世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2017/07/10 20:06
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  • He always sits on the fence

  • He's neither here nor there

  • He's undecided.

When someone doesn't agree or disagree, a common idiom is: 'Sitting on the fence' This means that you are not on one side or the other but you are in the middle. You can also say: He's neither here nor there As well as describing location, it can also mean a state of indecision. The person has not chosen the right or the left direction. Another way of expressing the same thing is to say: He's undecided This means that he has not chosen an option yet. He has not said yes or no. You can also say: I'm neutral That also means that you are in the middle and you don't mind either way, you have no particular opinion about the matter. I hope that helps!
賛成も反対もしていないときによく使われるイディオムは、 sitting on the fence これはどちらのサイドにもつかず、真ん中にいることを意味します。 こう言うこともできます。 He's neither here nor there. 場所を表すだけでなく、決断していないことも意味します。この場合彼は、右なのか左なのか、選択していないということです。 同じ意味を表すもうひとつの言い方は、 He's undecided. これは選択肢をまだとっていないことを指します。イエスともノーとも言っていません。 また、 I'm neutral. と言うこともできます。 これも、どちらかハッキリせず真ん中にいること、どちらでもいいこと、その内容に関して特に意見がないこと、を意味します。 役に立てばうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • He is impartial.

  • He seems to be in the middle of the road.

"He is impartial." Someone who does not take sides and will not agree or disagree with anyone in an argument/debate. "He seems to be in the middle of the road." The middle of the road = to not choose a particular direction.This person does not want to declare their opinion.
"He is impartial." Someone who does not take sides and will not agree or disagree with anyone in an argument/debate. 「彼は中立の立場である」 どちらの側にもつかない人、賛成も反対もしない人。 "He seems to be in the middle of the road." The middle of the road = to not choose a particular direction.This person does not want to declare their opinion. 「彼は中間にいるようだ(中立の立場)」 Middle of the road=どちらの方向も選ばない。自分の意見を公表したくない人。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • He doesn't clearly agree or disagree. He seems to be sitting on the fence.

二値選択する場合ではっきり決められない人が「sitting on the fence」(フェンスに座っているーー両側に体の半分がある)をしていると言います。 「中途半場」は違う場合で「ちゃんと最後までしない」とかという意味もあるでしょう。その場合では「half-baked」とか「incomplete」という英訳を使います。 His plan was really half-baked. 彼のプランは超中途半場だった。
Tim Young 主催
  • He can't make up his mind.

  • He's not completely for or against.

  • He'll take some persuading.

"He can't make up his mind': This describes a person who has not completely decided or chosen one option over another option. "He's not completely for or against" : The expression "for or against" really means agrees or disagrees. If someone is 'for" something, it means that they agree with the situation. If someone is "against" something it means that they disagree with the situation. "He'll take some persuading": If someone does not completely agree or disagree with something it can mean that they need to be persuaded to move in one direction or the other.
"He can't make up his mind':彼は決心ができない。 Tどちらにしようか選べない状態。 "He's not completely for or against" :彼は完全に賛成でも反対でもない。 "for or against"賛成または反対という意味。 'for" ならばそのシチュエーションに賛成、 "against"ならそのシチュエーションに反対という意味。 "He'll take some persuading"彼には決断する時間(説得)が必要だね。 誰かが賛成も反対も決められないときにどの方向に向かうか説得が必要だという意味。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • He’s neutral.

  • He’s indecisive.

He’s neutral. Means – he’s neither for nor against/likes or dislikes/agrees or disagrees. “Which colour do you think is best for the bedroom, maroon or orange?” “I’m neutral, you decide”. He’s indecisive. Means – cannot decide which to choose/which option is the best or they prefer. “He is so indecisive, I wish he’d just choose the restaurant for once”.
He’s neutral. 意味 - 彼は賛成でも反対でも、また好きでも嫌いでもない。 “Which colour do you think is best for the bedroom, maroon or orange?”" 寝室にどの色が良いと思う?栗色それともオレンジ色?" “I’m neutral, you decide”.  "僕はどっちでも良いよ。君が決めて"。 He’s indecisive. 意味- どちらを選択するか/どのオプションが最適か、どちらを優先するかを決めることができない。 “He is so indecisive, I wish he’d just choose the restaurant for once”. "彼はとても優柔不断なの。一緒に行くレストランは、彼が決めてくれないかな。"
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • He is sitting on the fence

  • He can't make his mind up

  • He can't decide what is best

If you are someone who does not side with either side of an argument or discussion, or perhaps have no firm thoughts about the subject in question , then it may be said that you are 'sitting on the fence.' People may alternatively say that you have no opinion whatsoever and remain neutral about this subject.
話の中で、どちらの考えにもつかないことを、'sitting on the fence'と言います。あるいはどちらにもつかずに、中立の立場でいると考えがない人と思われることもあります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • He's neutral.

  • He is impartial.

*He's neutral. If you are neutral it means that you are not either agreeing or disagree. For example: "He gave a more neutral response." *He is impartial. If you are impartial you do not support any side involved in the argument. For example: Although it was her sister involved in the argument, he remained impartial.
*He's neutral. neutralというのは、賛成も反対もしていないという意味です。 【例文】 "He gave a more neutral response."(彼はより中立的な返答をした) *He is impartial. impartialとは、議論に関わるいかなる側も支持しないということです。 【例文】 Although it was her sister involved in the argument, she remained impartial.(議論には彼女の妹が関わっていたが、彼女は公平を保っていた)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • He/she neither agrees nor disagrees

  • He is impartial

  • He is sitting on the fence

The use of neither/nor is to express a negative response to a particular request. So, there may be a question as to whether someone agrees or disagrees to a particular request. He might have indicated to you that, he/she does not agree, but, at the same time, does not disagree. In other words, he/she is impartial, neutral, or sitting on the fence. Being impartial actually means, 'not supporting either side of competitors. 'Sitting on the fence' means exactly what it says. If someone is sitting on the fence, it means that he/she is not supporting either side of the fence. So you may say: He/she neither agrees nor disagrees. or He is impartial. or He is sitting on the fence
"neither/nor"を使うことは特定の要望に対してネガティブな返事をすることを表します。まず、要望に対し合意するか合意しないかという質問があるかもしれません。合意はしないけれど、特に反対もしないかもしれません。言い換えれば彼/彼女は公平で、ニュートラルです。公平であるということは実際には'not supporting either side of competitors'(競争相手のどちらも支持していない状態)です。 'Sitting on the fence' はまさにその意味の通りです。もし誰かがフェンスに座っていたらどちらの側のチームも支持していないことを意味します。あなたはこのように言うでしょう。 "He/She neither agrees nor disagrees." (彼/彼女は合意もしないし、反対もしません。) "He is impartial."(彼は中立です。) "He is sitting on the fence" (彼はどちら側でもありません。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • He doesn't either agree or disagree.

彼は賛成も反対もしない。 の意味です。 まだ出ていない回答では上記のようにも言えると思います(^^)
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