世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/17 22:18
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  • Thank you for visiting me in the hospital. I appreciate it so much.

  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the hospital. I really appreciate it.

「お見舞い」は日本語の特定な決まったフレーズなんですので、英語ではそいう決まっているフーレズはありません。その代わりに「visiting someone in a hospital」のように言います。「Visiting someone in the hospital」は病院で誰かに訪ねるという直訳です。 なので、お見舞いに来てくれた人にお礼のメッセージを送りたい場合には、 「Thank you for visiting me in the hospital.」 「Thank you so much for visiting me in the hospital.」 になります。 「so much」を入れたら、もっと強調な効果です。 「Thank you for visiting me in the hospital.」の後に「I appreciate it so much」か「I really appreciated it」(とても感謝しています)を付け加えたら自然なお祝いです。
  • Thank you for coming to visit me.

  • I appreciate you coming to see me.

If you would like to express strong appreciation, you can say the following: "Thank you so much for coming to visit me." "I truly appreciate you coming to see me." "Thank you so much for coming. I really appreciate it."
とても感謝の気持ちを言いたいのであれば、以下のフレーズのように表現することができます。 "Thank you so much for coming to visit me." "I truly appreciate you coming to see me." "Thank you so much for coming. I really appreciate it."
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for coming to visit me in hospital.

  • Thank you for visiting me in hospital and caring about me.

「お見舞いに来る」を英語で表現すると、 「come to visit me in hospital」 「visit me in hospital」 になります。 「Thank you for caring about me.」と付け足しましたが、 これでより、感謝の意味が伝わると思います☆
  • Thank you so much for thinking about me.

  • Thank you for taking the time to visit me.

By using the first expression "thinking of me" you are showing appreciation for the fact that the person thought about you enough to come and visit you in person. The second expression "taking the time to visit me" shows that you understand that it may not have been easy for the person to visit you. You use this expression to show sincere appreciation for the sacrifice the person made to come and spend time with you even thought they had other things to do.
一つ目の文では、"thinking of me" を使うことで、わざわざ見舞いに来るほど自分のことを考えてくれてありがとう、と伝えています。 二つ目の文では、"taking the time to visit me" で「見舞いに来るのが簡単ではないことは理解している」と伝えています。 この表現は、他にやらなければいけないことがあるのにそれを犠牲にしてわざわざ会いに来てくれて心から感謝している、と言う時に使います。
Matthew J DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you so much for coming to see me.

  • I appreciate it a lot that you came to see me.

Thank you so much for coming to see me. - This is standard what people would say. I appreciate it a lot that you came to see me. - This sends a great deal of gratitude and thanks to the person who came to visit you.
Thank you so much for coming to see me. - これは人々が言う標準的な表現です。 I appreciate it a lot that you came to see me. -これは、あなたに会いに来た人に感謝の気持ちを伝えます。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for coming to see me.

  • Thanks for visiting me.

  • I appreciate the company.

To give someone company = 人と付き合う Similar to the word "accompany," to "be someone's company" or to "give someone company" means to spend time with someone.
To give someone company = 人と付き合う accompanyと同じように、 be someone's company や give someone company も、誰かと一緒に時間を過ごすことを意味します。
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Thank you for the visit, I really appreciate it.

  • I appreciate your visit.

When you tell the person this. It shows that you are grateful.
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • 1. So nice of you to come and see me!

  • 2. I really appreciate your dropping by to see me.

1. Here you explain that you think it was pleasant that someone came to visit you. This form, 'so nice..' may be used in different situations. "So nice for you to have a holiday' "So nice seeing my children again. 2 To drop by.. = . to come to see someone, sometimes at a stated place, usually briefly and without a specific invitation: "He dropped by the woman’s house to ask for money." "I really appreciate your dropping by to see me." "I just wanted to check you were OK."
1. 誰かが訪ねてきてくれて嬉しいことを表現する時に使います。この 'so nice..' は色んなシチュエーションで使えます。 "So nice for you to have a holiday'  休暇なんて良いじゃない! "So nice seeing my children again. また子供たちに会えて嬉しいよ。 2 To drop by.. = . 誰かに会いに来る。たいていは立ち寄るという意味で、特に招待されているという意味はない。 "He dropped by the woman’s house to ask for money." 彼はお母さんの家にお金の無心にいった。 "I really appreciate your dropping by to see me." 立ち寄ってくれて本当に嬉しいよ。 "I just wanted to check you were OK." ちょっと心配になったんだよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for coming to visit me.

  • I really appreciate you for coming to visit me in the hospital.

  • I'm so happy that you came to see me in the hospital.

You can express your gratitude to someone for visiting you in the hospital by using any of these sentences:- 1. Thank you for coming to visit me. 2. I really appreciate you for coming to visit me in the hospital. To "appreciate" something means to be grateful and thankful for something. 3. I'm so happy that you came to see me in the hospital. If you express to someone that you are happy that they did something, it is also a way of saying you are thankful and grateful for whatthey did.
病院に見舞いに来てくれた人にお礼を言いたい時は、これらの文が使えます: 1. Thank you for coming to visit me. [訳]お見舞いに来てくれてありがとう 2. I really appreciate you for coming to visit me in the hospital. [訳]お見舞いに来てくれて本当にありがとう "appreciate" とは「感謝する」という意味です。 3. I'm so happy that you came to see me in the hospital. [訳]病院まで来てくれてありがとう "I'm happy that you did something" これも、相手のしてくれたことに感謝を表す言い方です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for coming to visit me.

Thanks for coming to visit me. お見舞いに来てくれてありがとう。 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 visit という英語表現を覚えておくと便利です。 例: I'm going to visit my grandfather in the hospital. 私は入院中の祖父のお見舞いに行きます。 He came to visit me yesterday. 彼は昨日、お見舞いに来てくれました。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
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