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 英語(読み、書き、話す、聞く)の勉強をしているけど、会話(聞く、話す)して楽しいのはポルトガル語。何故ならポルトガル語の響きが大好きだから。つまり、英語の勉強はコミニュケーションツールとして考えていて、会話(音)はポルトガル語が好き。という様な表現を、お願いします! 大体、合ってればOKです!
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2017/08/04 00:38
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  • I love the sound of Portuguese language.

  • I love how Portuguese sounds.

発音も好きという意味も含まれる場合は、この言い方が一番いいと思います。 I like/ love Portuguese pronunciation. I think Portuguese pronunciation is really beautiful.
Luiza Japanese - English translator
  • I love the sound of the Portuguese language

  • I love the Portuguese accent

When talking about different languages and how they sound, we often speak in terms of 'the accent'. "James has a wonderful Californian accent."
他の言語や、その聞こえ方について、the accent(アクセント)と言います。 例: James has a wonderful Californian accent. ジェームスは、素晴らしいカルフォルニアなまりがあります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The Portuguese language is music to my ears.

music to (someone's) ears' is an idiom that means the person really likes hearing something, such as a specific sound or when he/she received good information. Example: "Portuguese is music to my ears. I could listen to it all day, every day." "My boss said we don't have to work tomorrow. That's music to my ears!" (This means you liked the information you just received.)
music to (someone's) ears' は「〔ある音・情報などが〕(人)の耳に心地良い」という意味のイディオムです。 例: "Portuguese is music to my ears. I could listen to it all day, every day." (ポルトガル語の響きは心地良いです、ずっと聞いていられます) "My boss said we don't have to work tomorrow. That's music to my ears!" (上司があしたは仕事をしなくて良いと言いました。すごくうれしいです) ※ これはその情報を受け取ってうれしかったことを表します。
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • Portuguese sounds beautiful.

"Portuguese sounds beautiful." The word beautiful means attractive. If you like the way Portuguese sounds you can say "Portugese sounds beautiful."
"Portuguese sounds beautiful."(ポルトガル語の響きは美しい) "beautiful" は「魅力的」という意味です。もしポルトガル語の響きが好きなら、"Portugese sounds beautiful" と言えます。
Toria DMM英会話講師
  • I love to hear the Portugese language

  • I love the sound of the Portugese language

  • I love the Portugese accent

People from different countries sound different and have a different way of speaking this is called an 'accent' To love to hear means you like listening to something To love the sound means you like the tone and way it is spoken
国によって人々の話し方は違いますね。これを'accent'(アクセント)と言います。 'To love to hear'は「聞くのが好き」という意味です。 'To love the sound'は、トーンや音が好きなことを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I love to hear people speak Portuguese!

  • "I enjoy hearing the Portuguese language."

"I love to hear people speak Portuguese!" or "I enjoy hearing the Portuguese language." Love - to really enjoy and appreciate something. Enjoy - This is not as powerful as word as love, but it is used to say that you have pleasure in something.
"I love to hear people speak Portuguese!" (ポルトガル語を話しているのを聞くのが大好き) "I enjoy hearing the Portuguese language." (ポルトガル語を聞くのが好き) Love - ~が大好き Enjoy - これは "love"(大好き)ほど強く言葉ではありません。「楽しむ」という意味です。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I love the way the Portuguese language sounds.

  • I can't get enough of hearing someone speak Portuguese.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that you love the sound of the Portuguese language. In the second sentence you will see the term can't get enough of something. This means to really love or enjoy something. This is a term that is appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends or family members.
上記二つの例文は、ポルトガル語の響きが好きだと伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目の例文には "can't get enough of something" という表現が使われています。これは「~がすごく好き」「~をすごく楽しむ」という意味です。この表現は家族や親しい友人と話すときなどインフォーマルな場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I like listening to the Portuguese language.

  • I love the Portuguese accent.

If you love how the Portuguese language sounds, you can describe that by using any of the following sentences:- 1. I like listening to the Portuguese language. 2. I love the Portuguese accent.
ポルトガル語の音が気に入っているのなら、次のように表せます。 1. I like listening to the Portuguese language.(ポルトガル語を聞くのが好きです) 2. I love the Portuguese accent.(ポルトガル語のアクセントが好きです)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
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