It was a subtle judgment that looked out but looked safe too in a sports game, so the loser didn't accept the result and there was trouble between the loser and the winner.
there was trouble between~「~の間で揉める」
He yelled at the official after the close ruling didn't go his way.
He lost his temper because he didn't agree with the call, and got into it with the umpire.
Fans of the home team were enraged when their runner was called out, and some fights between them and fans of the other team broke out in the stands.
英訳① yell at ...は「…を怒鳴りつける」という意味です。
not go (one's) way は to not get the outcome you want, or the one you expect「自分の予想・思い通りにならない」ということ。
英訳② lose (one's) temper は to become visibly upset or angry「(声を荒げるなど)明らかに苛立ったり、怒る」、get into it with (someone) は to enter into an argument or fight over some issue or occurrence (verbal or physical)「口論になる、ケンカになる」ということ。
英訳③ 「ランナーがアウトと宣告されると、地元チームのファンが激怒した。そして、観客席でもう一方のチームのファンとのケンカが始まった」という文です。
break out は begin to occur, perhaps growing in scale or scope「始まる(だんだんエスカレートしていく)」という意味です。