世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/16 10:15
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  • Is there anything you can't eat?

  • Are there any foods that you dislike?

  • Is there anything you prefer not to eat?

少しニュアンスが異なりますが、内容がほぼ同じです。 Is there anything you can't eat? (食べれないものありますか?) Are there any foods that you dislike? (嫌いな[食べ物](はありますか?) Is there any food that you prefer not to eat? (あまり好まない[料理](はありますか) can't eat = 食べられない アレルギーなど様々な理由で「食べられない」ものが含まれます dislike = 苦手な、好きじゃない 味の好き嫌いなども含めて「苦手」「好きじゃない」という意味のものが含まれます prefer not to eat = できれば食べたくない 味の好き嫌いなども含めて、「食べたくない」ものが含まれます
  • Do you have any food that you don't like?

・food that you don't like [あなたが[好き](ではない[食べ物](] that以下がfoodを修飾する関係代名詞となります。 【おまけ】 anyとsomeについて 肯定分の時はsome、疑問文の時にはanyを使うと教わった方も多いかもしれませんが、疑問文の時でもsomeを使うことが出来ます。 (例)Do you have some questions? [あなたは質問がありますか?] ※話し手は相手に対して必ず質問があると確信して聞いているニュアンス。※ Do you have any questions? [あなたは質問がありますか?] ※話し手は相手に対して質問があるがどうかがわからないニュアンス。※ どちらを使うかによってニュアンスが変わってくるので、よかったら使い分けてみてくださいね。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Is there any food that you don’t like?

日本ではファミレスが好きでよく行きます。(子供も小さいので) 日本はメニューに写真があるのですごくわかりやすくて大好きです! 注文するときも指をさせばいい。 あと、レストランでの注文ですけど、これは会社の上司とかだとまた別かもしれませんが、友達同士だったら自分の食べる料理は自分で決めたいから、 「何が入っている」とか「こんな味のソースがかかっている」 ということ教えてくれると嬉しい。 This pasta comes with cream sauce. 「このパスタはクリームのソースだよ」 This is a type of Salisbury steak served with a soy sauce based sweet sauce and topped with a grinded daikon radish. 「これは 英語で言うところのセイルズバリーステーキ(ハンバーグ)で、お醤油ベースの甘いソースにおろした大根がのってます。」(和風ハンバーグ) 日本人が大好きハンバーグ。(私も大好き)は英語で説明するならSalisbury steakという日本のハンバーグに似た料理があるので、一発で伝わると思います。 質問からだいぶそれました。すいません。
  • ① Is there anything you don't like?

  • ② Is there anything you can't eat?

「嫌いなものはありますか?」を英語で言う場合「① Is there anything you don't like?」を推奨します。 好き嫌いを聞く分には上記がいいですが、「食べられないものはありますか」を聞くなら「② Is there anything you can't eat?」を使います。 お寿司屋さんとかに行く場合「① Is there anything you don't like?」がいいかもしれないですね。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Are there any foods you don't like?

  • Are there any foods you can't eat?

「〜ありますか」=「are there 〜?」と表しました。「ある」や「いる」を問う際に使います。 英語には「好き」や「嫌い」を表す形容詞がないんです。 よって、「any foods」を「you don't like」または「you can't eat」で修飾しました。「any foods」を別の言葉に言い換えて、いろんな場面で使ってみてください。
Yuki JapanLanguageLovers主催者
  • Is there anything you can't eat?

  • Is there any food you can't eat?

There is ~ ~がある you can't eat 食べられない 疑問文にして、Is there anything (any food) you can't eat? 外国人と一緒にレストランへ行ったときなどこの質問は大事ですよね。 日本の食べ物で食べられないものもあるでしょうし。 その際に覚えておくとよいフレーズですね。
Yayoi TINY ENGLISH School代表
  • What food don't you like?

  • What food do you not eat?

  • Is there anything you don't like?

