Parts may get damaged by bumping into each other and bouncing around during transport.
Parts may get damaged during transport by bumping into each other or bouncing around.
部品 → parts
輸送 → transport(ation)
跳ねる → to bounce around
傷がつく → to be damaged / to get damaged
「during」は日本語で接尾辞の「中」に相当し、「午前中」(英:during the morning)や「飛行中」(英:during the flight)などでよく表れます。
The parts may bounce around during transport and get damaged
部品同士がぶつかったり輸送中に跳ねたりして傷がつく と言いたい場合は
「The parts may bounce around during transport and get damaged」
「We should consider packaging the product more securely, the parts may bounce around during transport and get damaged」