世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/10 12:24
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  • It's not time for the train to be here yet

  • The train is on its way

It's not time for the train to be here yet =まだ電車がここに居る時間じゃないから yetを付け足すと「これから来る」事を伝えられます。 The train is on its way =電車は今向かってるところよ on its way =向かってる途中 例: I'm on my way home =私は家に向かってる途中 Can you get some beer on your way to the picnic? =ピクニック向かう途中にビール買って来てくれる?
  • The train isn't coming because it's not time for it to come right now.

  • The train comes later today not right now.

  • It's not time for the train to be here yet.

The train isn't coming because it's not time for it to come right now. The train comes later today not right now. It's not time for the train to be here yet. I don't think it is time for the train yet. The train won't come until later today. The train runs on a schedule so it is only here at certain time. No, the train isn't scheduled to be here at this time of day.
The train isn't coming because it's not time for it to come right now. (まだ時間になっていないから電車は来ないよ) The train comes later today not right now. (電車は今じゃなくてもっと遅い時間に来るよ) It's not time for the train to be here yet. (まだ電車が来る時間じゃないよ) I don't think it is time for the train yet. (まだ電車が来る時間じゃないと思うよ) The train won't come until later today. (電車はもっと遅い時間にならないと来ないよ) The train runs on a schedule so it is only here at certain time. (電車は予定に従って走っているから、特定の時間にしか来ないの) No, the train isn't scheduled to be here at this time of day. (いいえ、電車はこの時間にここに来る予定にはなっていないから)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • It's not due yet

  • The train isn't expected for some time

  • The train will come later

At a railroad crossing, when your child says "The train isn't coming. Why?" you want to explain that the train isn't coming because it isn't time for the train to come yet.
踏切で、子供が "The train isn't coming. Why?"(電車が来ないよ。どうして?)と言うと、電車がまだ来る時間ではないからだよと説明したいときには例のように言うといいでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • NOT DUE YET...Not scheduled

  • I asked the guard and he told me the train was not due yet...Its running on time!

Things happen in due other word when expected. When is you baby due? If something is due to happen...then it will arrive within a foreseeable time-line. 'I am due some compensation'...meaning I expect my payment to come quite soon. One could also say 'The train was not Scheduled to arrive' or 'It may well be running on schedule.'
ことは時間通りに起こるものです。 When is you baby due? (赤ちゃんの予定日はいつ?)  due to happenとは、近い将来それが起こるということです。 'I am due some compensation'とは、支払い予定がすぐに来るということです。 'The train was not Scheduled to arrive' (電車が来る時間ではない。)  'It may well be running on schedule.' (電車が予定通り走っているかもしれない。) と言うこともできます。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • The train is on its way.

  • The train will be here soon.

  • The train is picking up other people first.

"The train is on its way."- This indicates to the child that the train is busy moving in their direction and will be there soon. "The train will be here soon."- Indicates to the child that the train is not too far away. "The train is picking up other people first." - Assuming the train is on a schedule, it has many stops. This shows the child it is somewhere else but will be there shortly after stopping to pick up other people.
"The train is on its way."(電車はもうすぐ来るよ) →これは「電車はもうすぐここに到着する」と伝えています。 "The train will be here soon."(もうすぐ電車が来るよ) →電車がもう近くまで来ていることを伝えています。 "The train is picking up other people first."(電車は他の人を先に乗せているんだよ) →電車には駅がたくさんありますね。ここでは「今は別の所で人を乗せているけど直にここにも来る」と伝えています。
Jamima DMM英会話講師
  • The train's on its way

  • The train's not due yet

These sentences are used to explain that when asked "why isn't there a train on the railway line?" or "where is the train?" the usual responses would be "The train's on its way" and "The train's not use yet". 'On its way' is a causal term to imply that something will be there/arrive shortly. 'Not due yet' is referring that something is coming but not at this time, you will have to wait.
"Why isn't there a train on the railway line?"(何で線路に電車がないの)や "Where is the train?"(電車はどこ)に対する標準的な返答は、"The train's on its way"(電車はもうすぐ来るよ)や "The train's not due yet"(まだ電車が来る時間ではない)だと思います。 'On its way' は「もうすぐ到着する」という意味のカジュアルな表現です。 'Not due yet' は、それが「今」ではなく「後」で来ることを表します。待たないといけないということ。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • The train is not scheduled to come yet.

  • The train is still on its way to this station. It should arrive at <time>.

  • The time now is <time>. The train will come at <time>.

To explain it simply, you could use a phrase such as "The train is not scheduled to come yet.". This is the easiest way to provide a basic answer. If you wish to deepen understanding you could choose to explain a little bit further using sentences such as "The train is still on its way to this station. It should arrive at <time>." This helps the child to understand why the train is not there yet and grasp the concept of how a schedule applies in practical terms. You could even turn it into an opportunity to practice some maths! You could either ask or tell the time now, then explain the time the train is scheduled. "The time now is <time>. The train will come at <time>." Then ask the child "How much longer until the train will come?"
シンプルに説明するなら、"The train is not scheduled to come yet."(まだ電車が来る時間ではない)などと言えます。これが最も簡単な言い方です。 より詳しく説明したいなら、例えば "The train is still on its way to this station. It should arrive at <time>."(電車は今こっちに向かっている。〈時刻〉に来るはずだよ)などと言えます。これで、なぜまだ電車が来ていないか、そして、スケジュールとは何かについても子どもに教えられます。 算数の練習にすることもできます!今の時間と電車が来る予定の時間を伝えます。 "The time now is <time>. The train will come at <time>."(今は〈時刻〉。電車が来るのは〈時刻〉) そうしたら、"How much longer until the train will come?"(電車が来るまであと何分)と子どもに質問しましょう。
Lexi L DMM英会話講師
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