世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2017/07/10 19:16
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  • I have to leave briefly to run an important errand.

  • I have some important business to attend to so I'll be gone for a little while.

  • I'll be stepping out to run an errand, I'll be back shortly.

In order to explain that you need to leave somewhere to do something, you can say:
I have to leave briefly to run an important errand.
To leave - to depart, to go somewhere else
Briefly - for a short while, quickly, for a few minutes
To run - to do
Errand - Small task, chore or an activity that is normally domestic
Domestic - relating to your home or family.

You can also say:
I have some important business to attend to so I'll be gone for a little while.
Important business to attend to - An important task to do
I'll be gone - I won't be available, I will have left.
A little while - A short space of time.

I'll be stepping out to run an errand, I'll be back shortly.
Stepping out - leaving somewhere for a brief amount of time.
I'll be back shortly - I will return soon,

I hope that helps!

I have to leave briefly to run an important errand.
leave - 出発する、どこかへ行くこと
briefly - 少しの間、いそいで、数分間
run - 〜をする
errand - 小さな用事、雑用や雑仕事、よく家事などの意味で使われる
domestic - 家庭や家族に関係する

または、I have some important business to attend to so I'll be gone for a little while.
important business to attend to - しないといけない大事なこと
I'll be gone - その場からいなくなり、時間がとれなくなること
for a little while - 少しの間

I'll be stepping out to run an errand, I'll be back shortly.
stepping out - 短時間どこかへ行くこと
I'll be back shortly - すぐに戻ってきます


Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I have an errand to run so I need to step out for a little bit.

  • I have some business to attend to so I need to step out for a little bit.

  • I have some business to take care of so I need to step out for a little bit.

英語で「用事」に相当する言葉がいくつかありますが、その中でよく聞くのは「errand」と「business」です。前者は「to run an errand」という決まり文句でよく表れますが、「済ませる」の翻訳として「to take care of」や「to attend to」があり、「用事を済ませる」と言いたい時は、自分の好きな組み合わせを選べます。

最後に「席を外します」ですが、決まり文句として「to step out」(ドアから一歩踏み出すみたいな意味)があります。

  • I need to step out for a minute,there is something I need to take care of.

  • I need to run a quick errand,I will be back shortly.

"I need to step out for a minute,there is something I need to take care of."
step out = this means you need to leave your current location
for a minute = a figurative way to say "for a short while" .It does not mean you will gone for 60 seconds.
take care of something = do something that needs your urgent attention.

"I need to run a quick errand,I will be back shortly."
errand = a little task that needs to be performed eg.collect,deliver,pay bills etc.
shortly = in a short while

"I need to step out for a minute,there is something I need to take care of."ちょっと抜けます。どうしても片づけなければいけないことがあるので
step out = 今いる場所を去る
for a minute ="for a short while" と同意語。60秒という意味ではありません。少しの間という意味。
take care of something = 急ぎでやらなければいけないこと

"I need to run a quick errand,I will be back shortly."ちょっと片づけなければいけないことがあるのですぐに戻ります。
errand =集金、配達、請求書の支払いなどやらなければいけない小さなタスク
shortly = in a short while すぐに、短時間で

Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I have to slip off for a while

  • I have to nip out for a while

  • I'll be back shortly!

to sneak away to some place.
"Judy and Jeff slipped off to the movies unnoticed."
"They slipped off and no one saw them leave.."
To nip out = to go out, leave a place for a short time.\
"Paul nipped outb for a smoke."
"I'll be back shortly" = we say this when we don't want to explain where we are going but that we will return quickly.

slip to: どこかへそっと出ていきたいときに使います。
"Judy and Jeff slipped off to the movies unnoticed."
"They slipped off and no one saw them leave.."
To nip out = 外へでる、ちょっとの間その場所を離れる
"Paul nipped outb for a smoke."
"I'll be back shortly" = we say this when we don't want to explain where we are going but that we will return quickly.

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have to run some errands.

  • I need to leave for an hour to run some personal errands.

"I have to run some errands." Means you have to go and do some stuff.

"I need to leave for an hour." This explains you need to leave work for an hour. The time "An hour" can be replaced with any amount.
"Personal errands." Means that it is something personal you need to go and do.

"I have to run some errands."ちょっと用事をすませなくてはいけません。とは、行かなくてはいけない用事があるという意味。
"I need to leave for an hour." 1時間ほど席を外さなければいけません。 "An hour" 他の時間にしてもかまいません。
"Personal errands." 個人的な用事。

Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I have an errand to run

An errand is a short trip that you make in order to do a job for someone, for example when you go to a shop to buy something for them.

She went off on some errand.
She had a more urgent errand.
She is always on at me for money and running errands.
Don't run errands after work.

errand はなにか人のためにする用事のことです。

She went off on some errand.
She had a more urgent errand.
She is always on at me for money and running errands.
Don't run errands after work.

Kels DMM英会話講師
  • an errand...

  • I need to pop out for a while, to go on an errand I must attend to!

Errand is a cool little word to use at a time like this: " a short journey either to take a message or to take or collect something" So it does fit perfectly here;-D
"I need to pop out for a while, to go on an errand I must attend to!"


"a short journey either to take a message or to take or collect something"

"I need to pop out for a while, to go on an errand I must attend to!"

Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I have to run an important errand.

  • I have something important I need to do.

  • I have some business to attend to.

The most common expression we use when talking about this would be, "to run an errand," with also explaining whether its, "important," or not. We can also say that we have something important, "I need to do." Lastly we can say that we have, "some business," that we need to do or, "attend to."

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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