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性格 わるいって英語でなんて言うの?

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2017/07/08 09:38
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  • Bad personality, bad character

  • mean

[性格](, character わるい - bad 冗談として言いたいなら、you're meanとかyou're so meanでも大丈夫です。 例: That was mean. 今のは[ひどいよ](。 You're so mean for saying that. そんなことを言うなんて君はひどいよ。 性格がいい - good personality, good character 性格が合う - compatible 性格が合わない - incompatible, have very different personalities 性格が異なる - different in character ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • Wow, didn't see that coming

  • Well, that went left quick.

Wow, didn't see that coming: You can use this expression when it was a bit shocking to see your friend acting in such a way, and would be letting them know without revealing how much it meant to you. Well, that went left quick. You can use this expression when you want to show that the conversation took a sudden turn that you did not expect, and could be something you are not in total agreement with.
Wow, didn't see that coming このフレーズは友達のジョークに驚いている時に使います。 Well, that went left quick.友達が突然言った[発言](に驚いた時やあまり発言に[賛成](できない時に使います。
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • That joke was in bad taste

  • That joke was totally inappropriate!

  • Your sense of humour needs to be toned down a bit!

In bad/poor taste = rude; vulgar; obscene. "Mrs. Franklin felt that your joke was in bad taste." " We found the play to be in poor taste, so we walked out in the middle of the second act." Inappropriate = not suitable or proper in the circumstances. "There are penalties for inappropriate behaviour." To tone down something = to make (something) less forceful, offensive, or harsh "People will be more likely to listen to you if you tone down your language a little."
In bad/poor taste = 失礼、卑猥、低俗な、 例:"Mrs. Franklin felt that your joke was in bad taste." 例:" We found the play to be in poor taste, so we walked out in the middle of the second act." Inappropriate = ふさわしくない、不相応な 例:"There are penalties for inappropriate behaviour." To tone down something = 強引さや攻撃性、過激さを抑える、言葉を柔らかくする。 "People will be more likely to listen to you if you tone down your language a little." もうちょっと言葉を柔らかくすればみんなもっと聞いてくれると思うよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You're terrible!

  • You're awful!

  • You're so bad!

In normal circumstances, calling someone terrible or awful may be an insult. But while laughing, these words don't sound as harsh.
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • Wow!You are quite savage.

  • Geez man,that's heartless.

  • You are so harsh!

"Wow!You are quite savage." savage means wild and is a word often used to jokingly comment on a bad joke. "Geez man,that's heartless." to be heartless is to not have a heart or compassion.Friends often say this in a joking way in response to a joke or sarcastic statement. Geez or gee = another way of saying "wow". "You are so harsh!" Harsh means ruthless and can also be said in a joking manner.
"Wow!You are quite savage." savage means wild and is a word often used to jokingly comment on a bad joke. Savage=どう猛な、凶悪な。 「ワオ!結構、凶悪だね~」 "Geez man,that's heartless." to be heartless is to not have a heart or compassion.Friends often say this in a joking way in response to a joke or sarcastic statement. Geez or gee = another way of saying "wow". Heartless=薄情な、冷酷な。 Geez=Wowの類語。 「おい、それはつれないな~」 "You are so harsh!" Harsh means ruthless and can also be said in a joking manner. Harsh=厳しい、辛辣、薄情。 「薄情なヤツだな~」
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • That was savage.

  • Your terrible.

That was savage. Explains that was not a nice joke and he or she is a bad person. "you terrible." Is a common joking way of saying that it was a bad joke and they are a bad person.
That was savage. それは残酷だわ。 Explains that was not a nice joke and he or she is a bad person. それは面白い冗談じゃなくて、彼、または彼女がよくない人だと説明するフレーズ。 "you terrible." あなたひどい。は冗談めかしてそれは悪い冗談だった、彼らは悪い人だという言い方。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • You're brutal.

  • That is harsh.

  • Savage.

All work, you must remember though that when you say such phrases and words you tend to change your tone of voice, and perhaps extend the word, as this adds emphasis and shock to the sound of the word.
どれも使えます。 このようなフレーズを言うときは、声のトーンを変えたり、あるいは語尾を伸ばすことで、ショックを表したり意味を強調することが多いです。
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Wow! You have a really bad sense of humour!

