世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/30 14:44
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  • There was something dropped on the road!

  • There was something on the road!

  • Hey! There was something on the road!

"Hey"、”Wait"など、びっくりした表現は、使うとドライバーがびっくりしますから、緊急時のみにしか使えません。 通ってから見たものならwasを使います。先にあるものなら、isを使います。
"Hey"、”Wait"など、びっくりした表現は、使うとドライバーがびっくりしますから、緊急時のみにしか使えません。 通ってから見たものならwasを使います。今現在目にしているものなら、isを使います。
Florin  翻訳・通訳
  • There is something on the road.

  • Be careful ,there seems to be an obstruction on this road.

  • There is something blocking the road.

"There is something on the road." You can say this to alert them of something on the road when you are not quite sure of what it is ".Be careful ,there seems to be an obstruction on this road." An obstruction is a barrier or something that can make passing through difficult. "There is something blocking the road." To block = to make it challenging or difficult to pass through.
"There is something on the road." 何か道端にあるが確信がもてないときに、みんなに警戒を呼び掛けるために使います。 ".Be careful ,there seems to be an obstruction on this road." An obstruction は道にあって、通ることを難しくする障害物を指します。 "There is something blocking the road." To block = 通ることを難しくさせる、という意味があります。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • There is something in/on the road.

  • Be careful, something is blocking the road

"There is something in or on the road." Explains that there is something in the road that should not be there. "Be careful" tells the person to be cautious. "blocking the road" Explains that there is something in the road that you cant get past.
"There is something in or on the road." 何か道にあります。 あるべきではないものが道路にあるという意味です。 "Be careful" 気を付けて! と注意を促します。 "blocking the road" 道を妨げている。 道に落ちているもののために通行できないという説明です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • There's something in the road

  • There's something blocking the road

  • There is something obstructing the road

Obstructing means something that is blocking something else. The most simplest way is to just say there is something in the road.
「obstruct」は、他の物を妨害している物を表します。 「There is something in the road」が一番シンプルな言い方です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • What's that in the road?

  • I can see something in the road.

  • Watch out! there is something in the road!

"What's that in the road?" By asking this question, you are making the driver aware that there is something in the road. "I can see something in the road". This is a direct and simple way to let the driver know there is something in the road. "Watch out! there is something in the road." This sentence shows that the person speaking is shouting, to quickly alert the driver to something in the road. Hope this helps :)
"What's that in the road?" あの道に落ちているのは何? 質問をすることで運転手に注意を促します。 "I can see something in the road". 何か道路におているのが見えるわ これは、運転手に何か落ちているのを直接伝える言い方。 "Watch out! there is something in the road."気を付けて!何か道に落ちてる T大きな声をだしながら素早く運転手に注意を促したいとき。   参考になると幸いです
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Look out...!

  • Look out...There's something in the road ahead.

We usually exclaim loudly .." look out!" when we need to warn of" impending danger" Its a well established, commonly used phrase that covers a multitude of scenarios. "Look out! for the cyclist ahead"...or Look out! there is a rock in the road etc etc
私たちは普通何か"impending danger"(迫る危険)に警告する時"look out!"(見て!/危ない!)と叫びます。 これは定着したよく使われるフレーズで多くの状況で言い表せます。 【例】 "Look out! for the cyclist ahead" (危ない!自転車に乗った人が前にいる) "Look out! there is a rock in the road" (危ない!道路に岩が落ちてる)などなど
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Be careful! I see something in the road.

  • Look out! There seems to be something in the road.

  • I see something in the middle of the road.

"Be careful! I see something in the road." expresses caution because there is an object on the road in the car's path.
"Be careful! I see something in the road."(気を付けて!!道路に何かあるよ) ↑道の車が通るところに物があるので気をつけるように言っています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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