She is a sculptor. I love her artwork. And she has a pet cat.
※ sculptor 彫刻家
※ artwork 作品
Whipple American English School
She also has a cat, and I really like her work. 「彼女も猫を飼っていて、私は彼女の作品がとても好きです。」
She is a sculptor who also has a cat, and I absolutely love her work. 「彼女は彫刻家で、猫も飼っています。私は彼女の作品が大好きです。」
She has a cat just like you, and I really admire her sculptures. 「彼女もあなたと同じように猫を飼っています。私は彼女の彫刻をとても賞賛しています。」