世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/16 12:47
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  • How’s your sleep?

  • Did you have a good sleep?

この2つを私はよく言いますね。 How’s your sleep? (How‘sはHow was の省略) 「[睡眠](はどうだった?」が直訳になります。 でも「よく眠れた?」という意味でもよく使います。 朝起きて「[おはよう](」の次の質問は、我が家ではこのフレーズです。 例: Did you have a good sleep? よく眠れた? ここでの sleep は「睡眠」という意味の名詞として使われています。 例えば get some sleep で「少し睡眠をとりなさい=休みなさい」となります。
  • How did you sleep last night?

  • Did you get a good night's rest?

  • Were you able to sleep well last night?

様々な言い方がありますが、パッと思い浮かんだものをいくつか書きます。 How did you sleep last night? ([昨日の夜](はよく眠れた?) Did you get a good night's rest? (昨日の夜はちゃんと睡眠取れた?) Were you able to sleep well last night? (昨日の夜は快眠できた?) ちなみに、「[よく眠れました](」の英語の表現はいっぱいあります。 I slept well (よく眠れた) I slept like a baby (赤ちゃんみたいに眠れた) I slept like a rock (石みたいに眠った) I slept like sleeping beauty (眠れる森の美女みたいに眠れた)
  • ① Did you sleep well last night?

「昨日はよく眠れた?」を英語で言うには、「① Did you sleep well last night?」が一番無難な言い方です。 また、「Did you sleep well?」に短縮してもいいです。これはすれ違いの時に一言呟くくらいのニュアンス。 他にも色んな表現があります: 「Did you get a good night's sleep?」、「Did you get good shut-eye?」(主にイギリスの表現)などなど。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Did you have a good sleep?

  • Did you sleep well?

  • How was your sleep last night?

◆Did you have a good sleep? よく眠れた? ◆Did you sleep well last night? 昨夜はよく眠れた? ◆How was your sleep last night? 昨夜の眠りはどうだった? 少し直訳からは離れますが、私がホームスティをしていたホストの両親は よく私が起きてキッチンに行くと"How are you feeling today?"と言ってくれました。 「よく眠れた?」の直訳にはなりませんが、でも気遣ってくれる気持ちは似ているかな、と。 Good luck!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • How did you sleep?

  • Did you get much rest last night?

  • Sleep well?

It is very good manners to ask hotel guests, friends or colleagues how they slept the previous night. "How did you sleep?" "Did you get much rest last night?" "Sleep well?" These are all great expressions to say when asking if they were able to sleep well the previous night. Guests may respond with things such as "I slept great", "I had a great nights sleep".
ホテルのお客さんや友達、同僚に前の晩よく眠れたかどうか尋ねるのはとても良いマナーです。 "How did you sleep?" "Did you get much rest last night?" "Sleep well?" 上記はどれも「昨日の夜はよく眠れた?」と尋ねるオススメの表現です。 お客さんは「I slept great(よく眠れました)」や「I had a great nights sleep(よく眠れました)」などと答えるかもしれません。
Georgia S DMM英会話講師
  • Did you sleep well?

  • How was your sleep?

  • Did you have a peaceful night?

'Did you sleep well is the usual question for this situation when you are enquiring about the quality of someone's sleep. "How was your sleep?" is a more open question which seeks some kind of details from the person being questioned. "Well I had a good night but some crazy dog woke me up barking." "Yes it belongs to the neighbours. It's really irritating!" Another possible way of asking is, "Did you have a peaceful night?" "Yes, I slept like a log, thanks."
'Did you sleep well は、相手の睡眠の質を尋ねる際によく使われる質問です。 "How was your sleep?" は、もう少し相手から眠りがどうであったかディテールを尋ねる表現です。 "Well I had a good night but some crazy dog woke me up barking." 良い眠りについていたんだけど、ばかな犬がほえておきちゃった。 "Yes it belongs to the neighbours. It's really irritating!" ああ、お隣さんの犬だね。あれほんとうっさいよね。 違う言い方としては "Did you have a peaceful night?" 平和な夜は過ごせた? "Yes, I slept like a log, thanks."うん、丸太のように寝てたよ
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How was your sleep?

  • Did you sleep well?

  • Did you have a good night's sleep?

The third one is the most common one in my household.
Entei DMM英会話講師
  • I slept like a log.

  • Like a log.

