moving you to a new room, so explaining "I'd like to move to a new room where it is quieter" shows that the reason you need to move is because of the noise. Asking if there is a room you can "switch to" is another way of asking if you can move. "Move to" or "switch to" can be used interchangeably in this instance.
一つ目の文では、なぜ別の部屋に移りたいのかを伝えています。 理由がないと対応してくれないことも考えられます。 「うるさいので移りたい」と伝えています。 "switch to" と "move to" はここでは同じ意味で、どちらも「別の部屋に移る」という時に使えます。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • Will there be any other rooms available today so I can swap

  • Will you let me know if there are any vacancies in any other rooms today

if someone checks out, then their bed/room becomes available today. To swap means to exchange one thing with another. eg I've finished this magazine. Can I swap with you? To let someone know, means to inform someone. eg "let me know what you think of him" Vacant is empty so if there is a vacancy, there is an empty space eg His resignation left a vacancy on the board of directors.
チェックアウトしたら、ベッドや部屋は本日利用可能になるでしょう。swap はなにかを交換するという意味です。 例 I've finished this magazine. Can I swap with you? (この雑誌をよみ終わったよ。あなたのと交換してもいい?) let someone know は、だれかに知らせるという意味です。 例 Let me know when you think of hm. (彼のことどう思うか教えてください。) vacant は空いているということで、there is a vacancy と言うと、空いている部屋があるという意味です。 例 His resignation left a vacancy on the board of directors. (彼が退任したため、取締役会に空きが出た。)
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, is it possible if I change my room to a vacant one.

Vacant means a room that is not occupied or is empty because the person has left. If they also ask you why you want to move you can tell them that you were not comfortable with the noise.
vacantはその部屋が埋まっていないか、人が去ったので空いているということを意味しています。 もしなぜ移りたいのかと聞かれたら、うるさくて快適ではないということを伝えることもできます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Could I switch rooms, please. Because I was disturbed last night.

  • I'd like to change rooms. Has anyone checked out yet today?

If you want to ask these question, just use one of the written examples and the person will understand you easily. They both mean the same, although, the first one has more details, whereas, the second one is one I would choose to use.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Someone has been extremely noisy and loud which has been causing me stress, is there any way I could move into a room someone has just checked out of?

  • Can I please move to a room someone has checked out of as a guest is being extremely loud and noisy and I cannot take the stress.

If there is a loud obnoxious guest staying with/next to you and you would like to change rooms if possible, you can say something like "Someone has been extremely noisy and loud which has been causing me stress, is there any way I could move into a room someone has just checked out of?" or "Can I please move to a room someone has checked out of as a guest is being extremely loud and noisy and I cannot take the stress.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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