世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




議論などをした時の後に、 色々な事を話せて良かったと使いたい。
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2017/07/10 07:47
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  • It was nice talking to you.

  • Good chatting with you.

You can end a nice, long conversation with a simple "It was nice talking to you."
楽しく長い[会話](のあとには"It was nice talking to you."といって会話を終わらせる意図を伝えられます。 It was nice ... (It was) Good ... 上記で「〜できて[よかった](」のようなニュアンスになります。 It was が省略されるとカジュアルな印象があります。
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • I'm glad we were able to talk

  • I'm glad we were able to have this talk/discussion/conversation/debate.

「話せてよかった」は一般的に①のように訳され、どんな場面でも使えますが、より上級で丁寧な言い方としては②もあります。「I'm glad we were able to have this」の最後に適切な言葉(例えば、[議論](、[会話]( (conversation)、相談 (consultation)、打ち合わせ (meeting)など)を入れるだけです。 ご参考までに。
  • I am so happy we could have our tête-à-tête.

  • I enjoyed our conversation today,it was really insightful.

  • Thank you for the great conversation/chat,we should do this more often/soon.

"I am so happy we could have our tête-à-tête." tête-à-tête = pronounced as "tay-tah-tay" this word comes from French and is used by English speakers to describe a comfortable,cozy conversation. "I enjoyed our conversation today,it was really insightful." You enjoyed the conversation and you are giving them a valid reason as to why. "Thank you for the great conversation/chat,we should do this more often/soon." This is to show them how much you appreciated the conversation and to invite them to do it again in the future. You could also say : I enjoyed our heart-to-heart today.
"I am so happy we could have our tête-à-tête." tête-à-tête = pronounced as "tay-tah-tay" this word comes from French and is used by English speakers to describe a comfortable,cozy conversation. Tete-a-tete=二人だけの内緒話、対談。フランス語から来ています。 「対談が出来て、とてもよかったです。」 "I enjoyed our conversation today,it was really insightful." You enjoyed the conversation and you are giving them a valid reason as to why. Insight=洞察力のある。 「今日の対話はよかったです。洞察に満ちた内容でした。」会話を楽しめたこと、その理由も説明している。 "Thank you for the great conversation/chat,we should do this more often/soon." This is to show them how much you appreciated the conversation and to invite them to do it again in the future. 「素晴らしいお話をありがとうございました。もっと頻繁に/また近いうちに話しましょう。」会話をどれほど楽しめたかを伝え、また近いうちに話したいことを表しています。 You could also say : I enjoyed our heart-to-heart today. 他には、Heart-to-heart=腹を割って話すこと。 「腹を割って話せてよかったです。」
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Nice speaking with you!

  • It's been a pleasure chatting with you!

  • My, where did the time go! We covered so many subjects!

In the UK, we tend to make a comment if we enjoyed something...but not give a lot of detail. It would seem strange to say you enjoyed a conversation and then expand on that. You enjoyed it. That's enough. It is obvious you spoke about many things and it does not really need to be said. people who confirm the obvious are not considered very clever people.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It was great talking to you

  • I'm glad we had this discussion

You can say : 'It was great talking to you.' 'I'm glad we had this discussion.' 'I really enjoyed this conversation.' 'This was a great convo.'
このように言うことができます。 'It was great talking with you.' (お話できて良かったです。) 'I'm glad we had this discussion.' (この議論ができて嬉しく思います。) 'I really enjoyed this conversation.' (この会話をとても楽しみました。) 'This was a great convo.' (とてもいい会話でした。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • It was a pleasure to get to have a chat with you.

  • I enjoyed our chat, it was enlightening.

I enjoyed our chat, it was enlightening. : You may use this sentence when you want to let the person know that you got to learn new things and enjoyed yourself. It was a pleasure to get to have a chat with you. This would be a sentence that you can use to let the person know that you did have a good time talking with them.
I enjoyed our chat, it was enlightening. : 話していて勉強になったと伝えたい場合に使えます。 It was a pleasure to get to have a chat with you. 話せて楽しかったと伝えたい場合に使います。
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • I really enjoyed our chat/conversation

  • I liked that we were able to discuss a number of topics. I enjoyed our conversation

When you've just had a conversation with a person and enjoyed it because you covered a number of topics, then you can say: -I really enjoyed our chat/conversation -I liked that we were able to discuss a number of topics. I enjoyed our conversation -I was pleased with our conversation and that we were able to cover a number of issues.
誰かと会話をしてたくさんのトピックについて話すことができ楽しかったときは言うことができます。 -I really enjoyed our chat/conversation 話せてとても楽しかったです。 -I liked that we were able to discuss a number of topics. I enjoyed our conversation たくさんのトピックについて話ができてよかったです。とても楽しかったです。 -I was pleased with our conversation and that we were able to cover a number of issues. たくさんのことについて話ができてとても楽しかったです。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm glad we were able to talk.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 I'm glad we were able to talk. のように英語で表現することができます。 glad は「よかった」というニュアンスの英語表現です。 例: Thank you for today. I'm glad we were able to talk. 今日はありがとう。話せてよかったよ。 お役に立ちましたでしょうか? 英語学習頑張ってくださいね!
  • I'm glad we got to talk.

次のように英語で表現することができます: I'm glad we got to talk. 話せてよかったよ。 we got to talk は「私たちが話すことができて」という意味を持つ英語表現です。 that が省略されています(that we got to talk)。 ぜひ参考にしてください。 また何かありましたらいつでも質問してください。
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