When asking somebody "How did you sleep?", a response that you can use, which is a popular British idiom is "Like a log". The expression simply means that you slept all the through the night, without any distress or waking up. Just like a wooden log, which has no feeling, does not move and remains heavy. By saying this, it means your body was in the same way. Examples: A: How did you sleep last night? > B: Like a log! A: How was your sleep? B: Wonderful! I slept like a log.
誰かが「How did you sleep?」と尋ねた時、あなたが使える返答はイギリス英語の「Like a log」です。 この表現はシンプルにストレスや起きることなく夜よく眠れたという意味です。 感情のない重いままのロッグウッドのように言うことで、体が同じようだったということを意味します。 例文 A: How did you sleep last night? > B: Like a log! A: 昨夜は眠れましたか?B: ロッグのように(よく眠れました) A: How was your sleep? B: Wonderful! I slept like a log." A :睡眠はいかがでしたか?B: 素晴らしい、ロッグのように寝ました。
Jake L DMM英会話講師
  • Did you sleep well last night?

  • Were you able to sleep well last night?

  • Did you have a good sleep last night?

last night= 昨夜 have a good sleep/ sleep well=よく眠る Did you sleep well last night?で十分です。 I was able to (could) sleep well. よく眠れました。という意味ですので これを疑問形にしてWere you able to sleep well?でも良いですね。 ホームステイ受け入れをしていたら、挨拶のように朝言う表現かもしれませんね。
Yayoi TINY ENGLISH School代表
  • How did you sleep last night?

  • Did you sleep well last night?

Asking a guest how someone slept the previous night is a very polite thing to ask. You can make sure you ask the proper question by saying "How did you sleep last night?" and as the host, you will hope that they answer that they did indeed sleep well. You can always assume that they did sleep well by implying it with "Did you sleep well last night?" and most of the time they will respond with "yes I slept amazingly" or if they had a rough time sleeping then you may hear something like "no I didn't, I had wild dreams!"
例:How did you sleep last night? 「昨日は良く寝れましたか?」 例:Did you sleep well last night? 「昨夜はよく寝れましたか?」 知人などを家に泊めた際、翌朝に例文のように言えると相手に対しとても礼儀正しく写ります。 例文の1と2どちらでも伝わりますし、あなたの「ゆっくり休んでくれたらいいな」という思いを伝えることができます。 そうやって問いかけると、大抵"yes I slept amazingly"(とってもよく眠れました)と答えますが、 快適では無かったとき、"No I didn't, I had wild dreams!"(いや、悪夢を見たんだよ)という答えもあります。
Darion DMM英会話講師
  • Did you rest well?

  • Did you get a good night's rest?

  • How did you sleep last night?

You can ask : Did you rest well?, Did you get a good night's rest? or How did you sleep last night? Usually the person would say " I slept like a baby" or "I slept really well".
"Did you rest well? (よく休めましたか?) Did you get a good night's rest? (一晩しっかり眠れましたか?) How did you sleep last night? (昨日はよく眠れましたか?) 下記の3つのフレーズで昨日はよく眠れたかどうかを尋ねる事ができます。 Did you rest well?/ Did you get a good night's rest? /How did you sleep last night? よく眠れた場合、I slept like a baby(赤ちゃんのようにぐっすり眠れました) や I slept really well (とてもよく眠れました)などのフレーズで返答します。"
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Did you have a good night's rest?

  • Are you well rested?

  • Did you sleep well?

A: Good morning! B: Good morning! A: Did you have a good night's rest? B: Yes, i slept like a baby. A: Are you well rested and ready for the day? B: No, I could not sleep with the dogs barking all night
A: Good morning!(おはよう!) B: Good morning!(おはよう!) A: Did you have a good night's rest?(昨晩はよく眠れた?) B: Yes, i slept like a baby.(うん、よく眠れたよ) A: Are you well rested and ready for the day?(今日のためによく眠れた?) B: No, I could not sleep with the dogs barking all night(いや、犬が一晩中吠えていて眠れなかった)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • How did you sleep

  • Did you sleep well

If you want to know you can simply ask, how did you sleep? did you sleep well? Did you have a good sleep? well = in a good or satisfactory way.
知りたいのなら、このように尋ねることができます。 how did you sleep? did you sleep well? Did you have a good sleep? well = よく、満足に
Alistair W DMM英会話講師
  • Did you travel to the land of nod last night?

A fun way of asking your guest if they slept last night. The land of nod is the state of sleep.
昨夜よく眠れたかをお客様に尋ねる楽しい言い方法です。 「The land of nod」とは熟睡している状態を指します。
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • Did you get a good night's sleep?