*What food don't you like?* *What food do you not eat?* *Is there anything you don't like?* MEANING= these are all very similar. All are asking politely whether there are foods which you don't eat/like For asking if you LIKE a food you can also say: *Do you like____(name food) *Do you eat seafood? *Do you like meat? *Do you eat fish and meat? *What is your least favourite food? If you're asking if they can eat a food (if they have an intolerance or allergy towards a food) *Can you eat... (dariy, eggs,wheat, gluten etc) *Are you dairy intolerant? *Do you need soya milk? *I have some almond milk if you are dairy intolerant *I'm a vegan, I can't eat fish, meat, dairy or any animal products *I don't eat any animal products *I'm allergic to nuts *I'm allergic to.... (this is when you will have a servere medical reaction to certain foods) *I'm a coeliac Hope this helps!! ^ ^
*What food don't you like?* ーなんの食べ物が嫌いですか? *What food do you not eat?* ーなんの食べ物を食べないですか? *Is there anything you don't like?* ー好きじゃないものはありますか? = 上のすべてはとても似ています。 すべてはあなたが好きではない食べ物があるかどうかを丁寧に聞いています。 あなたが食べ物を好きかどうかを聞くのにも以下を使えます。: *Do you like____(name food) ーは好きですか? *Do you eat seafood? ー魚介類は食べますか? *Do you like meat? ー肉は好きですか? *Do you eat fish and meat? ー魚と肉は食べますか? *What is your least favourite food? ー最も好きじゃない食べ物はなんですか? もしあなたが彼らが食べ物を食べられるかどうかを聞くとき (彼らがその食べ物にアレルギーや不耐性を持っているかどうかを尋ねるとき)以下のようにも尋ねられます: *Can you eat... (dariy, eggs,wheat, gluten etc) *Are you dairy intolerant? *Do you need soya milk? *I have some almond milk if you are dairy intolerant *I'm a vegan, I can't eat fish, meat, dairy or any animal products *I don't eat any animal products *I'm allergic to nuts *I'm allergic to.... (this is when you will have a servere medical reaction to certain foods) *I'm a coeliac 役立ちますように!^^
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Is there anything you don't like to eat?

  • 2. When it comes to food, do you like everything?

1. Here you ask the question so as to identify any food which is not to this person's liking. 2. Here you ask the question in its positive form. You ask this person to confirm that they like everything. " When it comes to food, do you like everything?" "More or less. However, I am not so keen on coconuts. I would not buy anything with a strong coconut taste."
1. これは、その人の嫌いなものを尋ねる質問です。 2. これは、ポジティブに尋ねる方法ですこれは相手が何でも好きかどうか確認する言い方です。。g. 例 " When it comes to food, do you like everything?"食べ物だったら何でも好き? "More or less. However, I am not so keen on coconuts. I would not buy anything with a strong coconut taste." だいたいはね。けど、ココナッツはそこまで好きじゃない。ココナッツの強いテイストのするのは好きじゃないんです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Are there any foods that you don't like?

  • Is there anything that you're allergic to?

  • Is there anything that is not suitable to your palette?

Are there any foods that you don't like? This is a straightforward and simple way to ask someone if there is a food that they do not like. Is there anything that you're allergic to? This is a great way to ask someone if they dislike any foods, as well as ascertain if they are allergic to any food you may be serving them. Is there anything that is not suitable to your palette? This is a formal way to ask if there is something that the person you are speaking to does not like to eat.
Are there any foods that you don't like? これはシンプルでストレートに嫌いな食べ物はないか聞く言い方です。 Is there anything that you're allergic to? これは嫌いな食べ物はないか尋ねると同時にアレルギーの可能性も事前に知ることのできる良い言い方ですね。 Is there anything that is not suitable to your palette? これは話している相手に好き嫌いがないか尋ねるフォーマルな言い方です。
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • What foods do you dislike?

  • Are there any foods that you don't like eating?

  • Tell me which foods you wouldn't eat!

The word 'dislike' in the english language expresses that you do not like something. If wanted to ask someone what food they dont like you can simply say.. 'Are there any foods that you dislike?' Hope this helps Teacher Jemxi
英語で"Dislike"という単語は何か嫌いだと表現することが出来ます。 誰かに何か嫌いな食べ物があるかどうか確認したい場合は、"Are there any foods that you dislike?”と聞けばよいでしょう。 参考になるといいです。
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • Is there anything you don't eat?

  • Is there any food you dislike?