This type of answer will show that you did not appreciate his joke, that it was in poor taste, and that you don't want to hear anything like that again.
Desmond DMM英会話講師
  • That's a bit harsh.

  • You're so mean!

If you want to make a comment regarding your friend's personality after they made an unpleasant joke, you can say: "That's a bit harsh." "You're so mean!"
意地悪なジョークを言われたとき、相手の性格に関して言い返したいなら、次のように言えます。 "That's a bit harsh."(厳しいな) "You're so mean!"(意地悪)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I can't believe you said that!

  • You are heartless!

  • Why are you so mean?

If you want to let your friend know that you thought the joke was unpleasant but a little harsh, you can use any of the follwoing expressions:- 1, I can't believe you said that! This expression is used to express disbelief at what the person said. 2. You are so heartless! If the person said something that was heartless or cruel, you can use this expression. 3. Why are you so mean? If the person said something that was heartless or cruel, you can use this expression.
「意地悪な冗談だった」と友達に伝えたいということですね。でしたら、次の表現が使えます。 1, I can't believe you said that!(あんなこと言うなんて信じられない) これは、相手の言葉が信じられないと伝えています。 2. You are so heartless!(本当に思いやりがないね) これは、思いやりのないこと、冷酷なことを言った人に対して使うことができます。 3. Why are you so mean?(何でそんなに意地悪なの) これも、思いやりのないこと、冷酷なことを言った人に対して使うことができます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • That was savage!

  • Wow! What a joke!

Someone or something that is savage is extremely cruel, violent, and uncontrolled. You can say 'wow' when you are very impressed, surprised, or pleased. 'That was savage!' 'Wow! What a joke!'
savage というと、非常に残酷で暴力的で野性的なことを意味します。 感動したとき、驚いたとき、またはうれしいときにはwow ということができます。 'That was savage!' 'Wow! What a joke!'
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • The joke was in bad taste.

  • That was savage.

- The joke was in bad taste, refers to the idea that the joke was inappropriate for the given circumstance or was a little bit too mean within the situation. This typically isn't said in a joking way to someone, but it is a very light way to express that whatever was said wasn't right. - That was savage is definitely more of a colloquial way to express that whatever was said was a little inappropriate or harmful to say, but more in the light and joking way. Typically we can, "do/say something savage," and still have less of a harmful effect on others.
"The joke was in bad taste" は「そのジョークは適切でなかった[少し意地悪だった]」という意味です。これは普通冗談っぽくは言いませんが、すごく軽い言い方です。 "That was savage"(あれは残酷だった)はより口語的で、冗談っぽい言い方です。発言が「少し不適切だった/毒があった」と伝えます。"savage" は「むごい/残酷な」という意味ですが、誇張表現としてよく使われます。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • That joke was totally inappropriate!

  • Oh, that's wasn't a nice thing to say

These two examples can be used, although, keep it in mind the first sentence is more strict and direct. For example - I really don't like it and think that joke was absolutely inappropriate. Please, never say it again in front of me
上のどちらの例も使うことができます。一つ目の例はより直接的で、強い言い方です。 例: I really don't like it and think that joke was absolutely inappropriate. Please, never say it again in front of me (あの冗談は本当に良くなかったと思う。私の前でもう二度とあんなこと言わないで)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • You have a bad personality.

「あなたは性格が悪い」の一番素直な訳は、 You have a bad personality. と言います。 「性格が良い」なら You have a nice personality. のように言います(*^_^*) 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
  • You have a dark sense of humor

  • evil character

  • evil personality

You have a dark sense of humor example sentence: My friend can tell me funny jokes to make people laugh but he also has a dark sense of humor that can hurt some peoples feelings. evil character example sentence: I enjoy listening to your jokes but sometimes you can tell jokes with an evil character sometimes. evil personality example sentence: In my opinion, you have an evil personality because your joke was very offensive and rude.
Joey B DMM英会話講師
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