  • Did you sleep ok last night?

  • How did you sleep?

If you get a good nights worth of sleep you can say ''I got a good night's sleep''. If you slept well and had a comfortable night leaving you feel rested you can describe how you slept the night before by saying ''I had an okay sleep/a very good night's sleep last night''.
もしよく眠れたなら、''I got a good night's sleep''(よく眠れた)と言えます。 ぐっすり眠って体を休めることができたなら、''I had an okay sleep/a very good night's sleep last night''(昨日の夜はよく眠れた)と言えます。
Shannon J DMM英会話講師
  • Did you sleep well?

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記はいかがでしょうか: ・Did you sleep well? シンプルな言い方ですが、定番で使いやすいと思います。 「よく眠れた?」となります。 yesterday(昨日)を加えると「昨日よく眠れた?」とすることもできます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • How did you sleep?

  • Did you get a good nights sleep?

When wanting to know about how well someone slept the night before either of the phrases I have put above is a polite way of asking. Example "Good morning, How did you sleep last night?" or "Good morning, Did you get a good nights sleep last night?"
前の日よく眠れたか尋ねたいなら、上記はどちらもその丁寧な言い方です。 【例】 "Good morning, How did you sleep last night?" "Good morning, Did you get a good nights sleep last night?" (おはようございます。昨日の夜はよく眠れましたか)
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • A) How did you sleep ?

  • B) Did you sleep ok?

  • C) Have a good night's rest?

A) How did you sleep ? - Direct question B) Did you sleep ok? *ok - good/well/fine C) Have a good night's rest? - *Good night's - Did you sleep well
A) How did you sleep ? - 直接的な質問 B) Did you sleep ok? *ok - good/well/fine(よく) C) Have a good night's rest? - *Good night's(よい夜の) - Did you sleep well(よく眠れた?)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • How did you sleep?

  • Did you sleep well?

  • You look like you slept well.

How did you sleep is the most common way to ask if someone if they slept good or bad. You can also ask "Did you sleep well?". Both of these are polite ways to ask. If you want to be a bit more informal, you can say "You look like you slept well.". This isn't a question but a statement, however it does expect a response from the other person. Try saying it with a smile on your face!
How did you sleepは、相手によく眠れたか、眠れなかったかを聞く一般的な尋ね方です。 "Did you sleep well?"(よく眠れた?)と聞くこともできます。どちらも丁寧な表現です。 もう少しくだけた表現を使いたいなら、 "You look like you slept well."(よく眠れたみたいだね)と言うことができます。これは質問ではなく、普通の文ですが相手からの返事を期待できる表現です。にこにこしながら言うといいでしょう。
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
  • Did you sleep well?

  • I hope you got a good nights sleep

"Did you sleep well? and "I hope you got a good nights sleep" These two expressions are used when asking someone how they slept and that you hope that they slept well, often used in a friends conversation and in a hotel working environment, you would often hear the hotel workers ex, the receptionists saying these expressions.
"Did you sleep well? " (よく眠れた?)  "I hope you got a good nights sleep" (よく眠れたならいいんだけど。) これらは、友達との会話、ホテルでの会話(フロントの人から聞くことがあるでしょう)などでよく使われ、相手によく眠れたかを聞くフレーズです。  
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Did you sleep well last night?

  • How did you sleep last night?

  • Did you have a restful night?

"Did you sleep well last night?", can be used to ask someone if he got a good night's rest. "Yes.", "No.", and, "Pretty much.", can be typical responses to this question. This can help you to learn if someone slept well and can give you a chance to create a solution if he/she did not sleep well. "How did you sleep last night?", is another way to ask how someone slept the night before. "Good.", "Fine.", and, "Not so well.", can be typical responses to this question. Again, by asking this question, you can have the opportunity to learn if someone slept well and can give you a chance to create a solution if he/she did not sleep well. "Did you have a restful night?", is a more formal way of asking if someone slept well. "Yes.", "No.", and, "Somewhat.", can be typical responses to this question. By asking any of these questions, you can better figure out if someone was able to sleep well the night before.
"Did you sleep well last night?" (昨夜よく眠れましたか?) これは、夜よく休めたかどうかを聞くのに使われます。"Yes."(はい), "No."(いいえ) "Pretty much."(とても)はよく使われる返答です。よく眠れたなら、よく眠れなかった人へのアドバイスができるかもしれませんね。   "How did you sleep last night?" (昨夜はよく眠れた?) これは、昨夜よく眠れたかを聞く質問です。"Good."(よく眠れた), "Fine."(大丈夫)や "Not so well."(あまり)は典型的な返事です。これもまた、よく眠れたなら、よく眠れなかった人へのアドバイスができるかもしれませんね。 "Did you have a restful night?" (ゆっくり休めましたか?) これは、よく眠れたかを聞くよりフォーマルなフレーズです。"Yes."(はい), "No."(いいえ)や "Somewhat."(ちょっと)は典型的な返事です。こう聞くことで、相手によく眠れたかを確認することができます。
Darya G DMM英会話講師
  • How did you sleep?