  • Do you have any food allergies?

allergy - a medical condition that causes someone to become sick after eating A : Do you have any food allergies? B : Yes, I am allergic to seafood. My tongue swells. swells (swollen): expand
Aleergy- 食べた後、病気になること病状 A : Do you have any food allergies? A:食物アレルギーを持っていますか? B : Yes, I am allergic to seafood. My tongue swells. B:はい、私は魚介類のアレルギーです。舌が膨らみます。 Swells(swollen):腫れ
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Are there certain foods that you have an aversion to eating?

  • What are the foods that you are not too fond of eating?

Are there certain foods that you have an aversion to eating? Aversion means that you have a strong dislike for something. What are the foods that you are not too fond of eating? - Not too fond of also means that you dislike something.
例文 Are there certain foods that you have an aversion to eating? 食べられない食べ物が何かありますか? Aversionは特定の物が大嫌いだということです。 例文 What are the foods that you are not too fond of eating? あまり好きではない食べ物は何ですか? Not too fond ofも特定の物が 好きではないということです。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Are there any foods that you do not like?

  • Are there any foods that you dislike?

  • Is there any food that you really hate?

dislike = not like something. Hate = is a much stronger word and means 'dislike very much.' You can also say: Do you have an aversion to any food? (aversion = this is a feeling of strong dislike) Are you averse to any food? (averse = a strong dislike) I'm not averse to eating fresh's just that I haven't done so this far. Is there some food that you'd rather not eat? What are his/her food preferences?
dislike =何かが好きではない Hate = もっと強い言葉で大嫌いだということ。 こう言うこともできます。 例文 Do you have an aversion to any food? (aversion = 強い嫌悪の感情) 嫌いな食べ物が何かありますか? Are you averse to any food? (averse =強い嫌悪) 何か嫌いな食べ物がありますか? I'm not averse to eating fresh fish's just that I haven't done so this far. 生魚を食べるのは嫌いではない。 ただ単に今まであまり食べたこと がないんだ。 Is there some food that you'd rather not eat? 食べたくない食べ物が何かありますか? What are his/her food preferences? 彼の/彼女の好きな食べ物は何ですか?
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Is there something that you don't like to eat?

  • What kind of food you dislike?

  • Is there any type of food that you hate eating?

"Is there something that you don't like to eat?" - You can use this type of question to check if there is any type of food that a person does not like to eat. "What kind of food you dislike?" - This is another way of learning what kind of food a person doesn't like. We can use "dislike" instead of "doesn't like". "Dislike" is an opposite of a verb "like". "Is there any type of food that you hate eating?" - One more way to ask the same question, what kind of food a person doesn't like. We use "hate" to emphasize the dislike of something, in this case, food.
"Is there something that you don't like to eat?"- "何か嫌いな食べ物ありますか?" これは具体的に何か嫌いな食べ物があるかどうか確かめる際に使える質問文です。 "What kind of food you dislike?" - "どのような食べ物が嫌いですか?"相手がどのような食べ物が苦手なのか聞く際に使えるまた別の言い方です。"Dislike"は"doesn't like”の代わりに使うことが出来ます。また"Dislike"は動詞"Like"の反対語です。 "Is there any type of food that you hate eating? - "嫌いな食べ物の種類などありますか?" どのような食べ物が嫌いなのか聞く際に使う別の言い方です。"hate"というワードは何かを嫌うという事に重点を置く際に使います。この場合は食べ物ですね。
  • Is there any food that you don't like?

  • Is there anything that you don't eat?

If cooking dinner for someone it is common to ask in advance if there is anything they don't eat. This avoids the awkward situation of them not liking the food that you cook.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • What kind of food's do you dislike the most?

  • What are your least favorite kind of foods?

Both of these sentences ask someone what kind of foods they do not like
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Is there anything you can't eat?

  • Is there anything you don't like?

1. Is there anything you can't eat? 食べられないものは何かありますか? 2. Is there anything you don't like? 好きじゃないものは何かありますか? 上記のような言い方ができます。 can't eat は「食べられない」という意味です。 don't like は「好きじゃない」という意味です。 例: Is there anything you don't like? Let us know if there's something you don't want in your food. 何か好きじゃないものはありますか?入れて欲しくないものがあれば教えてください。
  • Are there any foods that you don't like?

Are there any foods that you don't like? 好きじゃない食べ物は何かありますか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 foods that you don't like で「好きじゃない食べ物」になります。 例: There are many foods that he doesn't like. 彼は嫌いな食べ物がたくさんあります。
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