世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/18 12:45
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  • I can't seem to catch any cab today!

  • Can't get any taxi

まずは “can’t seem to”は「○○できないようだ」という意味でよく使われている表現です。 天気が悪い日は、と言いたい場合は最後の“today” を“on a bad weather day”と直訳的な表現をそのまま続ければいいと思います。 一方、cab は別の単語で taxi といってもいいですね。 また catch の代わりに get というのも間接的な表現のもう一つの言い方です。
Hara Ken English teacher
  • I can't catch/get a taxi!

他のアンカーの方が回答されている通り、タクシーを捕まえる時の動詞は catch または get を使います。 It's very inconvenient that I can't catch a taxi easily when the weather is bad!! 訳:天気がわるい日はタクシーがなかなかつかまらなくて不便です。 参考になれば幸いです☆
  • I can't catch a cab

  • I can't find an empty cab

  • It's impossible to find a cab in this weather

I can't catch a cab=タクシーが捕まらない タクシーを捕まえる、と日本語で言うのと同じで英語でもcatch(=捕まえる)と表現します。タクシーの事はtaxiかcabと言います。 I can't find an empty cab=空車が見つからない empty=空いてる It's impossible to find a cab in this weather=この天気でタクシーを捕まえるのは無理だよ 終電の雨の日を思い出して泣けて来ますね。
  • There never seem to be any taxis when it rains.

  • You'll never get a taxi if it's raining!

  • Getting a taxi when it's raining is like looking for gold dust!

Looking for gold dust = Extremely difficult to find
Looking for gold dust=見つけるのが非常に難しい
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A) It's always impossible for me to catch a taxi in this weather!

  • B) There's always trouble catching a taxi when the weather's like this.

A) It's always impossible for me to catch a taxi in this weather! *always-at all times; on all occasions. Example- "the sun always rises in the east" *Impossible -not able to occur, exist, or be done. Example -"a seemingly impossible task" *Catch - to get / to find B) There's always trouble catching a taxi when the weather's like this. *There's - There is *Trouble- difficulty or problems. Example -"I had trouble finding somewhere to park" *Weather's - weather is I hope this helps :-)
A) It's always impossible for me to catch a taxi in this weather! こんな天気の日はタクシーを捕まえるのがいつも大変 *alwaysいつも 例- "the sun always rises in the east" 太陽はいつも東からのぼります。 *Impossible -不可能 例 -"a seemingly impossible task" 難しい仕事 *Catch - つかまえる B) There's always trouble catching a taxi when the weather's like this. こんな天気ではタクシー捕まえるのは本当に難しい。 *There's - There is *Trouble- 困難 例-"I had trouble finding somewhere to park" 駐車する場所を見つけるのが大変だった。 *Weather's - weather is 天気はという意味です。 参考になると幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I can't get a taxi due to bad weather.

  • It's hard to catch a taxi in this weather.

due to - because of catch - get You can say : I can't get a taxi due to bad weather. It's hard to catch a taxi in this weather.
due to - ~のせいで catch - 捕まえる You can say :このように言えます。 I can't get a taxi due to bad weather. 天気が悪いので、タクシーが捕まらない。 It's hard to catch a taxi in this weather. このてんきでは、タクシーを捕まえるのは難しい。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • It's hard to catch a taxi in bad weather.

  • It's nearly impossible to catch a taxi when the weather is bad.

  • It's hard to catch a taxi when it rains/snows.

nearly impossible - almost not possible
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • Trying to get a taxi in bad weather is like trying to find a needle in a haystack!

  • Its almost impossible to find a taxi in bad weather.

  • This weather is terrible and there is not a taxi in sight.

"Trying to get a taxi in bad weather is like trying to find a needle in a haystack!" A needle in a haystack is a common expression to talk about things that seem impossible.A haystack is a packed pile of hay so you can imagine how difficult it would be to find a needle.A similar expression is : "To squeeze a camel through a needlepoint." "Its almost impossible to find a taxi in bad weather." To say it is " almost impossible" is to recognize that something is very difficult to achieve.
"Trying to get a taxi in bad weather is like trying to find a needle in a haystack!" A needle in a haystack is a common expression to talk about things that seem impossible.A haystack is a packed pile of hay so you can imagine how difficult it would be to find a needle.A similar expression is : "To squeeze a camel through a needlepoint." 「天気が悪い日にタクシーを拾うのは、干し草の山にある一本の針を探すようなもの。」 A needle in a haystack=見つけ出すのが極めて困難なこと。To squeeze a camel through a needlepoint=ラクダを針の穴に無理やり通す。とも言います。 "Its almost impossible to find a taxi in bad weather." To say it is " almost impossible" is to recognize that something is very difficult to achieve. 「天気が悪い日にタクシーを拾うのは不可能に近い。」Almost impossible=殆ど不可能、至難な業。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • It is difficult to catch a taxi when the weather is bad.

  • All of the taxis are very busy when the weather is bad.

"It is difficult to catch a taxi when the weather is bad." Difficult means it is hard to do. "All of the taxis are very busy when the weather is bad." This explains that when the weather is bad and it is raining lots of people use taxis so it is difficult to find one that is free.
"It is difficult to catch a taxi when the weather is bad." Difficultはそれをするのが困難だということを意味しています。 "All of the taxis are very busy when the weather is bad." これは天気が悪い時や雨が降っている時はたくさんの人がタクシーを使うので空いているのを見つけるのは難しいということを意味しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I cannot " Hail a taxi" when the weather is inclement...

  • When the weather " takes a turn for the worse" Taxis are all busy!

In English we say " I want to HAIL A TAXI ( or CAB)". Unfortunately supply & demand are often imbalanced, especially when the weather is not good...On cold, rainy or snowy days, all the taxi services are oversubscribed!
例:I cannot " Hail a taxi" when the weather is inclement... 「天気が悪いのでタクシーが捕まりません。」 例:When the weather " takes a turn for the worse" Taxis are all busy! 「天気が悪くなってきたら、タクシーは大忙しだ。」 英語では、タクシーに乗りたい時は”I want to HAIL A TAXI ( or CAB)”(直訳だとタクシー捕まえたい)といいます。 天気が悪くなるなど(例えば、とても寒い日、雨、雪など)、タクシーの需要と供給のバランスが崩れると、とたんに捕まえるのが難しくなります。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • It is super hard to hail a cab in bad weather.

  • Getting a taxi in bad weather is very hard.

If you would like to explain to someone that hailing a cab in bad weather can be very hard, you can say something like "It is super hard to hail a cab in bad weather." or "Getting a taxi in bad weather is very hard.".
タクシーが捕まらないことを以下のように言うことができます。 "It is super hard to hail a cab in bad weather." 悪天候の中タクシーを捕まえるのはすごく大変だ。) "Getting a taxi in bad weather is very hard." (悪天候の中タクシーを捕まえるのはとても大変だ。)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I can't catch a taxi.

  • It's hard to get a taxi when it's raining.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば以下のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: I can't catch a taxi. タクシーがつかまりません。 It's hard to get a taxi when it's raining. 雨の日はタクシーがなかなかつかまりません。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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