世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/07 22:53
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  • That must have taken a lot of trouble.

  • You really put in a lot of effort.

  • That must of taken you a long time.

In order to express gratitude and to appreciate that someone made a huge effort to help you, you can say: 'That must have taken a lot of trouble' 'To take a lot of trouble' means that it must have been a difficult and time consuming task. The person overcome obstacles and difficulties in order to produce something of value or benefit. You really put in a lot of effort. This also means that the person took a lot of time and strength to complete a particular task. That must have taken you a long time. To scan a whole set of documents would've taken both time and effort. 'To take time' means to spend a lot of time doing something. I hope that helps!
感謝の気持ちや、だれかがあなたのために努力をしてくれたことにお礼を言うときの表現は、 That must have taken a lot of trouble. と言えます。 take a lot of trouble とは、それが難しかったり時間がかかたに違いないということを意味します。 その人が、価値や利益のようなことを生み出すために、障害や困難を乗り越えてくれたということです。 That must have taken you a long time. take timeとは、なにかをするためにたくさん時間を費やす事を意味します。 役に立てばうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • It must have been a lot of work.

  • It must have taken you a lot of time to do all this.

「それは大変な手間だったに違いありません」 と 「これをすべてするには長い時間を要したことでしょう」 が直訳です。 優しい友だちですね^^。
M Thornton ポール先生のLONE STARえいご学校共同創立者、バイリンガルデジタルマーケター
  • You must have taken a long time to complete that task

  • It must have been a lot of work to complete that

  • It must have taken a lot of effort.

"You must have taken a long time to complete that task" This statement acknowledges the fact that the task was not an easy one, and took a lot of time to complete. It usually takes a long time to complete a difficult task. "It must have been a lot of work to complete that": "It must have taken a lot of effort": The expressions "a lot of effort" and "a lot of work" means that someone invested a lot of time into doing something.
"You must have taken a long time to complete that task"この課題を終わらせるにはとても時間がかかったでしょう。 これは、その課題が簡単なものではなく、長い時間をかけて完成させたものだと認めてねぎらう言葉。 "It must have been a lot of work to complete that":それを終わらせるには大変な労働だったでしょうに。 "It must have taken a lot of effort":努力が必要だったでしょう。 "a lot of effort" や "a lot of work"その人が時間をかけて頑張ったという意味。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Wow! That must have taken you all day!

  • Good grief! I know that took a lot of time to do.

  • I know that must have taken a lot of effort.

Saying "wow or good grief" are ways to express surprise and disbelief at what was accomplished. The emphatic statement "that must have taken you all day" is a sarcastic way of expressing how much time and effort it must have taken to accomplish the task. Also you could simply say "I know that must have taken a lot of effort" .
 "wow or good grief"とは、成し遂げられたことに対して、驚き、信じられないことを表すフレーズです。 強調された表現、 "that must have taken you all day" (1日中かかったでしょう)は、そのタスクを達成するのにものすごく時間と労力がかかったことを表す皮肉っぽい表現です。 また、以下のようにシンプルに言うこともできます。 "I know that must have taken a lot of effort" ものすごい労力がかかったでしょう。
Monicah DMM英会話講師
  • It must have taken ages to do.

  • You went through so much trouble for me, thank you.

"It must have taken ages to do." This explains that it took a lot of time to do. "Ages to do" means a long time. "You went through so much trouble for me, Thank you." This politely thanks them for what they did and explains the it was very long process with lots to do. "So much trouble for me." Means they did a lot of work for you.
"It must have taken ages to do." 本当に手間と時間がかかったでしょう! すごく大変な手間という意味。 "Ages to do" は~するのに時間がかかる "You went through so much trouble for me, Thank you."わたしのためにこんな大変な思いをしてありがとう。礼儀正しい感謝を、彼らがしてくれたこと、それはとても大変な作業だったことに対して示しています。 "So much trouble for me." わたしのために大変なことをという意味。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • That must have taken a lot of work to do!

  • That took a lot of effort and work!

  • You didn't have to go through all that trouble!

Any of these phrases can be used and are commonly said between English speaking people. The last phrase would be said, if your friend scanned the whole textbook for you and so you want to acknowledge the work and time they put in to do that. It shows a kind character. You can also say: "That textbook is huge! It must have taken ages to finish!" ages: means a very long time. Hope this helps!
三例とも使えますし、英語でよく使われます。最後のフレーズは、友達が教科書を丸々スキャンしてくれて、その手間と時間について感謝する場合に使えます。優しさが表れます。 また、ほかに: "That textbook is huge! It must have taken ages to finish!" 〔訳〕あの教科書すごい量だよ。めっちゃ時間かかったでしょ。 ages: 「すごく長い時間」という意味です。 参考になるといいです!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • That seems like hard work to me!

  • Was it worth all that time and energy?

When you see the things that some people do, or the great lengths they will go to to get something they need, you may consider it all to be a little extreme. You could express this idea by saying something like: "Was it worth all that time and energy?" or, "That seems like hard work to me!" In this case, it may ahve been either an economic or a time-based decision that led to this marathon photocopying session.
他の人がしていることを見たり、必要なことをするのにかかった時間の長さ が分かっていると、そのことが少しやりすぎに思えてしまうかもしれません。 このように言って気持ちを表現できます。 "Was it worth all that time and energy?" かかった時間と手間を考えると、それは割りに合っている? "That seems like hard work to me!" そのことは私には大変なことのように思えます。 この場合、このマラソンのようなコピー機のセッションになったのは、 経済的又は時間ベースの決断だったのかもしれません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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