  • Did you sleep well?

  • Did you sleep okay last night?

A good way of asking your guests if they slept well last night, is: "How did you sleep?" "Did you sleep well?" "Did you sleep okay last night?"
前の夜よく眠れたかゲストに尋ねるなら、次のように言えます。 "How did you sleep?"(よく眠れましたか) "Did you sleep well?"(よく眠れましたか) "Did you sleep okay last night?"(昨日の夜はよく眠れましたか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • how was your sleep?

  • did you sleep well last night?

it is very good manners to ask hotel guests, friends or colleagues how they slept the previous night. it expresses a general concern for their well being. if you are the owner of the hotel worker or owner then it is a nice thing to ask
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • I hope you slep well last night.

  • How did you sleep last night?

  • Did you guys get some good rest?

All of these sentences express that you would like to how how someone slept the night before.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Did you sleep well?

  • How did you sleep?

  • Did you have a good rest?

When you wish to enquire if your overnight guests slept well, you may say: "Did you sleep well?" "How did you sleep?" "Did you have a good rest?" You can also say: "I hope you slept well." "I hope you got a good night's sleep." "I hope that you got a good night's rest."
泊り客がよく眠れたか聞けたらいいなと思う時は、下記のように言えます。 Did you sleep well? よく眠れましたか? How did you sleep? よく眠れましたか? Did you have a good rest? よく休めましたか? 下記も使えます。 I hope you slept well. よく眠れてたらよいのですが。 I hope you got a good night's sleep. ぐっすり眠れてたらよいのですが。 I hope that you got a good night's rest. よく睡眠が取れてたらよいのですが。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • How did you sleep sir/ma'am?

  • Did you sleep well?

  • Are you well rested sir/ma'am?

It is mannerly to ask a guest if they slept well and if they feel well rested. We can do so by using the sentences above. Well rested: feeling refreshed Mannerly: having good manners "Good morning sir/ma'am, how did you sleep?" "Morning everyone, how did everyone sleep?" "Hi, good morning, did you sleep well?"
相手によく眠れたか、よく休めたかを聞くのは礼儀正しいことです。これらの文を使って聞くことができます。   Well rested: よく休めた Mannerly: 礼儀正しいこと "Good morning sir/ma'am, how did you sleep?" (おはようございます。よく眠れましたか?) "Morning everyone, how did everyone sleep?" (皆さんおはようございます。よく眠れましたか?) "Hi, good morning, did you sleep well?" (おはようございます。よく眠れましたか?)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • How did you sleep?

  • Did you sleep okay?

Both of these are perfect ways to ask someone if they were able to sleep well. 'How did you sleep' is more commonly used and leaves the answer open. (if you want to make a conversation) They can answer with 'I slept well thank you, how about you?' Q: How did you sleep? A: I slept very well thank you. And you? However, 'Did you sleep okay' is usually a 'yes' or 'no' answer. Q: Did you sleep okay? A: Yes I did.
 どちらも、誰かによく眠れたかどうかを訪ねるのに最適な聞き方です。 'How did you sleep' よく眠れましたか? これは、一般的に使われ、(もし会話をしたいなら)自由に答えることができる質問です。 'I slept well thank you, how about you?'のように答えることができます。 Q: How did you sleep?  よく眠れましたか? A: I slept very well thank you. And you?  とてもよく眠れました。ありがとう。あなたは? しかし、 'Did you sleep okay' は、「はい」「いいえ」で答える質問です。 Q: Did you sleep okay?  ちゃんと寝られましたか? A: Yes I did.  はい。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Did you sleep well?

  • Did you sleep well last night?

「よく眠る」は英語で sleep well と言います。 例: Did you sleep well? よく眠れた? Did you sleep well last night? 昨日の夜はよく眠れた? last night は「昨日の夜」です。 みなさんのお役に立てれば嬉しいです!
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