世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/08/17 13:15
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  • I want to be able to speak English fluently like when I'm speaking Japanese.

「日本語を話している時みたいに英語を流暢に話せるようになりたい」の意味です。 want to be able to「できるようになりたい」 like when 「時みたいに」
  • I want to speak English as easily as I speak Japanese.

  • I want to speak as well in English as I do in Japanese.

2つ英訳を見てみましょう。 まず、シンプルな言い方がこちらです。 英訳① I want to speak English as easily as I speak Japanese. as easily as~で「~と同じくらい簡単に」という意味です。 こちらの言い方も可能です。 英訳② I want to speak as well in English as I do in Japanese. as well in English as~で「~と同様に英語でうまく・上手に」という意味です。 いかがでしょうか。 ご参考になりましたら幸いです。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • I'd like to be as fluent in English as I am in Japanese

I'd like to be - we use this construction when talking about our future plans in terms of either career or ambition: "I'd like to be a pilot when I grow up." I'd like to do something popsitive for the environment." we use this form when comparing two things - they may be mediocre, exceptional or disappointing, but if they are similar or different, a comparison may be made:. "John is not nearly as clever as Amy."
I'd like to be (~になりたい) -この構文を使って将来の計画やキャリア、野望などを話すことが出来ます。 【例】 "I'd like to be a pilot when I grow up." (大きくなったらパイロットになりたいです) "I'd like to do something popsitive for the environment." (環境に何かいいことをしたいです) (~と~は~のよう) この形を使って二つの物を比較します。 それらは可もなく不可もなかったり、並外れたことだったり、期待外れの事かもしれません。 しかし、これらは似た様だったり、異なることだったり、比較をする事です。 【例】 "John is not nearly as clever as Amy." (ジョンは全然エーミーのみたいに賢くない)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I want to be able to speak English as well i can speak Japanese

  • I want to be as fluent in English as i am in Japanese

  • I want to be as good in English as i am in Japanese

To do something `as well' as something means to do it the same or more so to say "i want to be able to speak English as well as Japanese" means i want to speak English just like i speak Japanese Fluent means to speak well and naturally in a language e.g you dont have to think about it you just speak/say it
「as well as ~」は「~と同じようにうまく」という意味です。 "I want to be able to speak English as well as Japanese" 「日本語と同じくらいうまく英語も話せるようになりたい」 - 日本語を話すように英語が話せるようになりたいという意味です。 「fluent」は、言語を上手に自然に話せることを表します。例えば、考えなくても言葉が出てくる、というようなことです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I want to speak English as fluently as I speak Japanese.

  • I want to be able to speak English just like I do Japanese.

The word fluent means you can speak a language withe ease and accurately. So you can explain that with your teacher next time. "I would like to speak English fluently, like I speak Japanese". "I would like to feel at ease speaking English like I do when I speak Japanese". Or you can simply say, "I would like to speak English just like I can speak Japanese". "When speaking English, I want to speak just as fluently as I do when speaking Japanese".
fluentは、言語を流暢に話せることを表します。 ですから次回先生に以下のように説明できます。 "I would like to speak English fluently, like I speak Japanese". (日本語と同じように、流ちょうに英語を話せるようになりたい) "I would like to feel at ease speaking English like I do when I speak Japanese". (日本語と同じくらい流ちょうに英語を話せるようになりたい) 又はシンプルにこう言うことも出来ます。 "I would like to speak English just like I can speak Japanese". (日本語を話すように英語を話したい) "When speaking English, I want to speak just as fluently as I do when speaking Japanese". (英語を話す時、日本語と同じくらい流ちょうに話したい)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • I want to speak English the same way I speak Japanese.

  • I want to be as fluent in English as I am in Japanese.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your teacher that your goal is to speak English as easily as you speak Japanese. In the second sentence you will notice the word fluent. If we are fluent in a language that means we can speak that language easily. This is a word that is common, especially when discussing learning another language. This word would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記2例とも、日本語と同じくらい流ちょうに英語を話せるようになることが目標であることを伝える言い方です。 二番目の例文では"fluent"という言葉に気が付いたと思います。"fluent"は「(言語が)流ちょうな」という意味です。この言葉は、特に外国語を学ぶことについて話す場合によく使われます。ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I want to speak English as well as I speak Japanese

  • I would like to as fluent in English as I am in speaking Japanese

  • My hope is to be able to speak English as easily as I can speak Japanese

When you want to say to someone that you would like to speak English as well as you do Japanese, you may say it in the following ways: -I want to speak English as well as I speak Japanese -I would like to as fluent in English as I am in speaking Japanese -My hope is to be able to speak English as easily as I can speak Japanese
日本語と同じくらい上手に英語が話せるようになりたいと伝える言い方です: 【例文】 -I want to speak English as well as I speak Japanese [訳]日本語と同じくらい上手に英語も話したい -I would like to be as fluent in English as I am in speaking Japanese [訳]日本語と同じくらい流ちょうに英語も話せるようになりたい -My hope is to be able to speak English as easily as I can speak Japanese [訳]日本語と同じくらい流ちょうに英語も話せるようになりたい
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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